I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 121 Consciousness Waves

Chapter 121 Consciousness Waves
It was Zhou Jun who spoke.

Xiao Fan smiled, it seemed that it was not very strange to see Zhou Jun at this time and this place.

"Zhou Chu, you won't be angry with me for disturbing you here early in the morning?"

Xiao Fan smiled slightly, but he was really sincere because he felt sorry for Zhou Jun.

Zhou Jun yawned, "You still know you're embarrassed?"

He waved his hand again, "Forget it, you didn't ask me to come here, I can't blame you. Just count on my own life..."

"Haha..." Xiao Fan smiled and sat across from Zhou Jun, "Zhou Chu, why are you bitter and bitter?"

"It's not like you are such an unstable person."

"Look, you're still mad at me."

"Xiao Fan, what's the situation this time? Could it be that time is standing still for unknown reasons?" Zhou Jun looked at Xiao Fan and shrugged, as if no matter what Xiao Fan said, he would not be overly surprised.

got used to……

"I'm not exaggerating..." Xiao Fan spread his hands helplessly, "You have indeed guessed it. Time stands still..."

"Let me just say, there are six people on Bao Xing's side. Including his ruthless deputy named Yang Shi. You beat these six into that bear shape..." Zhou Jun shook his head in disbelief as he spoke. Looking at Xiao Fan, "But... Let me tell you, Xiao Fan, you seem to be getting more and more... measured?"

Xiao Fan trembled in fright, and looked at Zhou Jun with a wonderful expression.

"Zhou Chu...you..." Xiao Fan shook his head, as if he didn't know Zhou Jun in front of him, "I thought you were going to say that I'm getting more and more unreasonable in my actions? Why...it's the other way around?"

Xiao Fan narrowed his eyes, revealing a bit of ruthlessness, "It's hard to beat, you want me to kill them...to death?"

"Cut!" Zhou Jun leaned back on his chair, "It's not like you haven't done this before!"

Xiao Fan didn't know how to reply for a while.

In fact, I am really not the kind of person who kills people without blinking an eye, or who has an extremely strong mentality.

On the contrary, he is actually an ordinary student.

The last time he was in the emergency room of Shuzhou Provincial People's Hospital, he snatched the gangster's gun in the time still barrier and killed the gangster back.

Although it seems to be done in one go, it seems that Xiao Fan is a veteran and pro in this field.

But in fact, after he finished firing a round of bullets, he still couldn't believe his eyes.

As if watching in slow motion, he saw with his own eyes the hot and spinning bullet piercing the criminal's body.

In my heart, there is a complex state of mind that cannot be described.

Surprise, fear, excitement, indifference...

There seems to be some of both.

Afterwards, Xiao Fan was terrified.

He even felt that his life was over.

However, until he met Zhou Jun, agreed to cooperate with Zhou Jun, and became a related person of the AEA organization.

This series of changes, especially his secret contract with Zhou Jun, made Xiao Fan finally divert his attention and successfully overcome the psychological pressure and obstacles.

Since then, Xiao Fan has become more rational and controllable.

Therefore, even if he snatched the switchblade and other murder weapons on the spot this time, he could still kill Bao Xing and others.

But Xiao Fan didn't do that, he just chose to use non-lethal methods to teach the opponent a lesson.

Unexpectedly, this made him even more relieved, and made Xiao Fan addicted to beating people, almost unable to stop.


Xiao Fan pondered for a long time, and said with emotion: "It was indeed possible to kill them at that time. But I didn't do it..."

He looked at Zhou Jun and said, "Zhou Chu, am I almost ruining my future..."

"Haha...it's not that serious!" Zhou Jun waved his hand and said seriously: "I don't know if you pick people, or what is the reason. Every time you mess with these people, they are the criminals we focus on. Just say Today's Bao Xing, if you don't beat him to death, we are going to arrest him as soon as possible..."

"Um..." There were a few black lines on Xiao Fan's forehead, "Zhou Chu, I suddenly feel much better when you say that. You... are very good at decompressing me..."

"Ha, remember me, maybe I will force you to do something you don't want to do in the future." Zhou Jun looked at Zhou Jun meaningfully, "When the time comes, please remember what you said today. , try to be as positive as possible.”

