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Chapter 184 Detailed Explanation of Pirate World Training

Chapter 184 Detailed Explanation of Pirate World Training

Zero: "By the way, Tony, you have the permission to travel through the world of Gundam A. I have already opened it. You can start whenever you want! However, you have to remember that once you leave, the permission will be closed. "

Tony Stark: "OK! I'll remember this, thank you boss. I'm leaving first, everyone will talk later."

. . . . . .

After reminding Tony of what to pay attention to, Zero withdrew from the communication group.

After breakfast with Yan Lingji and the other three, they bought some necessities and maps in the small town.

Then set foot on the road to the capital of the Kingdom of Batarils.

"Let me first say that people in this world don't distinguish between knives and swords. A knives are short weapons with a single side and a long blade. A sword has a double-edged body and a straight head. You determine the weapons you use, and I will give you pointers based on your choice."

Just after leaving the town, Ling told Yan Shisan and Kuina about his problems.

"I use a sword."

Yan Shisan answered Ling's question without hesitation. He was born in the world of martial arts, and he can be said to be very clear about the eighteen weapons.

"Ah, is there still such a distinction between knives and swords? Aren't they all the same?"

However, Kuina, who has lived in this world since she was a child, feels very strange about Zero's question.

"The knife and the sword are two different weapons. The characteristics of the knife technique are: brave, fast, imposing, and powerful, like a tiger. The use of the knife is based on body skills, jumping over distance, The eyes are quick and the hands are quick, and it is required to change the sword with you when you move forward and backward, dodge, jump and roll, and the body and equipment are coordinated. The structure of the sword is one point and two edges, so when using it, it should be used in a comprehensive and diverse manner according to its structural characteristics. Therefore, The characteristics of swordsmanship: lightness and agility, flexible body and wrist, both hardness and softness, and free and easy spirit. Now, do you know it?"

Before Zero explained this time, Yan Shisan took the lead in explaining to Guya the difference between a knife and a sword.

"Yan Shisan is right!"

Zero agrees with Yan Shisan's explanation, although, in the heavens and worlds, some swords will subvert Yan Shisan's explanation.However, this only accounts for a very small part, and some still follow this rule.

"So that's the case. No wonder my father said that girls are weak and cannot become the world's number one swordsman."

After listening to Yan Shisan's explanation of the characteristics of the two weapons, knives and swords, Guyina finally understood why her father said that girls cannot become the world's number one swordsman.

"Pfft, do you believe this? Let's not talk about the cultivation method in your world, which is to constantly break through the limits of the body, so that the overall quality of the body will continue to become stronger. As long as you cultivate properly, you will never lack strength.

And I can guarantee that as long as you follow the training method I set for you, your strength can increase within a year, and your strength will definitely exceed 70.00% of the people in this world.After that, the growth will become flat, but it is related to your talent, potential, hard work, and opportunity. As long as you don't give up, you will definitely become the world's number one strongman within 30 years. "

Zero couldn't help but laugh when he heard Kuina's words.

"And ah, a strong person is not determined by strength. It needs to consider the overall quality. Factors such as strength, speed, defense, endurance, etc. are all essential."

Zero continued.

"Yes, every strong person will have their own focus, but in other aspects, they will not fall behind and become their own flaws."

After Ling finished speaking, Yan Shisan also spoke up, correcting his way of judging the strong for this little girl, Kuina.

"Really, really? Can I really do this?"

After listening to the words of the two masters, even her firm belief that strength is a prerequisite for becoming the world's number one swordsman began to disintegrate.

"Yes, or not, during this period of time, you will experience it."

Zero didn't give an exact answer to Kuina, because there are some things, it's better to experience it for yourself.


Although Zero didn't give a definite answer, Kuina chose to believe it.

Because no one will resurrect a dead person for no reason, and she thinks that there is nothing for her ordinary self, which is what the other party needs.

"Then, next, I will give you a detailed introduction to popularize the orthodox cultivation method in this world."

"Before I talk about this, let me tell you about the way to make this world stronger. First of all, it is the simplest, quickest, and full of uncertainty method, that is to eat Devil Fruits. Devil Fruits have all kinds of strange abilities. If If there is nothing to compare with the fruit illustrated book, just eat it casually, and it is likely to get a tasteless ability. Next, it is to become a swordsman (not just a swordsman, but also a master who uses other weapons). The second is to use scientific power .In the end, it is to become a physical master.”

"However, these methods all have a premise, that is, they are physically strong. Through continuous extreme training, they can break through their physical limits and further strengthen their physical fitness. This is the orthodox cultivation method in this world."

"When the physical fitness reaches a certain level, you can start to cultivate the advanced version of the ability, that is domineering. There are three types of domineering, namely: domineering domineering, armed domineering, and knowledge-like domineering.

Domineering is the world of "ONE PIECE", that is, in this world, all human beings have potential power. This power is an innate ability, the same as "momentum" and "deterrence", and exists like instinct ; However, the vast majority of people are not aware of this power, or are unable to exert it throughout their lives.

Momentum, murderousness, fighting spirit... When manipulating these invisible sensations, willpower can be turned into a weapon. This kind of powerful force is called domineering.

In fact, to explain it in a simple and easy-to-understand way, it is the special energy formed by mixing your mental strength with your physical strength, internal strength and other internal energy.

Knowledge-colored domineering has the following characteristics: First, it can predict the enemy's actions.Second, it can perceive the enemy's position, number and even strength.Third, you can read your mind after practicing to a certain extent, and even predict the future.Of course, this needs to be done step by step before you can fully master it.

Armed with domineering color, the characteristics are as follows: [-]. It can deal with the ability of devil fruit.[-]. Increase your own defense and attack power.Third, it can enhance the power of weapons.

Domineering color has the following characteristics: [-]. The aura of the king increases with the increase of spiritual power.[-]. Strong deterrence, can attack silently, and attack in a large area, the power is the same.[-]. If you are fighting against an opponent who also has the overlord color, your overlord color surpasses the opponent, which can make your opponent weak and confused (rough mental attack). "

(End of this chapter)

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