Chapter 151 Hundred Years of Time
Chapter 151 A Hundred Years of Time

Time flies, and nearly a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.The first thing I want to say is that in the past hundred years, through Wayne's prompting and guidance, the natives of Azeroth have exerted their own subjective initiative and developed various kinds of delicacies and various different spices.These delicacies greatly improve the comfort of adventurers when venturing into the wild.

The profession of paladins has really entered the human world. Apart from the birth of a large number of human paladins, the biggest change is that the literacy rate of human nobles has begun to increase significantly.Yes, except for the great nobles and the royal family, most of the nobles of mankind are illiterate, especially those minor nobles who serve as low-ranking officers in the army.After all, if you want to become a paladin, you must at least understand the teachings and holy deeds.

In addition, just like the priests, although the paladins did not explicitly state that nobles are required to be able to serve, but in private, there is no noble priest who is responsible for the baptism of the Holy Light to condense the seeds of the Holy Light for the common people, so the literacy rate is only the noble class. The civilians should do whatever they want.

In addition to the more traditional dwarves, many dwarf warriors who have no hope of becoming elites have entered the secret magic hall to comprehend the holy light and become a dwarf paladin.Moreover, the number of dwarf priests has also shrunk sharply in the past century, because the whole dwarf clan is a warrior. Except for a few dwarves who are firm in their priesthood, the rest are paladins who wear equipment and weapons. The next equipment is the pastor.

Finally, there are the dwarfs. The dwarfs used their ingenuity. They invented paper-shell bullets not long after Venn and the others left the dwarves. In the past hundred years, there has been further development.Not only firearms, but artillery has also increased significantly.

What is even more superb is their automatic robot technology. After several large-scale upgrades to the technical level, the size of the current robot is significantly thinner, and it is no longer as bloated as a wheat field puppet.As for the mechanical puppets that were eliminated, they were sold to humans at a low price. Most of the human pastures were used to guard the pastures or harvest food, etc. In short, one machine was multi-purpose.

During these nearly a hundred years, Wayne finally passed his infancy and entered the growth period, and his height began to grow again.And he put a lot of energy into learning the knowledge in the system.It took such a long time to finally reach the ability of five-ring arcane arts.After all, it is a world of knowledge that cannot be learned completely in a very short time, even if Wayne has systematic help.However, don't underestimate the five-ring arcane technique, its power cannot be underestimated at all.Moreover, Venn also has the Holy Light Spell of the Priest and the Natural Spell of the Druid. It can be said that the current Venn, even if he is not an adult, is very powerful.

Outside of Wayne is Kalia. Kalia is only two years younger than Wayne, and she has also begun to grow. With the knowledge system of the dwarf priest she has and Wayne's teaching from time to time, Kaliya Ya's Holy Light spell ability is also very prominent.Of course, in addition to the holy light spell, the shadow's spell ability has also been developed, but Kalia doesn't seem to like using the shadow's power very much.

Barka is about twenty years older than Wayne and Kaliya. It used to be hard to tell when they were just toddlers, but now you can tell who is older and who is younger at once.Wayne and Kalia looked like they were human beings when they were eleven or twelve years old, but Barka looked like they were thirteen or fourteen years old.

In the past hundred years, he was still practicing as a ranger as hard as Wayne. At the same time, when he came back from the adventure with Vereesa, although Barka was frightened by Vereesa, it can't be said that he didn't gain anything. At least he After getting some guidance from Vereesa, I easily attached the arcane spell to the arrow.Because of this, Balka began to work hard to learn arcana after the age of 120, and has now completed the learning and use of several first-level arcana.It's just that he still mainly uses the arcane spells of the energy-shaping system to increase his attack power.

Except for Balka's hard work, Teddy has not grown bigger in size over the years. He has grown into an adult at the age of ten, and it is impossible to keep improving his size.Perhaps because of the high concentration of arcane energy in Quel'Thalas, Teddy's spell-like abilities are getting higher and higher.Especially the ice armor, which is as thick as wearing a layer of fine steel armor.

And because of Teddy's skin and body structure, its heat dissipation is a big problem. Basically no heat can be dissipated from it. Therefore, Teddy also learned to absorb the heat generated by strenuous exercise during battle. The heat energy is concentrated and then ejected directly from the mouth, just like dragon breath.It's just that the dragon sprays flames, while Teddy sprays heat like high-temperature steam.

In addition, in view of the fact that Teddy entered the town during his last adventure and the path was impassable, Wayne focused on teaching Teddy the spells of becoming bigger and smaller.Teddy, who lived longer and smarter, quickly learned and transformed these two spells into his own spell-like abilities.During the process, Wayne observed the whole process, and finally understood the key point of how to transform a spell into a spell-like spell.Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after Teddy learned to grow and shrink, he often turned into a newborn bear cub and cheated on female high elves everywhere. Kalia and Anna were the first victims. By.

The last one is Anna. Anna used to read a lot in the past, and she didn’t change her habit after mixing with Wayne and the others. She often carried a few books in her space bag. When Balka and the others were practicing fishing, Anna took out a few books. In this book, there are occasional points made by Venn on arcane spells. After all, many of Venn's views on the use of arcane arts are different from the way arcane arts are used in the world of Azeroth.

After so many years of accumulation, after Anna passed the age of 120, her body began to grow and improve again, and her arcane ability began to improve rapidly, with an average rate of one ring every ten years.Not long ago, she had just advanced to the level of the three-ring arcane art, but Anna also said that it would not be so easy for her to improve in the future. After all, it took hundreds of years of accumulation to have this kind of improvement speed.Now that the accumulation has been exhausted, she can only slowly improve her arcane ability like other high elves.

(End of this chapter)

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