Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 190 Before Departure

Chapter 190 Before Departure

Chapter 1 Before Departure

Early the next morning, Balka brought Anna, whose face was still blushing, to the church.At this time, Wayne and Kalia were already waiting here.Wayne had already prepared the emergency food and fresh water needed yesterday.Among them, the specialty fruits here in Quel'Thalas are mostly.

After all, once you leave Quel'Thalas, it will become impossible to eat these special fruits.Quel'Thalas imports a large amount of fruit to the outside world every year, but no fruit is ever exported.Therefore, it is simply impossible to eat the special fruits of Quel'Thalas outside of Quel'Thalas.

"Ven, what kind of emergency food are you preparing?" Balka asked Venn as soon as he entered the gate.

"Kaliya and I brought some fresh fruits from Quel'Thalas." Wayne looked at Balka in surprise and said.

"Aren't you afraid that those fruits will rot after being stored for a long time?" Balka asked Wen En with a puzzled expression after hearing Wei En's answer.

If it was before, this is certainly a problem.The kind of space package on Azeroth's side is because it only expands the space inside the package by extending the space.Therefore, although the space in the package is large, there is still time to flow in it.The items placed inside still have to go through the baptism of time.

However, this is not the case for the space items made by Wayne using those small demi-planes. After being processed by Wayne, the passage of time in these demi-plane spaces has been stopped by Wayne using spells.Therefore, no matter how long the outside world has passed for the things put in, when they are taken out, they are still exactly the same as those just put in.Steaming things are put in, even if they are taken out after tens of thousands of years, they are still steaming.

After having this item, Wayne will think about buying some special products here in Quel'Thalas. At the same time, because these are special products, they are also cheap enough to buy a lot at a time.

Therefore, regarding Balka's doubts, Wayne smiled easily and said: "I have used magic to process my space bag, and there is no passage of time in it, so don't worry about this problem."

"Oh?" Anna heard Wayne's answer from the side, immediately put aside the topic with Kalia, turned her head and asked Wayne, "How did you do it?"

When Wen En heard Anna's question, he looked at Anna helplessly and said, "This requires a constant nine-ring spell to control the passage of time."

"Have you reached the height of the nine rings?" Anna was taken aback when she heard what Wen En said.Then he frowned and said: "As far as I know, the casting materials for spells with a seventh ring and above are simply not available in the market. How did you become a nine-ring great arcanist?"

Immediately afterwards, Anna said again: "Of course, if you can't say it, it's okay not to say it."

Although she said so, her eyes were fixed on Wayne.It looked like he was going to eat Wayne.

Seeing Anna like this, Wayne shrugged and said: "Anna, of course you need to use spell materials to learn the existing spells, but we have a great arcanist in Quel'Thalas. I don't know if you have paid attention to it."

"Who?" Anna responded immediately after hearing what Wen En said.

"Darkhan," Venn replied.

"Member Darkan?" Anna asked for confirmation.

Wayne didn't speak, just nodded.After Anna understood that the Darkan mentioned by Wayne was the Senator Darkan that Anna thought about, she carefully recalled all the information about Senator Darkan.

Darkan is a member of a mid-level family, and he should only be able to become a high-level arcanist.However, an accident made him become the Grand Arcanist of the Seven Rings.Then, with the title of Grand Arcanist, he entered the council of Quel'Thalas.Because Anna understood that Darkan's council members were just a figurehead, so Anna didn't pay too much attention to Darkan's situation.Looking back now, he still didn't find anything that Darkan needed to pay attention to.

"What's the difference between Congressman Darkan? Just tell me." Fortunately, Anna, who didn't think of a reason for a long time, asked Wayne directly.

"You should remember that Darkan became the Seventh Ring Grand Arcanist because of an accident, right?" Wayne asked in a guiding light at this time.

Seeing Anna nodded, Wayne went on to say: "Then Darkan didn't use the spell-casting materials to cast the spell in that accident, right?"

"Huh?" Anna suddenly understood something after hearing this, but this understanding only flashed and was not too clear.So she still stared straight at Wayne.

"Although Darkan's seven-ring spell is not very good, it is a spell that has never been seen before." Wayne continued to guide Anna.

"You mean to invent some spells with a higher number of rings to become a great arcanist?" Anna's brows gradually frowned after listening to Wayne's guidance: "We haven't changed any more. How can you invent high-level spells with high-level arcane knowledge?"

"Arcane spells did not exist in the first place. Later generations of arcanists did continuous research to reach the current nine-ring level. The previous arcanists could continue to study by themselves, why can't we? Whether it is Isn't it the same for high-level arcane knowledge or high-level arcane?" Wayne concluded his language guidance to Anna.

When Anna heard Wayne's words, her eyes suddenly lit up.Although the hope is slim, there is some hope, right?At this time, she suddenly wanted to complete her adult adventure immediately, and then return to her home to start researching arcane magic knowledge.

Seeing Anna's appearance, it doesn't matter whether it's Wayne, Balka, or Kalia.The three of them already understood what Anna was thinking.Balka looked at Wayne sadly at this moment.

It was as if he had been greatly wronged.Seeing it, Wayne's scalp felt numb, so Wayne said to Anna again: "Anna, even though you said that, it would take a lot of time to do research on your own."

"I know, but if we don't conduct research, where do we get this knowledge?" Anna asked with some doubts when she heard what Wenn said this time.

"It's very simple, you know the history of the night elves, don't you?" Wayne smiled slightly at this time.

"Night elves?" Anna repeated in doubt, recalling the strength of the night elves, and immediately understood what Wayne meant.

How prosperous the magic empire of the night elves was. Although it has disappeared, the knowledge may still exist in some ruins.As a result, Anna suddenly became interested in adventure again.

At this time, Wayne finally felt that Balka withdrew the sad eyes that looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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