Chapter 69
The gold bricks grew higher and higher, growing rapidly, and soon the height was on the same level as the Luo Tong, a bird that flew into the air, like a golden pillar erected in the sea.

This is another divine right that Uriel obtained after being promoted, the mastery of divine power.

Divine power is no longer just the raw material for evolutionary magic, it can be used directly and can be shaped arbitrarily by Uriel.

The golden square pillar of divine power rose into the sky, supporting Uriel's body.

With white armor and golden fire, and a body like a giant god, Uriel looks like a god who came out of ancient mythology at this moment. His majesty is full of majesty and daunting.


Luo Tongniao's face was expressionless, but his eyes were very serious.

A strong man like him can't help feeling somewhat guilty when faced with Uriel's endless abilities.

However, as soon as such emotions appeared, he immediately suppressed them, and replaced them with a trace of embarrassment, which aroused his anger for his momentary wavering.Then the object of anger became Uriel in front of him.

Since the appearance of this powerful young man, he has suffered repeated setbacks, and he couldn't help but vent his anger.

Sweeping his eyes over the rising Uriel, Luo Tong spread his wings high, flapped his wings and flew again, the height of [-] meters was reached with a flap of wings.

The wings fluttered three times in a row, then folded on both sides of the body, and fell downside down. Taking advantage of the force of gravity, it continued to accelerate. At this moment, the huge weight of the roc turned into a heavy aerial bomb, roaring and hitting Uriel at the top of the square pillar.

Thick black arrogance permeated the surface of Pengniao's body, and all the arrogance was actually used to strengthen the bird's beak, which was like a long sword and a giant cone.

"Peng bird fell to death."

This is one of the tricks developed by Luo Tong's transformation into a bird form. It is simple and direct, but its destructive power is more powerful than that of the finger gun and the blue foot.


The pitch-black bird's beak carried dozens of hundreds of tons of huge force, and it collided heavily with the blazing holy fire giant.

Uriel tightly grasped the sharp beak of the roc with both hands, and the flames all over his body buzzed and flew in all directions.

His whole body fell heavily, being pushed by the sharp beak of the roc to keep falling.

The golden square pillar under the feet bent into an arc, like a golden arch bridge rising from the sea, in order to buffer the potential energy and strength of the roc's falling.

The bird's beak stabbed forward between Uriel's clenched claws, rubbing heavily against the solid armor formed by the Pious Patronus Art, and scattered the pieces of the holy fire that penetrated between the claws, like a sharp sword bursting when a grinding wheel is grinding. shot sparks.


There were bursts of teeth-stinging rubbing sounds violently, and the magic sound pierced through the brain. The people on the boat below had to cover their ears again, so as not to vomit under such disturbing noises.

With the golden bridge under his feet, Uriel's figure did not retreat but advanced.

Not only did he completely receive the huge force of the pengniao's falling and piercing, but he also tightly grasped the bird's beak, preventing Luo Tong from retreating.

The five sharp armored claws burst into golden flames, burning violently, breaking the domineering surrounding the bird's beak, piercing the hard beak deeply, and showing a ferocious smile on the flame-shaped face.

"Caught you!"

Uriel's satisfied voice sounded.

He passed through Pengniao's sharp beak with one hand and five fingers, and held it tightly, even though Luo Tong struggled desperately, he couldn't break free from his grasp.

Then he stretched out his hand and lifted the bird high, exposing the belly covered with bird feathers.

The other hand spread out into a claw shape, and grabbed Luo Tong's bird's stomach in a manner of disembowelment and gouging out the heart.

Thinking of the scene of the tragic death of everyone in the merchant ship under Luo Tong's hands, Uriel's eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and he was merciless in his strikes.

The tough armored claws pierced Pengniao's heart with flames.

The two bird eyes like Luo copper searchlights showed great panic. When the tip of the armored claws stabbed with death-like heat, the chest and abdomen muscles suddenly contracted and squeezed into a ball.

