Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 30 The correct way to learn spells

Chapter 30 The correct way to learn spells

Chapter 30 The correct way to learn spells

Time flies by, and 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the propaganda of Uncle Will, Wayne and Kalia quickly integrated into the village.From then on, the whole village began to study how to eat various fish, and soon, the only way to eat fish in the village was to cook fish soup.There is also the way of eating grilled fish, and there are many flavors, but so far, the boiled fish soup with only salt is still recognized as the most delicious.

Not long after Uncle Will's publicity, under Balka's publicity, boiled crab has also become a delicacy in the village.Later, even shrimps were put on the dining table in the village.Tasting sea worms has become a daily activity in the village.As for accidentally eating poisonous fish and marine life, there is nothing to worry about.Although tricks are just tricks and don't have any powerful attack power, they still have many practical uses. For example, the trick of detecting whether an object is poisonous can solve the problem.

And it doesn't matter even if he was poisoned, as long as he didn't die on the spot and brought it to the church, Grandpa Victor could use the Holy Light spell to relieve the poisoned state.

Although everyone is looking for delicious things in the sea, things on land are still hated by all villagers as before.Not to mention those disgusting looking bugs on land.Keep in mind that the high elves actually only eat poultry meat, and they don't really like it.The high elves generally believe that meat is something that lower creatures such as humans and trolls eat.

Every time Wayne heard this statement, he always rolled his eyes and thought to himself: He said it as if he had nothing to do with the troll.You must know that high elves are transformed from night elves, and night elves are transformed from dark trolls.In other words, high elves have troll genes.

Kalia has already learned several holy light spells mastered by Grandpa Victor over the years.And it may really be a matter of talent, the little girl Kalia has a much stronger affinity with Shengguang than Grandpa Victor.The same detoxification spells, some toxins Grandpa Victor's spells can only play a little role. If you want to detoxify, you need to use spells continuously until the poison is lifted.There were even times when Grandpa Victor's spells didn't work at all.However, if it was Kalia, the poison would be removed immediately.Therefore, Grandpa Victor no longer cares about Kalia's priest practice.As for Wayne, anyway, Wayne knows how to sense the Holy Light, as long as he works hard.

Wayne has been working hard to learn the knowledge of spells in the system over the years, but what makes him feel stuck is that even if he has learned all the basic knowledge required by mages, he still cannot use spells before he has learned the knowledge of priests.In this way, the grief-stricken Wayne spent another ten years learning all the basic knowledge of priests. Just before going to bed last night, Wayne condensed the spell bit, and he was finally able to release the spell.

Early the next morning, Wayne woke up with a smile. He was really laughing in his dream.

On the same beach, Wayne and Kalia sat on the stone with their eyes closed. Balka practiced archery under the stone with a bow and arrow. Balka said that he wanted to become a super ranger and then eat food all over the world. Desire has been motivating him.His level of cultivation is much harder than other young high elves in the village.

The three of them caught a few fish early and put them in the fish basket. At noon, the three of them would start making fish soup and grilling fish.At this time, Kalia was talking to the Holy Light with her eyes closed.Wayne is looking at his system.It was too late after he learned the basics yesterday and condensed the spell slot, so he didn't start to seriously check the changes in the system until now.

The first thing I want to say is that there are two groups of condensed in Wayne's spiritual sea, a group of twelve spell slots. The two circles are nested together. The bits are golden on the outside.

Now that the spell slots had been condensed, Wayne opened the spell interface of the system, but the entire interface was empty.Wayne was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses. The spells of the DND system are different from divine spells, and spells need to be learned by the mage himself.Magic is bestowed by the gods.So it is normal that there is no spell in the spell interface.

After he clicked on the interface of divine spells, he found that the divine spells were also empty. Now Wayne was in a hurry.An anxious expression appeared on his face, that is, Kalia was communicating with the Holy Light, and Barka was practicing bow and arrow with concentration, otherwise his abnormality would be discovered immediately.

Wayne didn't care about anything else, and immediately clicked on the knowledge interface, and then saw the zero-ring magic spells listed on the magic spell page. He didn't know the difference between the magic spells in the system and the DND rules until he quickly read the instructions. , because the system changed the divine spell to a spell that uses holy light.In other words, in fact, the divine spells and spells in the system are the same, except that one uses holy light and the other uses arcane spells.They all need to be studied to be able to master.

After learning about this, Wayne's mind was relieved, as long as he had magic skills.And he also looked at the zero-ring spells in the spell knowledge interface, and listed them one by one, so that he didn't need to buy the spell model structure book for the zero-ring spells.

Now that he can learn spells, of course Wayne has to learn them, but there is something important about which one he learns first.The first one chosen by Wayne was the zero-level spell: Reading.

This spell allows Wayne to quickly read and remember book knowledge, which can greatly increase the speed at which he learns knowledge.Because both magic knowledge and divine magic knowledge have become more abundant than before.

After Wayne began to learn the art of reading, he was still unable to learn it and successfully released it.And he also discovered one thing, that is, the spell structure of this reading spell is completely different from the spell structure of the reading spell here in Quel'Thalas. Not only is it much more complicated, but the requirements are extremely strict.The art of reading here in Quel'Thalas can be learned quickly by a five-year-old elf child.Basically it doesn't take more than an hour.And what about this reading skill?He has been sitting here for nearly three hours and still has not succeeded.

In order to calm down his irritable mood, Wayne turned to the top knowledge on the spell knowledge interface, and slowly learned those spell knowledge as before.When he had just finished studying the opening chapter, he immediately understood the mistakes he had made.

The order of the system's knowledge is not arranged randomly. It is easier to learn the previous knowledge first, and then learn the following knowledge with the foundation.Because the system is a personal magic net system, the spells in the system are different from those in the world of Azeroth.So if he is really obsessed with reading skills, then after he learns it, he will find that it takes him to learn the previous basics first, and then learn reading skills.But after learning the previous basics first, the remaining zero-ring spells are extremely easy to learn.It would take him the same amount of time to directly learn other zero-ring spells without learning the previous basics.The speed of spell mastering has been greatly reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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