Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 121 To Menethil Harbor

Chapter 121 Back to Menethil Harbor

Chapter 121 Back to Menethil Harbor
A few days later, Wayne, Balka, and Kalia stood in the square in front of the gate of Ironforge, holding a dwarf battle sheep mount by their hands.Walker stood in front of them and kept talking to the three of them.At this time, the three of Wayne followed Ironforge's defense troops before heading to Menethil Harbor.Walker came to see him off.

"Remember, tell Sharna when you arrive at Menethil Harbor." Walker asked.

"Don't worry, Walker. We will stay in your shop until Uncle Kakol and his ship arrive at Menethil Harbor." Wayne patted Walker with a smile and said.

"I know, I just feel sad that I can't go back and surprise Sharna." Walker raised his beard and shouted loudly.

"Are you ready?" The commander of the army came over and asked Wayne and the others.

"It's ready, you can start at any time, sir." Wayne quickly turned his head and said to the commander.

"Very good, then get on your mounts and set off immediately." The commander nodded and gave instructions to Wayne and the three of them.

"Okay." Wayne responded, turned over and rode on the battle sheep, and said to Walker: "We are about to set off."

"I know, I heard it all just now." Walker nodded.

After all, the commander in the distance gave an order, and the troops moved out, and the three of Wayne and the others hurriedly greeted Walker.Then he closely followed the dwarven troops and set off towards Menethil Harbor.

The size of this defense force was not large. In fact, there were only more than 300 dwarves.They have to change their defenses once a year so that those dwarves who live elsewhere can go home and rest for a while.Dwarf troops usually operate like this. In the entire dwarf clan, except for minors and disabled dwarves, all the rest, including priests, can go to the battlefield.You won't even know if the shop owner in a certain town is an officer in the dwarven army.

Generally speaking, the defense of a dwarf town is generally undertaken by the citizens of the town.But Menethil Port is different. Although it is the territory of the dwarves, there are not many dwarves willing to live in Menethil Port. In addition, there are many human adventurers making a living here, so Menethil Port The security pressure in Irport is relatively high.

In addition, Menethil Port is the only port for the dwarves of Ironforge, so they must ensure safety on the road. If it is too dangerous, no merchant will be willing to do business in Menethil Port. Ironforge can send troops to supplement the lack of defense and security in Menethil Harbor.

Along the way, the three of Wayne and the others sat on the battle sheep and ran wildly with the dwarf troops in front.Teddy followed behind.Except for camping at night and having something to eat when they got up in the morning, they rode the battle sheep all the way, and they felt very uncomfortable from the inside out due to the bumps.It was only when they camped every night that the three of them felt alive.The three high elves who are used to three meals a day are not used to it in every way.But the dwarf army would not stop and accommodate the three of them just because they were not used to it.Therefore, the three days of Wayne and the others can be imagined along the way.

Fortunately, they don't want to live like this forever, and now the shadow of Menethil Harbor is far away.

"Great. It's finally time to end this journey that made me feel so painful." Barka cried with joy when he saw Menethil Harbor in the distance.

"Yeah, it's finally over." Kalia also patted her chest and let out a long breath.

"Don't relax, it will be bad if you are thrown out by the battle sheep." Sitting on the back of the battle sheep, Wayne said in unison with the movements of the battle sheep: "Although we are coming soon, we can't relax, after all It's not here yet, is it?"

"Okay, Wayne. I understand." Balka said to Wayne without looking back.

In less than half an hour, the entire army finally entered Menethil Harbor.After Wayne and the three returned the battle sheep to the commander of the army and thanked them, they walked along the road towards Walker's hotel square.

"Ven." Leaving the army's camp, Barka sneaked a sneaky look back at the camp, then approached Venn and said, "You don't think our high elves' ranger troops are doing the same?"

"I don't know about this either. I haven't really seen the ranger troops of the high elves. So I don't know anything about them." Wayne shrugged when he heard Balka's question.

"I thought you knew everything." Balka said with some disappointment when he received Wayne's answer, "I hope the Ranger Army won't be like this. I can't stand this kind of life anymore."

"I think our high elves' ranger troops are about the same." Kalia, who was next to her, turned her head and said to Balka when she heard Balka's words.

"Why?" Balka asked.

"It's very simple. The high elf ranger is also an army. It's no different from the dwarf army. Even if there is, it shouldn't be too big. After all, they are all armies, right?" Kalia smiled. Balka explained.

"Oh, damn it. If that's the case, I..." Balka hesitated after hearing this, he didn't know what to do anymore.

Seeing Balka's distressed look, Wayne sighed and said, "Don't listen to Kalia, she has never seen the ranger army."

"That's right, but it's always the army." Balka frowned and said to Wayne.

"Anyway, the ranger troops of the high elves are somewhat different from the dwarf troops." Wayne comforted Balka.

"Really?" Balka asked, "What's the difference?"

"Uh, for example...For example, one of them is a melee attack and the other is a long-range attack?" Wayne thought for a while and said hesitantly.

"And what else?" Balka asked.

"And...and..." Wayne tried hard to find the difference between the two.It's just that Wayne has never been in contact with rangers, and he can only look at the dwarf troops on the surface. Therefore, it seems that apart from the different combat methods, such as orders and prohibitions, the actual difference between the two sides should not be very big.

Seeing how Wayne was thinking hard, Balka sighed and said, "Okay, Wayne. I already understand what you mean."

"No, Balka. I mean, if you haven't really seen a ranger, you can't confirm it just by imagination." Wayne hurriedly said to Balka.

"You're right. Turn around and find a way to see how the ranger troops are doing after I go back." Balka nodded his head and decided.

Just as they were talking, they had already arrived at the door of the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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