Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 167 The Central Tent

Chapter 167 The Central Tent
Chapter 167 The Central Tent

In the evening, after it was completely dark, Lawrence took Wayne and the others to a clean tent and said, "This place has been cleaned up, and you can live here during this time."

"Thank you." Wayne looked around and found that this tent was indeed relatively clean.

Balka immediately rolled excitedly on the floor.Kalia and Anna looked at everything inside the tent quietly and curiously. There were many things here that they didn't even know what they were used for.

After watching Wayne and the others walk around the tent, Lawrence said again: "It's getting dark, let's go eat."

"Oh, that's great." Hearing what Lawrence said, Balka immediately jumped up from the floor and shouted, "I've been a little hungry for a long time."

Then he turned to Lawrence and asked, "Do you tauren have any delicacies? It's their own unique, delicious food."

"Special? I don't know about this. You are the only guests here for tens of thousands of years. I don't know what is unique to us." Lawrence said while waiting for Wayne and the others to leave the tent, shaking his bull's head. : "However, there are many delicious foods, and the best one is barbecue."

"Barbecue?" Balka was a little discouraged when he heard that the delicious food that Lawrence said was actually barbecue.

"That's right, it's barbecue." Lawrence didn't care about Balka's appearance, but said to Balka affirmatively: "Kodo beast barbecue. You must know that Kodo beasts are very important here. So generally There is no chance to eat the meat of the Kodo. Unless the Kodo is too old and dies."

"Kodo beast?" Barka heard this, although he still didn't have great fantasies about barbecue, but he still wanted to try Kodo barbecue.

After walking behind Lawrence for a few minutes, they came to a huge tent with a huge skylight on the top, or in other words, there was no shelter on it and it was empty.Wayne has seen many of them in the tauren tribe, and there will be such a huge tent at a certain distance.Now it seems that this is a place for eating.It's just that there are other uses, Wayne doesn't know yet.At this time, there are already many tauren gathered here.It looks like there are hundreds of them.

"Lawrence. Are these tauren members of your family?" Wayne saw a large number of tauren gathered here, so he turned his head and asked Lawrence, who was looking at Wayne's position.

Hearing Wen En's question, Lawrence stopped to look around, turned his head and said to Wen En, Balka and Kalia who also showed curious expressions, and Anna who showed doubts in her eyes although her facial expressions did not change: "It's not just us family members, as well as members of other tauren families nearby. Although we tauren are family-based, when we eat, we all gather in the central tent to eat together.”

Lawrence paused for a moment. In order to make it easy for Wayne and the others to understand, Lawrence went on to say: "The tauren living in the circle of tents around this central tent will come to this central tent to eat. The same goes for other central tents."

After hearing Lawrence's explanation, Wayne thought about the huge tents they had seen, and suddenly realized something in his heart.I originally thought that those huge tents were built there randomly, but now I think that every huge tent is indeed surrounded by a circle of small tents.

Before Wayne could think any further, Lawrence had already found their location.He pointed to their location and said, "There, that's where we are."

With that said, Lawrence led Wayne and the others towards the innermost position.

Just as Wayne and the others sat down, Lawrence's grandfather, the patriarch of the tauren, appeared at the door of the tent. He opened the leather curtain at the door of the tent to enter the tent, and walked towards the innermost position on Wayne's side. Come.Behind him were elder druids and elder shamans.

"Huh?" Lawrence saw the two elders behind his grandfather, and asked suspiciously, "Are the two elders also eating at our place today?"

"What?" Wenn heard Lawrence's doubts, and asked Lawrence while looking at the three tauren who came in: "Don't the two elders usually eat in this central tent?"

"Of course, they all live around the other central tents. It seems that my grandpa and the others are very busy today. They haven't finished their work yet, and they even have to discuss things during meals." Lawrence answered Wayne's question. , shaking the bull's head and couldn't help sighing.

"..." Wayne and Anna looked at each other, and then looked at Lawrence together, but Lawrence was just staring at another young female tauren who seemed to be about the same age as him at this time. Notice the way Wayne and Anna looked at him.

Balka's character doesn't like to think too much, and he always thinks about what he thinks.I never cared about the twists and turns inside, nor did I have so many messy thoughts.Although Kalia is smart, she has always lived in an innocent world. Even among the adult high elves in Quel'Thalas, no one has ever put their little thoughts on such a lovely girl like Kalia. The little girl, so Kalia, like Balka, couldn't think of the hidden information carried in it.

Therefore, among the four of them, only Wayne and Kalia learned something from Lawrence's words.However, Wayne was just an ordinary person in his previous life, and he could only understand the most superficial aspects of these aspects.Of course, Anna didn't know much about it. After all, Anna hadn't been exposed to this aspect for a long time, and she just thought about it out of habit.Moreover, Anna had been in contact with the intrigues among the children of the lower-level nobles, and the intrigues between the adult high elf nobles for various interests, basically like child's play.

After the tauren patriarch took the main seat, the two elders sat down on both sides of the patriarch, and the two tauren who were supposed to sit on both sides got up to give way and pushed down in order.

But as soon as the two of them stood up, the patriarch stopped and said, "You two wait first."

After the two tauren stopped, the patriarch turned to Wayne and the others and said, "Little elf, come over here. You are guests, come near me."

(End of this chapter)

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