"Huh?" Xiao Fan looked at Zhou Jun vigilantly, "Zhou Chu, we are just a cooperative relationship, I don't take orders from you..."

"I know, I know, of course it's cooperation. But, Xiao Fan, I'm like you. When I get on this boat, sometimes I can't do what I want. It's like I am now..."

"Hmm..." Xiao Fan was thoughtful, carefully pondering the meaning of Zhou Jun's words.

Zhou Jun himself didn't know what he was thinking, so he was silent for a long time.

In this big room, Zhou Jun and Xiao Fan were the only two people. Except for the lighting, there was no recording, monitoring, or video recording equipment.

Zhou Jun also explained it to Xiao Fan from the beginning.

Therefore, at this time, the two of them had a good opportunity to say something from the bottom of their hearts.

But Xiao Fan was quite helpless, the more he said this, the more mysterious it became...

"Zhou Chu, what are we going to do tonight? How are we going to end it?" Xiao Fan returned to the topic.

"Don't worry about it, I've already finished unblocking it for you. When it's dawn, you and Qian Kangle will go home, keep quiet, and do what you should do." Zhou Jun patted his chest.

Xiao Fan stuck out his tongue.

"Zhou Chu, is this good..." Xiao Fan deliberately asked: "We are decent, right? This thing can cover the sky with one hand?"

Zhou Jun glared at Xiao Fan: "What's the matter? You're still acting good when you get a bargain? How about I give you a ride so that they can simply speed up the process and sentence you as a provocateur and intentional injury as soon as possible? Or just be more thorough and attempt to kill someone intentionally?"

Xiao Fan quickly waved his hand, "Farewell, Farewell, Zhou Chu, you can't take back the guaranteed ticket that you said before so soon..."

"Hmph," Zhou Jun said with a dissatisfied look, "I said Xiao Fan, I didn't violate the law or morality by doing this, but because of our special identities, I simplified some procedures. The reason why I told you not to It’s not because you shouldn’t be let go, but because it violates procedural justice to a certain extent.”

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment, "Procedural justice?"

"That's right, it's procedural justice." Zhou Jun knocked on the table. "In some people's eyes, procedural justice is just icing on the cake. What is really important and important is factual justice. However, what we are in is the entire huge social system. The normal operation of this huge system cannot fail to mention procedural justice.

Even, in many cases, procedural justice may be more important than factual justice!Xiao Fan, if it wasn't for me, if it wasn't for you to be on the same boat with the AEA organization, I would never pay this price and destroy procedural justice for you! "

Zhou Jun spoke very seriously, with majesty and pressure in his eyes.

Xiao Fan really felt it.

He understood every word Zhou Jun said.

However, Xiao Fan still couldn't understand why he emphasized this point so much.

"Some don't understand, right?" Zhou Jun seemed to understand Xiao Fan's thoughts clearly.

He smiled and said patiently: "You are a special case. The meaning of a special case is that it can only be applied to a very small number of special people. To put it bluntly, in my case, this can only be done to the AEA organization and its related partners. Others People, it must not be like this. Once more and more people break through procedural justice, it will definitely damage factual justice!"

"We are not compromising factual justice now?" Xiao Fan tried to ask.

"What do you think?" Zhou Jun stared at Xiao Fan, "Do you think you are a bad person or a good person? A murderer, or a reasonable violent method to fight against evil forces."

Xiao Fan rushed to say: "Of course he is a good person, of course it is a reasonable means of violence!"

"Then it's over!" Zhou Jun crossed his arms, "I believe in you, I understand you, and you provide me with corresponding information. This is a virtuous circle, because we have reached a special cooperative relationship of mutual trust. , However, it is difficult to continue to enlarge this relationship to a wider scope.”

Xiao Fan nodded, "So, I'm fine?"

Zhou Jun also nodded without saying a word.

"How will Bao Xing and the others be dealt with?" Xiao Fan asked.

"It's none of my business..." Zhou Jun said indifferently, "The situation is already clear. They are just ordinary bullies who do evil things, but they met you and encountered hard problems. However, people like Bao Xing are too It's too much, the police will take care of it, but for us, it's not our focus."

Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment, "The scope of our attention is..."