With a sound of "铛", the armored claw pierced the heart, and a loud clear sound erupted. The sharp claws that could pierce steel pierced Pengniao's body, and unexpectedly penetrated less than an inch into the flesh, leaving a few small scorched holes.

Uriel was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.This was Luo Tong's use of the strongest defensive move among the six moves, "Iron Block", before the heart was pierced.

In the form of the roc bird, his defensive power after casting the iron block is 10 times stronger than that of the already pure human form.

Uriel was not disappointed, but smiled happily.

"It's just right, I just feel that stabbing you to death is not enough to vent the anger in my chest."

In an instant, the sacred fire burning on the outer layer of the armor claw became ten times more vigorous. Uriel, with a sly smile, flew five claws, tearing, scratching, gouging, and scratching fiercely on the chest and abdomen of Pengniao's iron body. , wounds of different depths one after another, with black scorching marks, freely criss-crossing Pengniao's chest and abdomen.

Such an attack can be compared to a thousand cuts to death.

Severe pain hit Luo Tong's nerves one after another, his whole body twisted and struggled violently, and kept thrashing, trying to escape from the unbearable pain, but Uriel passed through the beak with one hand and clenched his iron fist so tightly that he couldn't. break free.

In the agony, his pair of bird claws started to fight back. The arrogance originally used to strengthen the bird's beak was all wrapped around the claws at this moment, kicking and digging violently at Uriel.

"You beast, dare to resist?"

Uriel stared, turned his claws into palms, and slapped Luo Tong's bird face forcefully, making him cry out of humiliation.

Then he stretched out his hand to hold it empty, and pulled out a large ax condensed by the holy flame from the empty void.

Uriel weighed it. The ax was completely made of flames. Of course, it didn't have much weight, and it didn't fit very well.

But it is enough to chop off Luo Tong's feet and make Daowuji Roasted Chicken Feet.

The fire ax was like a wheel, and Uriel swung the big ax like a windmill flying in a windy day, slashing desperately on a pair of kicking bird claws.

Domineering is no match for Shenhuo.

If it is said that Uriel's divine power at the true god level was like iron sand when he was fighting the ghost spider, then after he was promoted to Myojin, the divine power in the cells of his whole body finally upgraded to a solidified iron rod.

Today's Uriel, using divine power to fight Haki, is like hitting a wooden stick with an iron rod, and it overwhelms Haki in terms of quality.

After undergoing the evolution of divine arts, it became a burning holy fire, and the iron rod became a sharp steel axe.

Luo Tong is very strong, 70 years of life, decades of cultivation, accumulation of a lifetime, the domineering has accumulated from an ordinary wooden stick to a towering giant tree.

But at this time, he ran into Uriel, a patient woodcutter.

The fire ax was continuous, chopping on the bird's claws very rhythmically, and every strike could bring a dark domineering air, just like the sawdust flying up when the ax smashed into a tree.

While chopping, Uriel kept chanting, "Your sister! I let you take advantage of the fire to rob me, and catch me while I was exhausted. How painful it is to be pierced by a hair in the heart, I let you try it yourself. I chop, I chop, I chop chop."

"Bastard, if you don't wash your hair before fighting, how dirty your hair is, how big is the area of ​​my psychological shadow, I will chop it, I will chop it."

"There are also you, a group of people who are not as good as chickens when their strengths are multiplied. Taking advantage of Lao Tzu's phoenix trouble and losing his divine power, he chased after me to get the reward. When I saw you when I saw one, I chopped it up. I chop it up, I chop it up. Chop again, and I will still chop."

Luo Tongniao's eyes were filled with tears, and her mind was full of grievances. You are so bullying!

 Thanks to Maomao r, Nan Keyimeng for the recommendation ticket.Don't you feel hungry and thirsty for your collection recommendations?Come and drown the thirsty old Liang.Second watch.


(End of this chapter)

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