Chapter 89 I Know Magic
The development of the fire is too fast, time waits for no one!
3 The lives of so many children upstairs are already at stake!
Several windows on the 3rd floor were shattered.

The temperature is already too high!

"What should we do! Go up and save people!"

"It's too late, hurry up!"

The crowd was all in disarray.

However, the thick black smoke and the dazzling red flames, like the devil, make people daunting.

Xiao Fan gritted his teeth and rushed out of the crowd, about to rush into the building.

"Xiao Fan!" Ou Yuwei shouted to stop him, "Don't be impulsive, the fire has sealed the stairs, you can't go up!"

Ou Yuanqing also shouted anxiously: "The fire brigade is coming soon, you just go up there with your bare hands, you will only die!"

Ou Yuanqing was right.

At this moment, thick smoke has already passed through the stairs and overflowed from the gate on the first floor of the building.

This shows that the stairs of the entire building are full of burning smoke.

If Xiao Fan rushed forward without any protective equipment, he would definitely not be able to save anyone, and would definitely suffocate to death!

Xiao Fan just paused for a moment and didn't look back.

Only one sentence left: "It's too late!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Fan rushed into the thick smoke amidst the exclamation of everyone, and disappeared!

"Oops! The first floor is full of smoke!"

"I'm afraid this young man can't save anyone..."

"Hey, what a crime! What should I do?!"

"The fire brigade is coming quickly!!"

Everyone panicked.

Seeing Xiao Fan rushing in to die like this, everyone's mood also followed his disappearance, and fell into infinite solemnity.

Almost everyone was worried that this young man who went to save others was probably...


As soon as Xiao Fan rushed into the corridor filled with thick smoke, he knew the situation was very critical.

In the stairwell on the first floor, he could barely breathe, but he couldn't help coughing.

And this smoke came from the third floor!
Xiao Fan couldn't care so much, he strode upstairs, and ran up quickly against the billowing smoke.

When I ran to the stairwell on the second floor, the smoke was so thick that I couldn't breathe at all!
Xiao Fan didn't stop for a moment, he just held his breath and continued to go upstairs!
Finally rushed to the door of the third floor, the rolling heat wave almost knocked Xiao Fan over!

He looked anxiously inside the third floor. The huge fire had basically blocked the only passage from the gate to the interior of the third floor.

Huge flames were spreading crazily, and Xiao Fan saw that the interior of the third floor was already a sea of ​​flames!
Through the fire, Xiao Fan has already seen the teaching alms of those training institutions.

The desk, bookshelf, blackboard... all had been engulfed in fire, but no one was seen!

Xiao Fan's heart sank, secretly feeling ominous.

Suddenly, he vaguely heard some voices.

After carefully distinguishing, I finally found out that it was the cry of some children!

it is good!
This at least shows that people are still there!

It should be somewhere inside!

At this moment, Xiao Fan had been holding his breath for a long time and was somewhat hypoxic.

He found that his current location should be very close to the original fire point, and the fire was very large.

This also just explains why the children on the third floor failed to escape.

The fire started at the door, which just blocked their escape route!
If this is the case, then we have to rush in first and find the children before talking!

But how to cross this dangerous fire?

In an instant, at the entrance of the third floor, in the area where the fire was most violent, mysterious spatial fluctuations appeared.

Those tongues of fire that were dancing like devils were frozen in an instant!
Time stands still lv5!

For the first time, Xiao Fan used a skill that had just been upgraded!
At this time, with a radius of 8 meters, the time will stand still for 4 seconds!
Xiao Fan didn't dare to delay, and rushed into the huge "stationary" flames.

In the barrier of static time, even the active flow of air molecules has stopped, and the violent oxidation reaction, that is, combustion, is naturally frozen.

Of course, the normal movement of air molecules is still maintained, that's why Xiao Fan and other people in the time stillness barrier can still maintain normal breathing.

At this moment, the high temperature of the flame directly dropped to normal temperature due to the instant cooling of the molecular movement!

Xiao Fan passed through the still flames and finally reached the inner area on the third floor.

4 seconds is up.

The time-stopping barrier disappeared and the fire continued to spread crazily!
In the inner areas on the third floor, the flames had not yet burned, but the smoke was already very thick.

The cries of the children grew louder.

Xiao Fan followed the direction of the cry, went around a corner, and finally found the children gathered in the corner of the floor.

I couldn't see clearly for a while, but there were probably seven or eight children in total.

Everyone squatted in the corner and cried together.

A young female teacher is blocking the children.

There is a sink next to them, and the female teacher is constantly picking up the water from the tap and pouring it on the children to cool down.

Xiao Fan rushed forward, pulled the female teacher's arm, and squatted down together with her.

"Is everyone here?" Xiao Fan asked loudly.

The female teacher's face was a little darkened by smoke, but when the two looked at each other, Xiao Fan was stunned.

"Zhong Ling?!"

This female teacher is Xiao Fan's junior junior sister, Zhong Ling.

Zhong Ling also recognized Xiao Fan, with a mixture of surprise and fear on his face, and immediately cried.

"Wow... Brother! What should we do? We can't escape..."

Hey, Zhong Ling is just a little girl who has just grown up. In front of so many children, she had to play the role of an adult. At this moment, seeing Xiao Fan, she finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Xiao Fan grabbed Zhong Ling's arm even more forcefully with both hands, and asked again loudly: "Is everyone here?"

"Yes, they are all there!" Zhong Ling burst into tears, but finally gave a definite answer.

Xiao Fan looked around anxiously.

It is relatively far away from the place where the fire is most fierce, and everyone squats very low, close to a window next to it, and there is a water source to cool down.

