Chapter 1 Doomsday
Chapter 1 Doomsday

The Imperial Top Secret Security Office.

"How is the situation now?"

"Chief, I thought you might want to watch this video."


The 6000-meter-high lava giant stepped out of the void, stepped on it, and flattened dozens of residential areas. The ground was torn apart, and a storm swept dozens of kilometers.

It opened its mouth and spat out, high-temperature magma sprayed out, melting countless fighter planes and tanks!
Intercontinental missiles, electromagnetic railguns, resonance matrix mines, even hydrogen bombs...all weapons have no effect on it!
"The situation has reached the most critical moment. Here I order the activation of the highest human security plan and release No. [-]!"

"But the chief..."

"No but! The human self-salvation plan, code-named Candle, there is no salvation in this world, let him be our only light!"

"But, but he is the most terrifying tyrant!"


At this time, the boy known as the tyrant was sitting on the sofa, watching TV with a little boredom.

The room he was in was a bit special, it was a pure white room.The furniture is very simple, a table, two sofas, a white single bed, an 80-inch LCD TV hanging on the opposite wall, and a small bathroom next to it.

The teenager has lived in this place for five years.

"I'm bored..." The boy turned off the TV casually, lay down on the sofa, and stared at the wall blankly.

At this time, a strange light curtain appeared in front of his eyes:
[The time is ripe for detection. ]
[The system is being activated. ]
[Release the first task according to the system mechanism, and the official system can be activated after completing the task. ]
[Task: Destroy the Lava Giant*1]
[Reward: 100 points of soul power, a chance to absorb skills, and officially activate the system]
[This system will determine which function to activate according to the performance of the host, please release your heart as much as you want. ]
[The system assistant is being activated. If you have any questions, please ask the assistant. ]
The young man looked at the scene in front of him and muttered to himself, "A system similar to a brain-computer? I've seen this kind of thing in history books. This kind of system often appeared in Internet literature more than 100 years ago."

"This moment has finally come. Hello, I am the assistant of the system. May I help you?"

A slightly cold woman's voice suddenly sounded in my ears, the voice was clear and melodious.

"Woman? Are you a real person or an existence similar to artificial intelligence?" the young man asked curiously.

"Please don't ask questions that have nothing to do with the system." The female voice replied lightly.

"Then I won't ask." The boy lay back again.

The female voice froze for a few seconds, before she said: "If you don't ask me, I will tell you that this system is the most special among all the systems in the heavens and myriad worlds. It can choose functions according to your personality, behavior and goals." , to help you achieve what you want.”

Simply put, your hang is here.

"Oh." The boy replied casually while lying on the sofa.

"Wait? Why don't you have any mood swings? Don't you have any goals?" The female voice asked with some doubts. Logically speaking, this should not be the case.

"Could it be that there is a contradiction between excessive strength and the low-level world, making you feel that your strength has no room to display?" the female voice analyzed.

"Probably. Who knows?" The young man turned over lazily, and suddenly, strange pictures appeared in front of him:
A human as huge as a planet is sleeping soundly next to a star, and the blazing solar wind blows on him, just like tickling him...

The strange eight-legged insect killed the mammoth as huge as a mountain in one bite, and the flying birds as huge as clouds flew by in the sky...

An old man wearing a rag robe, facing thousands of enemies, waved his hands, and meteors suddenly fell...

As the picture keeps changing, the female voice is also explaining:
"What I need to tell you is that there is far more than this world in this universe. There are countless worlds, countless lives, and countless powerful civilizations. For example, at this moment, the lava giant that is raging on the surface of your country is From a mighty volcanic world. The planet you see is just the tip of the iceberg in this universe"

Hearing this, the young man showed some interest, sat up and said, "Countless worlds? Lava giants? They haven't been out for a month, and aliens are here?"

"Yes, if you want to really know this universe, go and complete this task."

The young man turned his head, seriously recalled what happened before, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and said, "Maybe you can try it."

With a thought, the young man felt that someone was coming from outside the room. He stretched out his mental strength and saw two beautiful big sisters standing outside the room across the room.

This blank space is said to be a house, but it is more like a prison.The wall of the room alone is ten meters thick, and it is also a special wall with countless defense and attack equipment, which can prevent the people inside from escaping, or in other words, be afraid of him going out.

This was the first time in the five years since he was "imprisoned" that a living person looked at him so closely.

