Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 177 The Centaur Coming Again

Chapter 177 The Centaur Coming Again
Chapter 177 The Centaur Coming Again

Three days passed quickly, and with the hard work of Lawrence and other tauren who dug the tunnel day and night, they finally dug the tunnel leading to Thunder Bluff at noon the next day.

After the tunnel was dug, the tauren tribe immediately began to pack up and prepare to move.However, due to the extremely large number and the need to act secretly to prevent being discovered by the centaurs, the evacuation was carried out at night.The first to retreat were the female tauren, their young calves, and various animals domesticated by the tauren.

The adult male tauren held weapons and formed a line of defense around the tribe, preventing the centaurs from noticing the decrease in the number of their tents and their migration.

The centaurs had just fought a big battle with the tauren, and their arrows and spears had been consumed. Therefore, except for the sporadic centaurs who came to investigate throughout the next day, no large group of centaurs appeared in the tauren. Within the scope of human vision.Even the scattered centaurs were watching the situation on the Tauren's side from a distance.

The reason why the centaur will send scouts for investigation is also because robbing the tauren and the animals the tauren graze is an extremely important part of the food source of the centaur. When the last time the tauren migrated and disappeared from the sight of the centaur, The food of the centaur tribe suddenly began to be in short supply. In the end, some old and weak centaurs had to be killed to eat them to solve part of the crisis.So this time the centaur will never allow the tauren to disappear from their field of vision again.

But now, on the opposite side of the line of defense composed of tens of thousands of tauren, more than 50 centaurs are ready to shoot their bows and arrows and rush towards them again.Just like the one three days ago, the centaur was more than [-] meters away from the tauren's line of defense, and then began to release spells to protect itself.Then they started running from left to right while shooting arrows in their hands.The tauren also held up a huge wooden shield in front of them.

The only difference from last time was that this time Wayne and the others were not forced to watch the battle by the tauren patriarch like last time, and only had a chance to release a few magic spells at the last moment.This time Balka is still in the shooting state.Unlike centaurs and tauren, whose bows and arrows can only shoot five to sixty meters because of the barren land, the bows and arrows made by Barka have a range far beyond that of centaurs and tauren.If you use arcane shooting, you can accurately hit the target 60 meters away. Even if you don't use arcane shooting, only relying on the power of the bow itself, you can shoot at a distance of 400 meters.

As soon as Balka shot a few arrows, Wayne raised his hand to stop Balka from continuing to shoot and said, "Balka, look for those centaurs who are hiding in the distance and have obviously different decorations, especially those centaurs A centaur who gives orders.”

"Why is this so?" Although Balka asked Wayne why, he had already started to act according to what Wayne said.

"Wayne did this to paralyze the command of the centaur. After all, there are more than [-] centaurs. There must be a lot of centaurs who play the role of command. As long as these centaurs who are just sending orders are eliminated, the actions of the centaurs will be reduced." There will be some confusion. Is that right?" Before Wayne could tell Balka the reason, Anna had already opened his mouth to explain it to Balka.Finally, he asked Wayne for proof.

"That's right, that's it." After listening to Anna's words, Wayne nodded in affirmation of her statement.

After listening to Anna's words, Balka suddenly realized the usefulness of doing so.At the same time, Kalia, who was casting a healing spell on the nearby tauren who was shot by a bow and arrow, also showed a stunned expression. It seems that she is not all focused on casting spells, but part of her attention is on Wayne and the others. Condition.

In just a few minutes, Balka had already shot hundreds of arrows, and the centaur team finally had an extremely inconspicuous inflexibility. This inflexibility did not cause any trouble to the centaurs, and they were even shooting at each other. Neither the centaur nor the tauren found this situation, that is to say, Wayne has been focusing on this aspect, so he was able to discover this inconvenient situation.

With this discovery, Wayne immediately pulled out a few scrolls that had never been used much from the scroll bag, and instantly inspired the scrolls: berserk rage, bloodthirsty, recklessness, bloody rage, burning anger, burning life, etc... …

With the release of Wayne's spell, the violent and bloodthirsty centaurs covered by the spell were filled with anger, and their not so much rationality was immediately overwhelmed by the violent anger.But before these centaurs could make any moves, Wayne's next spell came again: Wayne's channeling.

This spell is usually not very useful, it is only used to guide irrational or less intelligent creatures to follow Wayne's ideas and requirements.

Only at this time, Wayne simply directed the attention of these centaurs who had been overwhelmed by anger to those of their kind who were still running.

Immediately, the irrational centaur looked at their kin with red eyes.Then he screamed and pulled out the throwing spear behind him to throw at those centaurs who were running, and rushed up to fight with those centaurs, which seriously blocked the way of centaurs running.All the centaur had to stop and shoot, and the centaur troops didn't know what to do for a while. They had never encountered this situation before, which made them extremely uncomfortable.

When such a sudden situation happened, the tauren patriarch immediately seized the opportunity to issue an order.As the patriarch of a primitive tribe, although he didn't have any great knowledge, he was extremely precise in timing the battle.Under his command, the tauren immediately charged.

The commander on the centaur side was not stupid either. Seeing a group of centaur go mad suddenly, he immediately ordered to retreat so that they could regroup and attack the tauren again.

At this time, the original inconvenience was infinitely magnified in this extremely chaotic situation.There were gaps in the transmission of the centaur's instructions in many places, making it impossible for the instructions to be conveyed accurately, quickly and effectively.

This gave the Tauren a time advantage.It wasn't until the tauren rushed in front of these centaurs that these chaotic centaurs ran wildly away from the tauren under the control of habit and instinct.

(End of this chapter)

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