Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 170 Wake Up

Chapter 170 Wake Up
Chapter 1 Seventy
When they came to the tent where Wayne and the others were temporarily staying, Lawrence gently placed Balka on the floor and covered him with an animal skin.Although it is said to be a floor covering, it is not actually laid directly on the ground. There are some things under it, and these things exude a peculiar smell.

"What kind of smell is this? I really didn't notice it just now." Smelling the smell from the things under the floor, Anna first quietly released a few detection spells, and after confirming that there was no problem, she then Ask Lawrence.

"This is the smell of Cordyceps juice." Lawrence answered.

"What is Cordyceps?" Kalia asked curiously after hearing what Lawrence said.

"That's a plant on the prairie." Lawrence scratched his butt and butt, saw that Kalia was still puzzled, so he further described in clumsy language: "Cordyceps has a flower, and there is a flower inside. There are some liquids, these liquids emit a very fragrant and sweet fragrance, which will attract small insects to enter the flowers."

"That means it will attract bugs?" Anna asked in a flat tone.

"Ah, will Balka be bitten?" Kalia asked immediately after hearing Anna's words.

"No, no." Lawrence continued shaking his hands and said, "Listen to me."

"Speak." Kalia immediately calmed down and looked at Lawrence, waiting for Lawrence to continue explaining.

"Although the liquid in the flower of Cordyceps exudes a fragrance that attracts insects, the smell of the sap in its leaves makes all insects extremely repelled, and they don't get close at all. The smell you smell is from the leaves of Cordyceps. The smell from the mat that has been soaked in its juice. It can keep those bugs from approaching even one step." After Lawrence finished explaining, Kalia, Anna, and Wayne immediately understood what the smell on the mat was for. of.

"But why does Cordyceps attract bugs into its flowers?" After Anna understood the function of the scent of the mat, her attention instantly shifted to other places.

"Well, I don't know either." Lawrence scratched his buttocks and replied.

"I think Cordyceps should be a carnivorous plant." Wayne answered Anna at this time.

"Carnivorous plants?" Kalia turned her head to look at Wayne and asked, "There are also plants that eat meat?"

"Yes." Wayne nodded and said, "The world is so big, there are so many wonders."

"Then tell me why the Cordyceps is a carnivorous plant?" Anna heard Wei En's words, and a look of unwillingness flashed in her eyes.She was very annoyed that she had lost to Wayne again in terms of knowledge.However, if you don't understand, you have to ask, and make up for what you lack, and one day you will be able to surpass Wei En in knowledge.

Wayne didn't know what Anna was thinking, the reason why he was able to surpass Anna was not because Anna didn't work hard, but because Wayne cheated.You need to know the memory of the owner of Wayne in his previous life, plus the knowledge in the system.It is impossible for Anna to surpass Wen En just by reading books, not because of anything else, but because a lot of knowledge that Wen En knows does not exist in this world.

Hearing Anna's question, Wayne turned to Lawrence and asked, "I don't think those bugs that were attracted to the flowers will ever leave?"

"Well, they were all stuck by the fluid in the flowers. But for some reason, the stuck bugs disappeared after a few days." Lawrence scratched his head when he heard Wayne's question.

"It's not gone, it's melted by the mucus." After receiving Lawrence's answer, Wayne replied: "Generally speaking, the way plants absorb food is by absorbing these liquids. It's just that some prey rely on mucus Stick to the prey, and some rely on some kind of smell to paralyze the prey or other ways I don't know."

"It's so scary." After listening to Wayne's explanation, Kalia put her arms around her arms and said softly, thinking of how the caterpillar fungus melted the bugs.

The time came to the next morning, the sky was just getting bright, and it was almost time for Wayne and Kalia to wake up to pray in the morning.At this time, there was a wailing sound in the tent where Wayne and the others were temporarily staying: "Ah~! It's so bad."

The sudden howl suddenly woke up the other three who were sleeping.Wayne got up and rubbed his eyes and saw that Barka had woken up and was looking around in a daze.His memory was still stuck in last night when he took a big gulp of that pink liquid.When he opened his eyes, he found that all three of Wayne and the others were sleeping.He was also lying on the floor.This made him wonder if he had passed out from sleep and was having a nightmare.

"Barka, what are you arguing about?" Kalia muttered a few words after being woken up, then turned over and fell asleep.Anna opened her eyes and glanced at Barka. After revealing a touch of relief in her eyes, she turned over and went to sleep like Kaliya.Only Wayne stood up and looked at Balka.

"Ven, did we eat barbecue last night?" Barka saw that Venn had woken up, and immediately asked Venn for confirmation.

"That's right." Wayne nodded in affirmation.

"Then, is there still a pink liquid?" Balka asked again.

"Yes." Wayne nodded again in affirmation, and then Wayne said to Balka: "Because you took a big sip, and then you were fainted by the horrible smell of blood milk."

"So, I'm not dreaming, that kind of terrifying thing really exists." Balka asked with a look of fear.

"Yes." Wayne looked at Balka with pity.

After listening to Wayne's words, Balka followed the action of gravity and lay back down again.In just a split second, Balka bounced back, holding the back of his head and crying, "Oh, it hurts so much."

"What's going on." Kalia, who was woken up again, suddenly made a fuss and said dissatisfiedly: "It's too noisy."

Anna had also woken up at this time, but she didn't speak.

"Okay, Kalia, go back to sleep." Wayne saw Kalia starting to do it, and immediately comforted her until Kalia lay down and fell asleep again.

"Hiss~. Wayne, why does my head hurt so much? Hiss~." Balka covered his head with his hands and kept gasping for air.

"It's normal. You passed out because of that blood milk, and then fell to the ground. Well, your head hit the ground. Isn't it normal for it to hurt?" Wayne glanced at Barka, and then explained to him what he had done. The reason why your head hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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