The young man's mental strength moved closer, and he looked at the two women carefully in front of them.

The tall woman in the orange military uniform looked at the boy inside through the surveillance screen, but she didn't know that the boy inside was also looking at her.

She is tall, with fair skin, and a pair of beautiful eyes with a light of wisdom.

"That's him? A new human being called a tyrant?"

The woman in military uniform looked at the woman beside her and asked, her brows were frowned, and her eyes were mixed with expectation and anxiety.

It was a beautiful woman in a white coat, with a cold face, almost as tall as a woman in military uniform. Hearing this, she raised her head, pointed to the report form in her hand, and said, "Code name, number zero, tyrant is just a title given to him by uninformed people, He is the first and only new human being cloned by a top-secret program with perfect genes."

"Dr. Dugu, to save the world, such a heavy responsibility rests on you and me. I trust your judgment, but this is only a young man." The woman in military uniform hesitated.

"Heh, boy? When he was five years old, he used an early childhood education robot to hack into the Imperial Military Center in reverse, and made the Information Security Department busy for more than half a year before repairing all the loopholes. At the age of six, he surpassed the S-level spirit He destroyed the underground research institute where he was located, buried hundreds of people at a depth of 1000 meters underground, and drew a tube of blood just because the Western League spies sneaked in and wanted to steal his genes..."

The female doctor continued to introduce that everything she said was a secret among the secrets, and unless it was related to the project, the generals of the empire would never hear it.

"Lieutenant Tao, these are still recorded in the archives. There are also some events that are so important and secret that even the relevant researchers have been wiped out of their memory. All in all, we can't look at this boy from a normal perspective."

After the female doctor finished speaking, she took a deep look at the young man in the room, feeling terrified in her heart, that the higher up wanted to summon such a monster out to deal with another monster.

The female general was stunned for a while after hearing this, and when she looked at the young man again, her eyes were serious, her brows relaxed slightly, and she murmured in an imperceptible voice: "If that's the case, then maybe he can do it... ..."

"Time is running out, let's get started." The female general nodded and adjusted to show a suitable smile—soft, majestic, and trustworthy.

"First of all, he has a very high IQ, and his thinking is different from ordinary people. I have never contacted him, and all the information is from the data. He is extremely dangerous and has a variety of spiritual superpowers. They are all beyond the S-level range, if it is not needed by the empire, this person will be permanently sealed in this base." The female doctor hesitated for a moment, warned, and then turned on the communication device.

The general's smile froze, he took a breath, and said politely to the boy in the room: "Hello, boy number zero, I'm Tao Qiongyao, and I'm here to talk to you on behalf of the Starfire Empire military..."

Looking at the empty white wall, the boy interrupted with a sneer, "Talk to me through the wall, is this your sincerity?"

Tao Qiongyao choked up her words, and the boy stared straight at her through the nearly ten-meter-thick wall, as if he was looking at her.This situation was so weird that it gave her a bad feeling in her heart.

The female doctor looked as usual, quickly wrote a few lines of cipher text on the notebook in her hand, and showed the female general a look.

Cipher text translation: "His mental strength has grown to an incredible level, and he has been able to peek at the outside world through a special wall, which means that he has clearly heard our conversation just now. I suggest retreating immediately! "

Tao Qiongyao's heart tightened. They were just two ordinary people. Even if they had weapons, they were completely powerless in front of this super S-rank new human being. Their personal safety could no longer be guaranteed.


"He is the last hope of the empire, let me in." Tao Qiongyao took a deep breath and said firmly.

The female doctor looked at her with wide eyes. She was silent for a moment and then said, "I wish you good luck."

It took a full 5 minutes to open the thick, special walls that had undergone [-] layers of protection.

During this process, Number Zero kept looking at Tao Qiongyao through the wall, and never looked away, until she strode into the room and sat opposite him. action.

Tao Qiongyao glanced at the wall where the surveillance screen was, but it was blank, so how did No. [-] precisely meet her gaze?

This question made her heart tighten, and it was only at this moment that she intuitively understood how weird the so-called super S-level mental power was.

"A glass of water." The young man suddenly said to the wall, then turned to look at her: "What do you want?"

"Ion water, thank you." Tao Qiongyao smiled.

On the blank wall, a [-]-centimeter opening was suddenly opened, and a metal tray popped out, with a glass of water and a spherical translucent light blue solid water on it.