"I have already explained, any strange, unexplainable existence that may pose a threat to the future of all mankind!"

Xiao Fan: "..."

He wanted to ask Zhou Jun, what exactly was this threat?
Or, does this threat really exist?
Why don't I think so?
Why didn't I find out?

But Xiao Fan did not express this suspicion.

After all, the things that happened to me, the secrets hidden in me, isn't it also said that no one can understand?

time stands still...

Are these not big enough?

If the world and the universe are a dynamic equilibrium existence.

Then, from the moment the system is bound to itself, does it also indicate that there is a certain relative threat, which has also quietly approached from an imperceptible dimension?

Xiao Fan could no longer analyze it.

If you think about it this way, it becomes metaphysics.

There is no basis at all...


Three days later, at the top of Black Feather Mountain.

Xiao Fan stood alone on the top of the mountain, thinking for a long time without saying a word.

The wind on the top of the mountain passed quickly, and Xiao Fan's ears howled like ghosts and foxes.

The messy hair covered the eyes.

However, Xiao Fan seemed to have fallen into a deep pool of contemplation, and he stood motionless for a long time in front of the cliff on the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, he leaned forward and opened his arms quickly.

Another gust of wind hit, lifting Xiao Fan's body.

Xiao Fan jumped down from the top of the cliff.


This is the scene he has experienced.

Two months ago, he also jumped off the top of this cliff.

But the feeling at that time seemed to have gradually become unfamiliar.

At that time, it was when Xiao Fan had just mastered the time stop skill.

He seems to be possessed by a strong urge to grow.

During that time, every day he felt that he was growing stronger and becoming a stronger and better person.

However, today, when he was also flying at high altitude, lost gravity, and fell rapidly, he was already in a different state of mind.

Today's self is not what it used to be.

Holding time still skill lv7!

Such a self is already an extraordinary existence.

Xiao Fan couldn't imagine what he could do like this.

However, from the past attempts and experiences, he gradually discovered his infinite possibilities.

When he holds these possibilities in his hands, he can do many unimaginable things.

Such an ability is almost a dream for anyone.

The same goes for Xiao Fan.

Especially recently, he has wanted to use this ability countless times to experience more indescribable...

He became more and more afraid, afraid that he would eventually lose himself.

Three days ago, after bidding farewell to Zhou Jun, Xiao Fan intentionally felt the change in his heart.

In the Qi'an clubhouse, the feeling of hitting the body in the pool of blood repeatedly called him.

Let a vague self gradually sprout in the heart.

And this self is full of darkness that is unimaginable and unspeakable.

Xiao Fan was secretly startled, he wanted to escape countless times.

He warned himself countless times: "Leave! Avoid! The farther you can hide, the better! That's not the real you!"

However, the more Xiao Fan said this, the self that emerged in his heart became stronger and stronger, growing and growing faster and faster.

Until that person actually grew up, occupying a place in Xiao Fan's heart, and said some words to Xiao Fan that even Xiao Fan himself dared not face.

So shocking, it makes the hair stand on end...

For three days, Xiao Fan tried to reconcile with this so-called existence.

He tries to stop time in a luxury store, stop time in a bank, stop time in a jewelry store, stop time everywhere.

When he successfully stopped time, he even tried to hold those priceless things in his hands, and even took those things out of where they should be.

However, he always put these things back as quickly as possible after a few seconds, like a frightened person.

He is not very short of money.

Xiao Fan now has enough savings to support his father's medical expenses and provide better financial support for his parents.

However, that strange sense of experience is always lingering, calling him in a dark corner all the time.

In addition, he has made other attempts.

In supermarkets, on buses, in bookstores, in hospitals...

He was like a child walking on the edge of a cliff. Although he knew it was wrong, he couldn't resist the restlessness in his heart, and finally had to try it tremblingly.

Despite being terribly scared.

He is a complete freak in each of the time-stopping barriers!

He fixedly stared at each of their eyes, trying to see the inner soul from the window of the soul.

He got his hands so close to their eyelashes, the pinnae of their ears, the tip of their noses, and so on.

His hands trembled uncontrollably, but he always stopped and gave up when strong impulses and fears intertwined.

Before the space fluctuations appear, turn around, like a most competent passer-by, and continue to blend into the crowd as a lonely person.

