that zombie, don't run away

Chapter 11 Unknown Human Variant

Chapter 11 Unknown Human Variant

Wang Ziye's running speed is very fast, which is also the result of his continuous training.On the outside, Wang Ziye is still a little thin, but only those who are familiar with him know what kind of explosive power this seemingly thin body has.But at this time Wang Ziye didn't have any confidence in his explosion.

Wang Ziye has already returned to her room.After closing the door, he felt his body tremble.This is not only because of the strenuous exercise just now, the overly nervous mood also makes the muscles too tight.Continuing to move his body, Wang Ziye must quickly relax his muscles. This is a long-standing habit, which allows him to recover the exhausted physical strength faster.

When moving his body, Wang Ziye carefully listened to the sounds outside.After waiting for a while, he was sure that the zombies had not followed.

"Wang turned on the light and played back the video."

Wang Ziye spoke into the air.Then, on the entire wall directly facing Wang Ziye, a line of text first appeared: "Confirm to release the projection on this wall." Below it is a 5-second countdown.


After Wang Ziye finished speaking, four pictures appeared on the wall.One of them is very similar to Wang Ziye's own perspective just now, and the other three shots should be from the same location as Wang Ziye's own perspective, but the angles are different.Through the corner mark of each picture, Wang Ziye quickly determined the camera corresponding to each picture.For example, the camera from Wang Ziye's own perspective is actually located on Wang Ziye's shoulder. The camera is directly in front of him, and the other three are on the left, right and behind.

First of all, he retrieved the picture directly in front of him, combined with his memory just now, Wang Ziye took out the paper and made a simple record. When he was writing the text on the paper, a feather appeared in the corner of the video and wrote on the paper. icon, which is the logo of the intelligent personal assistant 'Wang Turn on the Light' making records in the background.And for the sake of privacy protection, this logo cannot be removed according to law.

The screen played until Wang Ziye found the zombie.Afterwards, Wang Ziye performed the same operation on the other 3 screens, and they all played until they saw zombies and then stopped.

After that, it was Wang Ziye's biggest gain from venturing out of the house this time.He saw a zombie for the first time.

"Wang turned on the light and played back the video three times in a row, from 8:23 to 8:27. The first time was recorded, the second time was discussed, and the third time was sorted out."

"It was detected that the database was offline, and no connectable respondent was found. The offline data may have a large deviation or even be inconsistent with the facts."

"Okay then, the second self-examination. Now start."

The screen quickly switched to the screen shot when Wang Ziye was hiding under the window.There is nothing particularly valuable in the front, left and right sides, only some figures appear in some windows.

What is really valuable is the video shot by the rear camera, especially after the zombies appear in the frame.

"Stop." Wang Ziye stopped the picture. At this moment, he probably felt that he was almost in motion, so he sat on the chair that Wang Kaideng sent.

The scene where the video stopped was when a zombie looked at Wang Ziye.Wang Ziye raised his arm, pointed two fingers forward and rotated counterclockwise.Following his movements, some shortcut icons popped up on the screen, and quickly froze on one of them, and then reversed following Wang Ziye's movements.

The last position where the reverse playback stops is when the zombie reveals its entire body. From this picture, it can be clearly found that the zombie is not coming directly at Wang Ziye, but it is not clear whether there are other targets.

I looked at the time, it was 8:25:37.Wang Ziye quickly called up the ruler, and at the same time imported the images he had taken with his handheld camera, calculated a speed based on the specific time, and marked 'wandering speed' after the speed with a question mark.

Then, the screen continues.The zombie seemed to have discovered something, but at this time its target was still not Wang Ziye, but the window where Wang Ziye had just avoided.Zombies seem to have a sense of smell.After glancing at the window, the zombie's eyes turned to Wang Ziye.Zombies seem to have sight.

After Wang Ziye wrote down these two characteristics of zombies, he thought for a while before continuing to look down.

When the zombie saw Wang Ziye, Wang Ziye obviously found the zombie a little later than the other party found himself.

When Wang Ziye discovered the zombies, his movements stopped.At this time, the zombies did not make any special movements, but they walked towards Wang Ziye faster, as fast as a normal person walking.

"Will you speed up when you see a humanoid creature? Is it intelligent?"

The next moment Wang Ziye took out the bottle and started running. At this time, the zombies also started running. The speed was no slower than Wang Ziye, and after running a few steps, the speed of the zombies was in vain.

Then the Molotov cocktail burst and released a large amount of smoke, and the zombies were rushing into the smoke.At this time, Wang Ziye couldn't see the situation of the zombies clearly from the video.It can only be seen that the added fuel bottle has a surprisingly good interference effect on the zombies. These zombies all lost their sense of direction and lost their targets.

"This is not a good thing. Zombies' vision and sense of smell are more sensitive than ordinary people."

Wang Ziye felt a pity secretly in his heart. It would be nice if he could catch a few of them and study them.

Thinking of this, Wang Ziye was secretly alert.Now is the real apocalypse, it's not like the game everyone has one life and no next season.I'm still a little arrogant, but I was lucky enough to become a champion once, so I don't take the doomsday seriously.You must know that in the video just now, the zombie burst out faster than the world sprint champion, but this is not necessarily the fastest among the zombies.

In fact, what Wang Ziye thought was exactly the opposite. The reason why he was able to become the champion in the game was because he was serious about the game, and he regarded the game as another real world.Therefore, he will make quite sufficient preparations for each battle. These preparations are not limited to the game. Usually, he spends more time in the real world than in the game.Success is never accidental, Jiang Hai is the accumulation of bits and pieces.

The second time Wang Ziye added to the previous record.After three playbacks, Wang Ziye's notes have already written more than a dozen pages, and these are still some brief information.If you count the records of the terminal, the small notebook in Wang Ziye's hand is not enough.

Turning off the video, Wang Ziye came to the window to watch the zombies wandering in the park. "Rename the zombie to an unknown human variant, and replace all the nouns in the text." Wang Ziye instructed Wang Kaideng.

(End of this chapter)

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