Chapter 21 The Tyrant System
"How could I!" Tao Qiongyao blushed slightly, glared at her, and asked expectantly, "Xinglan? Are you listening?"

"Whatever, blue or black or red, as long as you are domineering and cool." Xing Lan came back to his senses and said casually.

"Well, then blue and black! Simple black is too dark, I think, this part..." Tao Qiongyao began to design the color painting while looking at the [weapon].

Xinglan didn't care, and continued to look at the system. Just before, after he defeated the lava giant, the system continuously popped up information light curtains and ding ding sounds.

"Ding! You have defeated the lava giant (level 10)*1! Complete the task and get 100 soul power! You have a chance to absorb skills!"

[System activation conditions have been met!Based on your goals, the system has found functions that perfectly match your goals! ]
[The official activation system is: Tyrant system (unique)!Wherever your footsteps are, they are all territories under your command!Already have four functional modules: [No Enemy], [Hundred Generals], [Jun's Internal Affairs], [Qiwuzhai]!All four modules need to be unlocked after completing tasks! ]
[Release task: Kill any enemy above level 10 to unlock [No Enemy]! ]
"Ding! The mission is complete, you have unlocked the [Invincible] module!"

[Invincible has characteristics: Abyss of sin, pay for the sins of death, and support your soul! ]
"[Invincible] feature - the abyss of sin takes effect, destroy the lava giant *1, and get an additional 30000 soul power! After that, the system will help you devour the target for all the targets you destroy to obtain extra soul power!"

[Release task: Conquer the first territory, unlock [Jun's internal affairs]! ]
[Release task: Obtain a general with a force value or command value of 75 or more, and unlock [Hundred Generals]! ]
[Release mission: Obtain [Special Objects] in any way and unlock [Special Objects Studio]! ]
At this time, the system interface also turned bloody red, accompanied by diffuse gunpowder smoke, luxurious sand, and even majestic and solemn music sounded in Xinglan's ears.

Xing Lan looked at the system interface curiously, opened [No Enemy], found more interfaces, and clicked on [Properties] first.

Name: Xinglan

Age: 15 years old (solar year)
Level: Level 1 (40) (upgradeable)

Spiritual realm: mind power

Soul Power: 30100
"What's the matter with this level? Why am I only level 1? What's the 40 after that?" Xing Lan asked suspiciously. That lava giant is considered level 10, so why is he only level 1?Is the system broken?

"Level 1 is your current level, which represents your mental strength and some other attributes, and the latter 40 means that your real strength is equivalent to a creature of level 40. Your mental strength is too low to keep up with your real strength. That's why I made such an expression." The cold little assistant explained.

"Strength, that is to say, the quality of my spiritual power is average, equivalent to level 1, but the quantity is extremely large, so combined, my real strength is equivalent to level 40?"

"Almost." The little assistant replied, and then felt a little emotional, "I didn't expect you to unlock a unique and powerful system, and you also got four extreme modules. Your luck is very good."


"Uniqueness means that there is only one system among the heavens and myriad worlds, and it is extremely purposeful and has incredible power. The extreme module means that it has a single function but is extremely powerful. You will see these two points in the future I understand." The little assistant gave a simple explanation, but didn't want to say more.

However, Xing Lan grasped one point keenly: "You said this is the only system. Could it be that there are many systems in the heavens and worlds? How did the system come about?"

"What I can tell you now is that there are countless systems in the heavens and worlds, but they all have their own purposes. The systems on your body are different and exist for your purpose. As for the others, I have no comment." After the little assistant finished speaking, he ignored Xinglan again.

Xing Lan was rather curious, and murmured: "Are there really so many worlds in the heavens and worlds? When can we go to other worlds to see?"

The little assistant's words were like a feather, scratching in Xinglan's heart, making him want to leave the earth and travel to the outside world, but unfortunately, he didn't know how to leave the solar system.

He had also tried to physically leave the solar system before, but he failed. On the one hand, he did not bring enough supplies - he only brought thirty trucks of food and water that could be stored for a long time. The most important thing is that he could not break through. The boundary of the solar system is like an invisible wall that cannot be passed through.

Xinglan tried various methods, and after running out of food and water, he had no choice but to fly back to Earth. That was what he did when he was nine years old.

Unexpectedly, in the past month, such a strange thing as the world connection has happened, causing creatures from other worlds to descend on the earth. The previous lava giant is an example.

In fact, there are many other types of creatures, some of which are slimy things, like slimes in anime.Some are beast-like creatures, but they can use natural energies such as water, fire, and wind, and they are called monsters.There are even humans, but these humans are incommunicable, and some have terrifying and incomprehensible powers, can move mountains and fill seas, and are extremely aggressive.

Once these creatures from other worlds are discovered, the first reaction of all countries is to kill them directly, and if they can be controlled, they secretly catch them and study them.

Most of these things were learned by Xing Lan from Tao Qiongyao just now, and a small part was overheard when he went to G City.

"The doomsday era has come, Xinglan." Tao Qiongyao looked at him and said softly, "Can you become our protector, protect the people of the empire, and survive the doomsday?"

Xing Lan's mind moved, and she automatically ignored the second half of her sentence, and asked, "How do you know it's the end of the era, not a short end?"

Moreover, the tyrant system also suddenly appeared on him after the doomsday. Could there be some connection between the two?
"Because..." Tao Qiongyao's face gradually became serious, and she said seriously, "In fact, as early as decades ago, human beings discovered thousands of world passages on the earth, and discovered that countless worlds have been destroyed. ! There are many scientific and technological civilizations and other types of human civilizations! Some technological civilizations are even beyond our comprehension!"

"We found that those civilizations are fighting against some incomprehensible creatures, such as lava giants, many, many such horrible creatures! But no civilization has ever been able to defeat those creatures! Countless civilizations have perished in this era. This is, the real doomsday era!"

Xinglan's head exploded!
Countries have already discovered passages to other worlds!It's just that the matter is too important, so it has been hidden from the general public!It wasn't until creatures from other worlds invaded the earth and lava giants appeared that this kind of thing was officially recognized!

This incident was so shocking that Xinglan was stunned for a while.

"Don't think so much, what are your plans in the future?" Tao Qiongyao saw his emotions and smiled softly again.

"I don't know, let's take a look first." Xing Lan gave her a strange look. Why did this woman suddenly have such a strange attitude, which made him a little uncomfortable.

But he was thinking in his heart, find a time to destroy the Starfire Empire, and establish a new country, so that he can unlock the [Jun’s Internal Affairs] module and see what it is. In addition, [No Enemy] must be studied carefully, that He hasn't used the skill absorption opportunity yet, let's wait and see what happens tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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