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Chapter 6 Chatting, Stephen Chow Appears

Chapter 6 Chatting, Stephen Chow Appears

Staff Exchange Group

Tony Stark: "Hey guys, what have you been doing lately?"

Kado Yaji: "No! I have always been traveling in a peaceful world."

Little Master: "I've been preparing for the dumpling competition recently."

Orochimaru: "I exchanged the human transformation technology and biotechnology of Kamen Rider World, and I have been researching it. Two days ago, my original research made a new breakthrough."

Zero: "What's wrong Tony? With your character, you won't just simply care about us! Tell me what's going on."

Knowing nothing about Tony, this guy must be trying to show off.Otherwise, why haven't I seen this guy talking in the communication group in the past two months.

Tony Stark: "Ahem, boss, you are wrong to say that. I also care about people's well-being."

Tony was uttered by Zero, and his face was suddenly embarrassed, so he opened his mouth to explain.

Zero: "Yes, yes, tell me what's going on!"

Zero didn't believe Tony's explanation at all, so he urged him to tell the reason.

Tony Stark: "..."

Tony Stark: "It's actually like this. I'm going to the Middle East tomorrow to show off new weapons, so I would like to invite everyone to watch the live broadcast."

After Tony was exposed by Zero, he no longer concealed it, and directly stated his purpose.

The communication group is completely made according to a certain penguin software in the previous life, so the communication group has all the functions that the penguin has.

Men Yashi: "I will."

Xiaodangjia: "I won't go, because the competition is at a critical moment and I want to develop new dumplings."

Orochimaru: "Technological weapons? I'm very interested, please let me know when the time comes."

Tony Stark: "OK! Boss, what about you?"

Tony was relieved to see that someone finally agreed. Just now seeing two people refusing, Tony was really afraid that no one would go, and it would be embarrassing at that time.

Zero: "I, I'll forget it, but be careful when you go out. After all, you are the richest man on earth. In the eyes of terrorists, you are just a mobile wallet."

Zero, who was familiar with the plot, vaguely reminded Tony.

Tony Stark: "Don't worry, the US military has sent a special forces team to be my bodyguard, it's safe."

Tony, who hadn't passed the kidnapping time, ignored the content of the zero words, and still looked fearless.

Zero: "Oh, that's good! @小头家, Xiaodangjia, are you thinking of a new dumpling dish?"

Seeing that Tony didn't take his words to heart, and didn't say anything more, it's better to experience some things once.Then, I chatted with Xiaodangjia.

Little boss: "Yes! What about the boss?"

Although the little boss was puzzled, he still answered honestly.

Zero: "Although my cooking skills are not as good as yours, I can give you a suggestion. There is an improved version of the brain-developing drug NZT-48 in the mall. This drug can develop the brain and increase the number of inspirations. In this way, it should help you Win this match."

Tony Stark: "The brain develops medicine, which is what ordinary people need. A genius like me doesn't need it at all."

Even if you can't see anyone, you can tell from the lines that Tony has a proud look on his face at this time.

Orochimaru: "Oh! Brain development medicine, I really haven't found it. It seems to be another interesting research topic."

Zero: "Smart Tony, have you ever tested, what is your IQ?"

Tony Stark: "According to the test results of the most authoritative IQ organization on the earth, Tony's intelligence is as high as 170, which has surpassed Einstein."

Tony is still very proud of his IQ, because this is indeed something to be proud of.

Zero: "Oh, then I can tell you that the improved NZT-48 can make a person's IQ permanently reach 250. So, your IQ, ha ha!"

Tony Stark: "That's impossible!!"

Zero: "Why is it impossible? Do you think it is possible for us, who are in different worlds, to chat together now?"

Tony Stark: "..."

Orochimaru: "Interesting, really interesting drug."

Little Master: "Thank you for the reminder! Boss."

Zero: "That's not necessary, wait until you win the championship. Just share your championship work!"

Little Master: "Of course."


After chatting with everyone, Zero began to set up the things he needed at night.

At six o'clock in the evening, Ling came to his booth and started making curry fish balls as usual.At the same time, chat with the vendors on the street.

Until 07:30, a man wearing sunglasses, a white shirt, black shorts, and leather shoes sat in front of the turkey stall.

"Tsk tsk, with this weird look and this time period, this person should be Stephen Zhou."

Looking at the other party's attire, Zero couldn't help guessing in his heart.

"A bowl of Chi Cha Noodles."

It took 3 minutes for the turkey to get the dough ready and toss it on the table.

The man picked up the chopsticks, took a sip of the noodle soup, and then commented.

"Alkaline water noodles have not been cold water, so the noodles are full of alkaline water smell. Failed."

The man pointed at the turkey with his chopsticks and said frivolously.

"The fish balls don't have a fishy taste, but in order to hide it, you added curry sauce and wanted to make them into curry fish balls. But this is too naive, because you didn't cook it for enough time, and the curry taste is only on the surface. , it didn’t go into it at all, and the fish balls were diluted when put in the soup. A good curry fish ball, so that you can make it with neither fish flavor nor curry flavor, failure! I didn’t pick the radish, the gluten was too Too much, a failure! The pig skin was overcooked and there was no bite, a failure! The pig blood was so rotten and watery that it fell apart when pinched. It was a failure among failures! The worst part was the large intestine, which was not cleaned at all, and there was a Shit, did you make a mistake?"

The man looked at the turkey and ignored him, so he continued to eat noodles and commented while eating.

However, the turkey continued to cook.

The man took the pig's large intestine and gestured for her to see it in front of the turkey.

"Hey, there is a pile of shit, hey, there is a pile of shit, have you seen it?"

It didn't take long for the man to be proud when he was hit on the head with a glass by other hawkers, fell to the ground and was trampled on.Finally, was bumped into the alley by the turkey.

"This guy is Stephen Zhou, who else is so cheap except him."

Zero watched the whole process of the man's trouble, and said in his heart.

Vendor A: "Sister Turkey, let that guy go to make trouble like this?"

Turkey: "Forget it, making money is not easy! There is no need to do other things."

Vendor B: "Understood, Miss Turkey."

Turkey: "Yeah."

After eleven o'clock in the evening, Ling closed the stall and went to the alley at the same time, copying Stephen Zhou's superb cooking talent.


(End of this chapter)

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