Chapter 40 Great Crisis

The Royal Academy of Magic of the Kingdom of Sealand, Observatory.

"Where? Where is it? Where is the strange astrology I recorded two days ago?"

Ken was sweating coldly as he searched through the vast sea of ​​books, when suddenly a page of parchment flew out.

Ken looked happy, and hurriedly grabbed the parchment, wrote and drew on the astrology chart on it with a quill pen, kept calculating something, and finally uttered a spell: "...Reveal! The future hidden in the astrology scene!"

As the words fell, Ken's magic power was suddenly drained. He gritted his teeth and used his vitality to carry the magic. His figure became stooped, and he aged more than ten years.

On the parchment, darkness and monsters appeared, swallowing the entire world.

"How could this happen!" Ken turned pale, and as soon as he fell to the ground, his hands trembling like withered claws, he murmured, "It's over, it's over! The end of the world is coming!"


Xinglan lived in the single dormitory arranged by Atheni for him.

He used the afternoon to read all the materials in the library.

[It has been detected that you have obtained a large amount of magic information, do you want to provide it to the country of stars to speed up the development of civilization? ]

[The progress of the magic civilization of the country of stars has been greatly accelerated, and it is expected to be officially promoted to a primary magic civilization within a week]
[Jun's internal affairs] reminded, Xing Lan felt slightly happy.

Now he has memorized all the materials in the library, except for some taboo materials that cannot be obtained, basically those materials are enough for him to upgrade to a senior magician.

There are five levels of magicians, namely apprentice, junior, intermediate, advanced magician and great magician.Ken is a great magician who masters all kinds of forbidden magic.

Further up, there are other legendary levels such as wizards, but such a strong man has not appeared for a long time.

Now, the only difference is time. Xinglan absorbs more magic power, and he will soon be promoted to an intermediate magician. To put it bluntly, he has already been promoted to a junior magician in the afternoon.

"How many soul power points does it take to upgrade to level [-]?"

[Currently your level is level 10, upgrading to level 40 requires a total of 14 soul power points]
I still have 16 soul power close to 17, which should be enough, after thinking about it, Xing Lan said: "Then upgrade."

[The current soul power is 169000 points, 140000 points are spent, and 29000 points are left]
[Your level has been raised to level 40]
Name: Xinglan

Age: 15 years old (solar year)
Level: 40 (50)

Spiritual realm: mind power

Soul Power: 29000
Skills: Psychic Power Transformation, Spiritual Power Manifestation, Heavenly Demon Soul Devourer Array (incomplete, weakened and discarded version), fireball technique...

[Billions of Worlds Shuttle]: Spend 100 points of soul power to go back to the earth through the channel that has been built, and then travel between the two places, only needing to spend 100 points of soul power each time

"According to the time, it's already morning on the other side of the earth, let's go back and have a look." Xing Lan said, launching the billion world shuttle, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

The door opened suddenly, and an extremely old Ken strode into the room, followed by Athene.

"Grandpa, he's still resting! You have to go and take a rest too! Wait, what about others?" Athene glanced at the room suspiciously, and then hurried forward to support the crumbling Ken.

"...He really disappeared, exactly as predicted, I must inform the king immediately, the end is coming!" Ken took a deep breath and said.


As soon as the earth and the star trail appeared, the phone rang on the starry sky watch.

"Xinglan, get on the plane quickly, there is an emergency!" Tao Qiongyao said anxiously with a pale face appearing on the holographic call.

Before Xinglan realized what the emergency was, Mental Power had already seen a fully invisible fighter appearing in the sky, and sent him the location information.

Xing Lan didn't say much, and quickly boarded the fighter plane, seeing a group of super teenagers.

Tao Qiongyao gave him a brief explanation of the lava giant's egg.

"Can't we put the eggs back into their world?" Xing Lan asked with a frown.

"The World Passage has disappeared." Tao Qiongyao said helplessly, "The only solution now is to unite with the other three superpowers to try to kill those lava giants in their fetal eggs."

Tao Qiongyao gave him a brief introduction to the situation of the other three superpowers, and then said: "The six of you are divided into three groups, Lengjun and Thunderbolt, Haste and Barbarian, Pingxiaoguo and Xinglan, and the fighters will send you to the surface , and then separate to carry out the task. Attention, you must use all your strength to destroy all the eggs as soon as possible, don't hold back!"

All the young people nodded, but Xing Lan said: "I am enough, one more person will only hinder me."

Ping Xiaoguo's eyes widened, she walked over with her hips crossed, and said angrily, "You look down on me!"

Xing Lan ignored her and asked, "Why are there three missing?"

"Those three have special missions, so they won't act with you. Ping Xiaoguo, you join the team of Manzi and Hurry." Tao Qiongyao thought for a while, and agreed to Xinglan's plan.

There was a glint in Xinglan's eyes, but he didn't speak.

This time is indeed a big crisis, and it must be resolved, otherwise the entire planet will be destroyed, not to mention his plan.

"Ding! Trigger the mission: save the earth! Lava giants appear in large numbers, threatening the safety of the earth! Save the earth, and you will win the favor of the world! The more lava giants you eliminate, the more rewards you will get good!"

The favor of the world?What's the meaning?
Xing Lan didn't have time to think, the fighter plane had arrived at a specific location and teleported to the surface.

"Xinglan, remember this old lady! If you abandon me today, one day you will regret it!" Ping Xiaoguo cursed and stepped off the fighter plane, looking aggressive.


In the middle of the empire, a vast plateau.

"At a depth of more than 3000 kilometers directly below this location, at the junction of the earth's core and the mantle, there is an egg!" Dr. Dugu sent the specific location information through the holographic video.

"It's so deep, how can other people get close to the target?" Xing Lan asked with a slight frown.

"They will use the ultimate weapons of the other three superpowers to penetrate the mantle and destroy the target at all costs." Tao Qiongyao responded flatly.

Xinglan was stunned for a moment. Yes, the Starfire Empire has its own [Super Giant Humanoid Weapon]. Don’t the other three superpowers comparable to the Starfire Empire have hidden ultimate weapons?

Don't know what that is, but since they have a plan, they should be able to execute it.

"Okay, I'll start."

As Xing Lan said, the gigantic mental power tool, a huge drill bit with a diameter of 100 meters, directly smashed into the ground and began to rotate rumblingly. Every second, hundreds of thousands of tons of soil and rocks were excavated, and they quickly moved towards the ground. Push down.

After his level is raised, the objects manifested by mental power have higher strength, consume more, and have stronger durability. In short, they are all-round enhancements.

Under such a terrifying increase, the spiritual power drill dug out one kilometer per second, and quickly advanced towards the ground. In just ten seconds, it reached a depth of [-] meters underground, but the density of the rock continued to rise, and the underground became more and more The hotter it gets, the less air there is, and the speed of propulsion slows down very quickly.

An hour later, Xinglan reached a depth of a thousand kilometers underground.

Six hours later, Xinglan reached a depth of two thousand kilometers underground.

Twelve hours later, Xinglan reached a depth of more than 3000 kilometers underground.

When we got here, the mantle material showed a hellish bright red, in a state between liquid and solid, and the temperature reached more than 4000 degrees Celsius. Xinglan used mental power to make 100 layers of air heat shields around his body, and it was just smooth get here.

(End of this chapter)

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