Chapter 445


Lush and lush forest fields, endless green.

If you look carefully, you will find some small animals wearing helmets and carrying guns, hunting in the wilderness.

And under the shade of the trees in the forest not far away, there are some men with a pair of white wings on their backs. Their clothes are shabby, either there is a piece missing here, or there is a hole there.

However, there are two exceptions among them. They are neatly dressed and fully equipped.A male angel with blond hair, blue eyes, a beard, and a wretched face.The other turned herself into a coquettish, glamorous, slutty woman, wearing black leather armor, facing a pair of black wings that are different from other male angels.

Those who are familiar with the plot know that these two guys are Grandpa Hua, Hua Ye, who is so ruthless that even men dare to fuck.The other is the former sacred left-wing guard, scheming bitch Ruoning.

At this time, Ruoning was communicating with someone on the dark plane remotely.

"Carl, is there any difference between your proposal and digging a pit where we will surely die and let us jump into it?"

Ruoning said indifferently.

When Ruoning was talking with Carl, Grandpa Hua was still touching Ruoning's thigh lewdly.


Also made strange noises.

"No, this is not what you said. Although the fighters of the Chinese civilization are not weaker than the fighters of the angelic civilization, their number is too small. It is estimated that they will not exceed 1000. And, on Kesha's side, I can persuade Liangbing to make a move, as long as I cooperate with my latest research – Void Engine 2.0, it will be easy for you to defeat the Chinese civilization, and then we will share their knowledge and finished products, which will be a win-win result.”

Carl continued to fool around.Facing the former sacred left wing, Carl was very able to hold his temper. After all, they are all 3-year-old people. It must be more difficult than fooling the Deno civilization and Lieyang civilization, but he is confident that he can persuade Hua Ye They shot.

"Heh, that sounds really nice. Don't you just want us to be your gunmen? Impossible, give up!"

Ruoning scoffed at Carl's words, it's okay to deceive my sister-in-law with such words, she won't be fooled.

. . . . . .

Then, the two started a long verbal war.However, in the end, no one convinced anyone, so they could only temporarily truce.

"I said, Ruoning, just promise him. After all, we have been here for so long, it's time to go outside, otherwise no one will remember us."

After Ruoning ended the call with Carl, Hua Ye said with a frivolous face.

"Besides, since someone is helping us get out of here now, why not agree? Anyway, the benefits are given to us first, and it's up to us whether we want to help him or not at that time?"

Hua Ye added.

"Oh, honey, it looks like you have a plan."

Ruoning looked at Hua Ye and asked thoughtfully.

"Hey! Of course, who am I, I am the king of the universe. Hahaha!"

Hua Ye lay on Ruoning's lap, looked up at the sky, and let out a wretched laugh.


The situation was changing, and the originally sunny day suddenly became strange and unpredictable.

Blue Sea Fleet, the Great Strait.

Today, a group of uninvited guests came, putting the soldiers in a state of emergency preparation. The Xiongbing Company also came to the deck, nervously looking up at the beautiful angel ladies in miniskirts.

"Yo, it's really lively, so many of you came out to welcome me."

Kesha looked at the people in the Xiongbing Company below and teased.

When he saw Ducao, he said with a meaningful smile.

"Isn't this the war madman Ducao? So you are here too."

"Holy Keisha."

Ducao recognized the blond beauty in long johns sitting on the shrunken version of the Skyblade battleship at a glance.

"What is your purpose for coming to Planet Earth? This is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

Relying on the existence of Chinese civilization, Ducao has no timidity in the face of Kaisha, the strongest god in the universe.

"Hehe! You are not small, Ducao. Do you think that this is the territory of Chinese civilization, so you have the confidence to speak? Stop making trouble, I admit that Chinese civilization is really good, and its high-end combat power is more powerful than our angels. Few, but their number is really too small. Throughout the history of China, there are very few people who can become warriors of Chinese civilization, do you think they will be the opponents of angels?"

Keisha expressed her disdain for Ducao's arrogant appearance.

She learned from the information that He Xi came back through, that it is very strict to become a warrior of Chinese civilization. Their history is only a few thousand years, and the accumulated number is definitely not comparable to that of angels, let alone their background. , In a real fight, Angels can win even with a large number of people, not to mention there are many heaven-defying weapons in Kaisha's knowledge treasure house.


Ducao was pissed off, because the facts were exactly as Kesha said, and Ducao could guess, otherwise, it would be impossible for the Chinese civilization to let this war happen, and it would definitely destroy Taotie in the world. Beyond the planet Earth.

"Okay! The call with you is over, don't you all from Huaxia Civilization show up?"

Afterwards, Kesha yelled towards the empty place, this is the main purpose of Kesha making such a big battle this time.


After a bull roar, an old man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared in the void riding a green bull in coarse linen clothes.


Afterwards, another burly old man appeared on the body of a mighty bird with fiery red feathers.

After the two appeared, the half-open aura on their bodies made everyone feel a heavy stone in their hearts.

Even if they are as strong as Keisha, they still feel a faint sense of crisis from the two of them.

"I'm Li Er, the word Dan."

The old man on the bull bowed to Kesha and said.

"Under Confucius, the name is Zhongni."

The burly old man standing on the back of the giant bird cupped his hands and said to Kesha.

"Lao Tzu, Confucius, two celebrities in Chinese history, hello. I am the king of angelic civilization, Keisha, nice to meet you."

Keisha restrained her proud expression slightly, and responded politely to the two of them.

The mere aura of Lao Tzu and Confucius made Kesha feel dangerous, which proved that these two people were not ordinary people. You must know that it has been a long time since I upgraded my sacred body.But now, let myself feel this feeling again.

According to the characteristics of a super soldier in Chinese civilization, the longer he exists, the stronger his strength will be. The two of them are at most 2000 years old, and their strength is already like this, so what about those people before?

For the first time, Kaisha discovered that she had underestimated Chinese civilization.


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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