In such a crowded crowd, Xiao Fan became more and more out of place.

he is so lonely...


Xiao Fan opened his arms and fell from the height of Moyu Mountain.

He made his way through the clouds and the wind, away from the goshawk that flew by his side across the sky.

However, unlike the last time, he no longer had the same emptiness and enjoyment as last time.

His heart seemed to be a huge hole.

In any case, there is no way to fill it up.

He knew he had become a completely different self.

He knew that he had become an extremely powerful being - as long as he used his skills better, even if he was only at level 7, he could accomplish almost anything impossible to some extent.

However, Xiao Fan was strange and lost himself.

Starting from the person standing in the pool of blood in Qi'an clubhouse, from the time when he raised his fist and slammed down on those hapless people whose lives were gradually going away.

From the strange eyes of the 20 girls on the giant long table, and from Qian Kangle's surprised and terrifying eyes, Xiao Fan knew that it wasn't just him who felt strange and scared.

Everyone in this world feels strange and afraid of him!
Well, before it's too late, before everything can be salvaged...

Xiao Fan didn't know what he wanted to do, but the clouds passed by quickly, and he was thrown behind him.

The dense and turquoise forest on the ground swirled towards him, getting closer and closer.

The singing of birds and insects in the forest represents the beauty and calling of life, but it has become a desperate song...

Xiao Fan grinned, letting the spinning world suck him into the black hole at the center of the vortex...


The most shocking super wave exploded from the depths of space!

The black hole at the center of the vortex suddenly stopped expanding!
Whoa whoa whoa!
As if a strong wind was blowing, Xiao Fan maintained an upside-down posture, and unexpectedly stood still 30 centimeters above the ground!
In front of the tip of his nose was the dogtail grass that stood up again after being blown down by the strong wind.

Those shimmering fluffs exude a fragrance in the air, as if waving to Xiao Fan again, telling him the beauty of this world and their reluctance to him.

Xiao Fan opened his eyes wide in surprise!
At this moment, he struggled from the vortex he was trapped in, and opened his shining eyes from the endless darkness.

Tick, tick...

Time passed by second by second.

Finally surpassed 5 seconds!
This is the longest duration of time stillness that Xiao Fan has mastered.

However, this is not him!
In fact, he knew it from the beginning.

This wave of static time, from beginning to end, was not caused by Xiao Fan!
And the scope of time stillness, with Xiao Fan as the center, spread and covered the entire Moyu Mountain Col...

Especially in the first few miraculous seconds, every plant and tree in the entire mountain depression, the mountain wind and dew, were all still, forming the longest mountain and forest map.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that this huge barrier of time stillness slowly shrank, turning into a space ball with a diameter of 5 meters.

The center of the space sphere is Xiao Fan who is still still.

In this sphere of space, time still stands still!

Xiao Fan remained motionless.

However, Xiao Fan knew all this happened.

Because, his consciousness waves are rushing like lightning.

In an instant, he seemed to have an out-of-body experience, and seemed to travel through time, space and the universe!

He only felt that he seemed to lose weight and gravity, but just become a free-wheeling consciousness wave.

He soars up, through the atmosphere, and away from Earth.

But he didn't stop, but continued to accelerate towards the universe in outer space!

He saw the earth getting smaller, he saw himself crossing Mars, Saturn...

He saw that the solar system behind him was getting smaller and smaller, and he saw that the Milky Way had been left behind by him...

And then, he saw the galaxies turned into rotating light points one by one, dotted in the indescribable dark space background.

He saw these swirling points of light converging into a stream of light, gradually converging in a spiral, forming a black hole at the center...

Powerful attraction, irresistible attraction.

Xiao Fan found that the consciousness wave he transformed into could no longer resist the attraction of the black hole!

He was hopelessly sucked in instantly!

The twilight flickered, and the wonderful points of light converged into blurred pictures.

Clear, clearer.

Xiao Fan was surprised to see the reinforced concrete jungle, high-rise buildings, spaceships flying fast, people who appeared out of thin air and disappeared instantly, and... people with wings.


What is this...

Xiao Fan fell into great confusion.

But suddenly, a voice that seemed familiar rang in his ears.

"never give up……"

(End of this chapter)

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