Vault 32

Chapter 230 Bunar's Invitation 1

Chapter 230 Bunar's Invitation One
The slender barrel of the PAK37 anti-aircraft gun has protruded from the shooting hole of the rear defensive bunker. After installing the aiming device with infrared sighting equipment, the Marine Corps in charge of this anti-aircraft gun has also placed the A primitive power armor that was as conspicuous as a giant in the dark was firmly locked.The specially exchanged depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets have been stuffed into the anti-aircraft gun, and the rope at the bolt has also been gripped tightly by the Marine Corps gunner.

It's not just him, the anti-aircraft guns on several other surrounding hills have already protruded from the long and narrow shooting holes. Although the 37mm caliber anti-aircraft gun can't shoot too far, the original power armor is only 800 meters away from the farthest anti-aircraft gun position.This is a short distance that is within a blink of an eye, and neither side even needs to think too much about aiming. They just need to point the muzzle at the elements that have been set, and the shells that have been prepared can be fired fiercely. , let that primitive power armor taste what cruelty is!
But the group of primitive power armors did not feel their own danger, the pouring rain had covered up many strange atmospheres, and even if the slender muzzles of the doors had been aimed at the primitive power armors outside, they even Driving forward, spraying out the huge flamethrowers in their hands, extending a distance of 30 meters, roaring in the pouring rain, shooting at the narrow and long shooting holes of the defensive bunker, trying to kill the people who were still shooting inside. The Marines were burned to death.

The flamethrower with combustion accelerant didn't care about the pouring rain at all, and the three original power armors moved forward side by side. The firepower of heavy machine guns and light machine guns hit it with tinkling sounds, but it still had no effect.And at a distance of 30 meters from the defensive bunker, the button of the flamethrower was pressed, and three slender lines of fire stretched out instantly, but the flames that were originally scheduled to be more than 30 meters away swayed and scattered within a range of more than ten meters. Open it, forming one by one flames struggling tenaciously in the pouring rain, but they were immediately extinguished by the heavy rain.

This torrential rain was completely heavy rain, and it was a rare weather in summer. Although the flamethrower with the addition of combustion accelerant could still be used, the effect of the flame had been severely weakened.If it is a special flamethrower used when it is dry, it may even burn part of the concrete, but at present, the most useful weapon for defending the bunker, but now there are a few accidents.

The exasperated captain of the power armor asked to move forward in the communicator, and the six original power armors lined up like a huge city wall. Jump forward quickly towards the defensive bunker.When the heavy machine gun hit the original power armor, at most it would form some purposeless ricochets. Although it could cause additional damage to the Soviet soldiers following behind, such unlucky guys were too rare.

But even if they were going forward against the ricochets, they had no fear at all, because compared to the firepower network composed of heavy machine guns and light machine guns, their lives were simply guaranteed the most.Although the roar of the mortars continued, and artillery fire hit their vicinity from time to time, these artillery bombardments were scattered among the two regiments of thousands of Soviet troops, which was pitifully few, compared to the crazy and dense heavy machine guns. The firepower cannot cause suppressive firepower to them.

Those primitive power armors moved forward slowly, and the heavy machine guns on their arms were still firing towards the front, and the berserk firepower had already suppressed the shooting holes of the defensive bunker.As for the firepower of the light machine guns on the second floor, they didn't care at all. At a distance of 50 meters, only the steel core armor-piercing bullets of the heavy machine guns could threaten their joints, but the firepower of the light machine guns seemed to tickle them. It can only deal with the Soviet soldiers following behind to delay their attack time.

However, the fall of the first defensive bunker was only a matter of time. The flamethrower was still burning. Even though the lines of fire had not covered the firing holes of the defensive bunker, the marines on the first floor were already nervous. Shout for support.Because they did not dare to continue to hold on to the shooting holes, they all retreated to the second layer of bunkers, and even locked the cover of the first layer of bunkers to prevent the sputtering of flames from enveloping the second layer as well. .