Tao Qiongyao stared deeply at the glass of water—in the 50s, ordinary liquid water was replaced by new solid ionized water, because solid ionized water is healthier for the body and less likely to cause waste.It's hard to imagine something as outdated as liquid water ever appearing again.

Not only liquid water, but also the technology used by modern humans: low-light space-based holographic display, immersive personal brain computer, human-like omnipotent housekeeper and other convenient technologies, all of which are absent in this white room—he seems to be living in the last century.

"Tell me, what's the matter." The boy lay on the sofa, sipping water while sipping, not caring about his image at all.

The female general relaxed a little, and carefully looked at the boy opposite:
It was a perfect face, and the facial features were so exquisite that it could be seen to the extreme. No matter how picky a woman was, she couldn't find a single flaw in this face.

He is 15 years old and 1.8 meters tall. His identity is a super genetic human created by the human cloning project, also known as a new human, code-named zero.

This white room is a cage created by humans five years ago to trap Zero. It is located at a depth of [-] meters underground and will explode at any time. The only exit is the door, which can only be opened by outsiders. .

Zero is the first and only perfect genetic man created by humans. He has too much power, so he is feared by those humans who made him, but humans do not want to destroy this masterpiece.So he was trapped in this cage, doing nothing all day long, playing games, watching anime, surfing the Internet...

If there is no accident, the new human named Zero will spend his life quietly in this place - but even the human who created him does not know how long his lifespan is, because his genes are perfect, theoretically speaking He has an infinite lifespan.

However, according to Murphy's Law, the more you worry about something that will happen, the more likely it is to happen.

Right now, Number Zero's growth has completely exceeded human expectations. If the situation was not too critical, Tao Qiongyao would not be willing to contact such a dangerous person.

Thinking of this, Tao Qiongyao suddenly said: "Switch the news channel."


A news screen popped up on the huge 2120-inch display screen. A male reporter wearing a safety helmet appeared in the news. He was holding a microphone in his hand, his face was nervous, and his tone was urgent: "Time is 2:3 on February 15, [-]. Now we have arrived at the front line. According to military sources, the huge monster that suddenly appeared is thirty kilometers ahead of us..."

Suddenly he stopped, stared blankly at the direction of the camera, his face turned pale, his eyes widened, and he said in a trembling voice: "My God, that monster..."

The scene changed: In a city full of tall buildings, a huge red pillar exuded fiery heat, and the surrounding steel buildings slowly melted.

While shrinking, the picture slowly lifts up: a giant pillar reaches into the sky, and another red giant pillar appears in parallel in the picture, the picture continues to shrink, and the two giant pillars support a huge mountain, which is also red, Exuding blazing high temperatures, magma surged on the mountain like blood vessels.

"That monster suddenly appeared at the border between the northern country and our empire three days ago. It was originally a 6000-meter-high boulder. Experts suspected that it was a meteorite, but the Empire's deep space monitoring network reported that no stars entered the sky above the earth at all. Three hours ago, the boulder suddenly disappeared, and most cities in the two northern provinces reported being attacked by unknown monsters..."

Accompanied by the trembling voice of the reporter, the complete appearance of the "monolith" finally appeared in front of the audience: it was actually a huge lava monster!

It has a mountain as its body and magma as its blood. It also has four limbs, but it is many times taller than a human being. It just stands there like a giant mountain, exuding an unimaginable and trembling aura. fear!
The lava giant opened its bright red mouth, and hot, thousands-of-degree magma flowed inside. The magma shot out like a ray, drawing a semicircle towards the city in front of it.

Countless high-rise buildings were melted by magma, falling into molten iron like a waterfall, and the cement and rocks on the ground were also melted. Wherever the magma went, it was completely melted, leaving only deep, dark red pits, steaming .

This is an unprecedented monster, a horror beyond all imagination, a natural disaster that will destroy the world!

"Now, it has destroyed the two large northern provinces of the empire, causing 20 million deaths, and it is heading south along the central part. If it is given one day, the entire empire will be penetrated by him, and the lives of [-] billion people will be severely damaged threaten!"

Tao Qiongyao said seriously, the matter is urgent, every minute, millions of people in the empire die under this terrifying monster.

"Oh, and then?" The boy glanced at the monster and lost interest.

 Please bookmark, please recommend, the new book needs care, the background of this book is grand, there are many exciting plots, the beginning is relatively slow, I hope all readers support!Thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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