Relatively speaking, this is already the best temporary shelter.

However, if you want to escape, you must pass through the door on the third floor where the fire is the most intense, but it has been blocked by the fire, and this possibility is gone!

Xiao Fan stood up and rushed to the window to look out.

This is the window on the back of the building, not facing the street, so there is no one downstairs on this side.

Xiao Fan estimated the height.

No, it's too high!

Although it is only the third floor, the height of each floor of this building is very high, close to 3 meters.

Therefore, the actual height here is almost equal to the 6th floor of an ordinary residential building!
If you jump off the 6th floor, you will definitely die!
Xiao Fan turned around again, and saw Zhong Ling and the children squatting at his feet, and the thick smoke and tongues of flames were approaching them like monsters with claws and claws.

The heat wave coming from the pavement made Xiao Fan almost unable to hold on and fainted!
Xiao Fan's heart skipped a beat.

Can't wait any longer!
You can only give it a try!
Xiao Fan rushed to Zhong Ling and shouted loudly: "Zhong Ling, do as I say! I will definitely save you!"

Zhong Ling, whose face was full of tears, had eyes shining brightly from the fire, "Yeah!"

"Call all the children to the window! Quick!"

Xiao Fan commanded Zhong Ling loudly, and immediately brought the children to the window to gather.

Zhong Ling had a look of disbelief, she had already seen the height of the window, and she had already rejected the option of "jumping through the window".

But she trusted Xiao Fan, so she and Xiao Fan took the children to the window.

Well, a total of eight children, including Zhong Ling and Xiao Fan, a total of ten people gathered in front of the window.

Suddenly, the large chandelier behind him was burned and fell down, making a terrifying loud noise.

The flames are approaching, and there is no way to hide!
"Everyone, stand on the platform outside the window first! Hand in hand!" Xiao Fan shouted loudly.

When everyone finished following Xiao Fan's instructions, everyone looked up at Xiao Fan with tears in their eyes.

Xiao Fan tried his best to grin, in order to make the children not panic so much.

"Everyone listen to me, I have a way to save everyone. Listen to my command now, everyone closes their eyes, join hands, I count to 3, jump down with me!"

Even the children were shocked when they heard Xiao Fan's words.


"Ah woo woo woo, mom..."

The kids were terrified!
Zhong Ling also had a look of despair, and she was already in tears.

Looking at Xiao Fan, it was like looking at him for the last time.

"Everyone, don't be afraid!" Xiao Fan tried his best to put on a relaxed and confident expression, "My brother actually knows magic! As long as you jump together with your eyes closed, I can cast magic and let everyone land safely. Trust me!"

Several children were already frightened, but when they heard the word "magic", they all looked at Xiao Fan with wide eyes in surprise.

Those eyes seemed to be really looking at "Superman"!
The window pane next to it shattered.

The fire has completely occupied the third floor.

Seeing that the children seemed to believe him, Xiao Fan solemnly nodded to Zhong Ling, and said with a smile, "And you, little Zhong Ling, do as I say."

Little Zhong Ling pouted and nodded.

Xiao Fan shouted loudly: "1...2...3! Jump!"

Ten people held hands and jumped together from the window sill nearly 20 meters high.

Except for Xiao Fan, everyone closed their eyes.

In the face of death, they chose to believe in this big brother who said he had "magic".

Xiao Fan opened his eyes wide, staring at the ground without blinking!

This is their flight towards the ground, and even more towards survival!
It's near, it's near!
Nearly 20 meters in height.

Flying over, but it only takes a moment.

The moment they were about to land, mysterious spatial fluctuations appeared around the ten people again.

Time stands still lv5!

At a height of only 1 meter from the ground, ten people freeze instantly!

Because everyone including Xiao Fan was holding hands, Xiao Fan pulled the others down again because of his own weak gravity.

However, this is a restart from a standstill.

The distance of 1 meter is very short, and the speed of several people has not been added up before they all landed on the ground.

This time, there was more than enough time.

Xiao Fan simply pulled everyone away from the burning building.

4 seconds passed, and the time barrier disappeared.

The children opened their eyes and were surprised to find that they were standing safely on the ground.

"Wow, awesome!"

"Big brother really has magic!"

"Long live!"


The children jumped up excitedly and cheered.

All the faces that were darkened by the smoke, together with the tears, were all messed up.

But at this moment, they are all filled with the happiest smiles.

Xiao Fan let out a long breath.

Finally rescued everyone, it was not easy!
At this time, the sound of fire sirens came from the other side of the building.

The fire brigade also arrived.

In fact, it is really fast, only 10 minutes.

However, if it wasn't for Xiao Fan's immediate action, so many young lives might have been lost because of these 10 minutes...

Xiao Fan couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

At this time, Zhong Ling couldn't help coming over and holding Xiao Fan's arm tightly.

Shocked, but cheered!
Xiao Fan smiled at Zhong Ling.

This time, he seemed to understand something about ability and responsibility.


When Xiao Fan brought Zhong Ling and the children to the front of the crowd, the crowd couldn't help bursting into warm applause and cheers!

"Excellent, lad!"


The parents of the children who came after hearing the news also arrived one after another.

Those parents who were still in shock rushed up and finally found their precious children.

Everyone is very grateful to Xiao Fan!
"Thank you, thank you! Woooooo..."

"Child, hurry up and kowtow to your brother. This is your savior!"


Faced with such a scene in front of so many people, Xiao Fan was a little confused for a moment.

Under the admiring eyes of everyone, Xiao Fan experienced a sense of accomplishment that cannot be described in words for the first time!
(End of this chapter)

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