The defensive effect of the original power armor is really too strong, and in the mountains where there are not many heavy weapons, it is almost invincible.Even if these marines wanted to resist, the original M2 Browning heavy machine guns on the first floor had been destroyed by the incoming bullets and grenades. They had no choice but to give up these weapons and retreat back. The second layer waits for an opportunity.And even if they still have these heavy machine guns, there is nothing they can do. The original power armor that absorbed the alien armor technology is no longer an ordinary large-caliber heavy machine gun, which can easily penetrate like an armored vehicle!
Just as the cover of the first floor of the defensive bunker was closed, the heavy steel gate also closed instantly, and a surge of raging flames rushed in instantly, evaporating the humid surrounding environment with scorching heat.This is undoubtedly the power of the flamethrower. The fiery flames have swept through the entire layer of defensive bunkers in an instant, and even the viscous combustion accelerant has almost burned all the flammable objects in the defensive bunkers, consuming a lot of energy. oxygen, forming an oxygen-free zone.

This is the best way to deal with ordinary bunkers, but for a defensive bunker with a total of five floors and underground passages, this method of flames is not enough to completely destroy the entire bunker.But that group of Soviet soldiers needed exactly this kind of means, because when this defensive bunker could not continue to suppress firepower, then there would be a huge flaw in the firepower network formed in the entire bunker group, and what they needed It is also this kind of flaw.


But before the original power armor continued to spew flames, a strange sound came from behind in an instant.A bright light appeared in front of the original power armor at an extremely fast speed, but the fire line that was still spraying was cut off, but the faces of many Soviet soldiers also showed horrified expressions. It's like a boundless hell.In fact, for those Soviet soldiers, Lie Yan (raging flames), which has completely exploded, is undoubtedly hell.

The combustion agent carried on the back of the original power armor has completely exploded, and the huge flame has turned into a strange flower. The countless splashes of combustion agent began to spread towards the surroundings along with the flame, and a large amount of viscous and hot Even in the pouring rain, the flames of temperature are still burning with blazing heat.And just behind the power armor that had completely turned into a ball of raging flames, hundreds of Soviet soldiers were instantly enveloped in raging flames, screaming out their fear.

That is the power of the PAK37 anti-aircraft gun. Among the defensive bunkers within a range of 300 meters, the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile released from the 37mm muzzle of a PAK37 anti-aircraft gun has penetrated the so-called solid alien armor. Under the blessing of potential energy, he easily tore apart the armor and then easily tore the internal control human body, and finally penetrated the huge tank carried behind him, and the internal burning temperature has also ignited the internal combustion accelerant. Turned into the flames of death.

Before the original power armor could react, a series of dull sounds also appeared in this space. The depleted uranium armor-piercing shells released by the four PAK37 anti-aircraft guns had torn apart the alien armor. The power armor has all been turned into flames, and the hot and terrifying flames have turned into pieces of flowers, and the terrifying flames have already set everything around them on fire, the terrifying temperature has risen, and the Soviet soldiers have also turned into pieces. Turned into coke.

The combustion accelerant cannot be extinguished even by pouring rain, and the terrifying flames splashed out cannot be completely blocked even by the original power armor, especially on the nodes of the key parts, the hot flames have even burned through the fragile zero. Parts, four or five original Power Armors crashed to the ground.This is the power of the PAK37 anti-aircraft artillery, and the original power armors have begun to retreat downwards, but the artillerymen who have already prepared have put these power armors so close to the bunker. How can we let them evacuate easily?
A series of PAK37 anti-aircraft guns fired wantonly, and the firepower of the heavy machine gun and light machine gun had covered the entire hillside. All the people on the hill thought they were about to win, but they were finally slaughtered by the firepower network. dead Soviet soldiers.But the retreat of the Soviet soldiers eventually turned into a rout, because when the firepower was fully fired and the twelve artillery guns continued to bombard, this group of Soviet soldiers who were about to retreat had no better choice under the heavy casualties.

PS: A new month has begun, let’s try to get full attendance first, the grades in this book are not very good, and it was delayed for two weeks because of the birth of the child, and the subscriptions are also reduced. Anyway, let’s finish writing first , Write well this month. If you think it looks good, you can give it a reward. If you don’t think it’s not good, you’ll be more concerned. I don’t have much fun playing, so it’s better to be old. Well, the truth... Well, I still want to thank everyone for your support. Today, I will resume the update, for full attendance, for milk powder...Mad, I’m really tired...

(End of this chapter)

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