Chapter 11 Let me start!
Xinglan avoided the angry giant far away, rose to an altitude of [-] meters, folded his hands, with a cold expression, and continuously launched mental spikes, trying to directly destroy the spirit of the lava giant and let him die spiritually.

From the perspective of Xinglan, huge invisible spikes pierced the lava giant's head fiercely one after another, turning its head into a hedgehog-like shape, while those mental spikes were still slowly rotating, To achieve a more terrifying torture effect.

"Ding! You launched 130 six mental spike attacks! The lava giant is in a state of anger! Your mental attack is immune to it!"

"What!? Is it still immune?" Xing Lan was taken aback, he didn't expect this to happen again, and he remembered what the little assistant said earlier, anger is immune to mental attacks, this may be another characteristic of the lava giant.

The lava giant, with a hedgehog head on its head, went crazy, opened its mouth and violently spewed magma around, orange-red rays spread all over the sky, and bright red magma rivers flowed on the ground, and the air was filled with a pungent sulfur smell, just like the legendary hellish.

The ground military had noticed the situation on this side long ago, and launched countless missiles to attack, but no matter how powerful the missiles were, they did not cause the slightest damage to the lava giant, and it seemed to increase the energy of the lava giant, making the original After spraying a lot of magma, the lava giant that had stopped started to spray magma again.

"This monster can absorb the energy of the explosion and use it for its own use!" Xing Lan guessed, he felt that he had guessed the truth, no wonder the giant kept attacking all the way, without the slightest sign of weakness, and even continued to grow .

It turned out that it was absorbing the attack of the human army to make itself stronger!

And because of ignorance, human beings continue to strengthen this monster and single-handedly raise this giant that can only destroy human beings!
"What an irony..." Xing Lan shook his head, gave up the mental spike attack, pulled out all the spikes on the lava giant's head, turned into an invisible giant hand, and grabbed the lava giant's leg.

The lava giant suddenly lowered his head, feeling as if his calf was being grabbed by something, but if he looked, he didn't see anything.The giant's two vertical pupils were full of doubts.

"Get up!" Xinglan didn't care what the giant thought, he activated his mental giant hand and pulled it upwards!Suddenly, he only felt as if he was dragging a mountain, the mayfly shook the tree, but the giant remained motionless!

The lava giant became more and more confused, and even stretched out a long hand to touch his calf, but its hand passed through the invisible giant hand, and it couldn't touch it at all.

Mental power is a special energy that can ignore some physical rules, and can do work externally without being disturbed by some external forces.

The lava giant's body is made of pure matter, and it doesn't know how to use spiritual power. Naturally, it cannot touch the invisible big hand.

"Catch!" Xinglan yelled, opened his hands, and launched a more powerful mental force towards the lava giant below!
Infinite mental power surged out of his body, turning into invisible giant hands, densely packed, all grabbing the lava giant's legs. At a glance, there are at least five hundred of them!

"Get up!"

Xinglan yelled loudly, and raised his hands violently, as if he was grabbing something, those hundreds of invisible giant hands also exerted force, grabbing hard, pinching the giant's two legs with cracks, The giant yelled in pain, and before it could react, it was lifted into the air by Juli!
The lava giant has been captured!

The lava giant continued to rise, and its body was suspended in the air uncontrollably. Its upper body did not respond, its legs could not exert strength, and its upper body had no support. In addition, it was already top-heavy, and its entire torso suddenly fell backwards, and its waist broke !

The giant roared crazily, spewing magma rays towards the rear continuously, clawing at his legs with both hands, and even beat his own legs vigorously, but no matter how hard he hit, he couldn't get out of the control of the invisible giant hands!
"This guy is too tough to kill." Xing Lan said suddenly.

I saw that the invisible giant hand exhausted all its strength, but it could only pinch a crack on the giant's leg, and could not cause further damage.However, the lava giant was constantly repairing the cracks on his body, and Xinglan could not cause effective damage.

"This kind of creature that can use natural energy is generally very defensive, not to mention that it is a rock-like creature, and it is difficult to effectively kill it before you have acquired strong spiritual skills." The little assistant agreed.

The body of the lava giant is no longer an ordinary rock.Just like the bones in human beings, they are originally ordinary metallic calcium elements, but after genetic modification in the human body, their strength far exceeds that of calcium. The hardness of ordinary bones is comparable to that of copper, and even the hardness of thigh bones is equivalent to granite.

The hardness of the lava giant's body far exceeds that of the rock itself, and it also has the characteristics of absorbing energy. Basically, it is an existence that cannot be killed by humans.

"It's really a bug-like creature." Xing Lan frowned.


Combat seminar room.

When Xinglan floated in front of the lava giant and launched a mental attack.

"Here we come! Xinglan is ready to attack!" Dr. Dugu suddenly shouted.

Tao Qiongyao suddenly raised her head and stared at the holographic map closely. Although she knew that the giant was difficult to deal with, she still wanted to see what step Xinglan could make.

If he can directly kill this lava giant, then the development process of the entire empire will be rewritten!
Lin Bao was also staring at the map, and approached Dr. Dugu. He secretly reached out a hand to her and wanted to put it on her waist, but Dr. Dugu, who was very wary, turned away.

At this time, the lava giant in the picture suddenly howled, as if being attacked by something, but nothing substantial appeared in the picture!

"Is it a mental attack? I've read the research files in this area. Mental power is a special energy that everyone has. It's just that human beings' mental power is too weak, and there is no way to improve it. Occasionally, some people with strong mental power are attacked by It is called a supernatural being, but its ability is at most nothing more than pushing a small wooden stick. Apart from bluffing, it cannot pose any threat at all."

Lin Bao said thoughtfully, but the two women ignored him at all.

With Lin Bao's rank and position, he was unable to get in touch with the special highest security plan of Project Zero. Not only him, but even the general Zilong he said only had some information.Only Tao Qiongyao and Dr. Dugu, who are in charge of this project, really know part of Xinglan's information.

The three of them stared at the screen closely. When Xinglan used his powerful mental power to lift the lava giant up, all three of them exclaimed:

"how is this possible!"

"Damn it! What the hell?"

"My God!"

Even the three of them were well-informed, and they were also stunned and tongue-tied at this time!
The most powerful attack launched by the ground military before - ten hydrogen bombs with a yield of 5000 million tons, none of them had any effect on the monster. The military was once desperate!
But Xinglan was alone, yet he was able to fight against such an insanely powerful monster!

Does this mean that the future of the empire belongs to the new humans?
Lin Bao put away his carefree attitude and looked at Xinglan solemnly. If this continues, maybe that kid can really deal with that monster by himself!

In that case, Tao Qiongyao's No. [-] plan will continue to be implemented, and even a series of follow-up plans will start. She will gain more resources and power in the Li theater, which is bad news for them!
Thinking of this, Lin Bao's face became more and more ugly, and he turned around suddenly and left, but the two women didn't care at all, they glanced back at him and then ignored it.

(End of this chapter)

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