Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 325 The second line of defense against the orcs

Chapter 325 The second line of defense against the orcs
Chapter 325 The Second Line of Defense Against the Orcs

As the orcs' defenses were breached, the orcs withdrew from the Deadwind Pass.And not only that, the orcs are not stupid either. They have never been attacked by planes before, but they were attacked here on the Deadwind Trail.After comparing the differences, they quickly realized that the woods provided them with cover, so the orcs' second line of defense immediately retreated a certain distance, and the entire line of defense was placed at the entrance of the Great Swamp.

Although the Swamp of Sorrows is a swamp terrain, there are also dense and towering trees growing here.These big trees can provide cover for the orc troops, making it impossible for the dwarf planes of the coalition forces to launch air strikes on the orc defenses.But the coalition forces are not upset about this.

"Those orcs think we have no means of air strikes, so they have nothing to do with them, but they probably don't know that we have cannons here besides planes." Walker stood on the front line and looked at the orcs' defense line on the opposite side. When the shells fell, they jumped up. One by one, the fireballs said with disdain.

With the continuous firing of artillery, the second line of defense of the orcs has become precarious, but these orcs now have no effective means of suppression at all.

"Walker, those orcs seem to have assembled, and they seem to want to charge towards us." Wayne said, looking at the orcs who began to gather behind the orc defense line.

Walker heard the words, picked up the binoculars in his hand to observe, and said, "Well, I saw it."

As he spoke, he held up the binoculars in his hand while observing and said to the orderly beside him: "Immediately order the artillery unit to extend the shooting distance to 50 meters."

As a frontline commander, Walker's ability is undoubtedly very strong.With the extension of the artillery fire, the charging troops that the orcs were about to assemble were immediately dispersed, and it became a luxury to gather again.

Since they couldn't gather together to launch a powerful charge, the orcs didn't force it, instead, they rushed towards the coalition position in a loose team, and they didn't need to think about it. Allied artillery was completely destroyed.

The orc's strategy cannot be said to be low, but their strategy is only arranged based on the information they know, so a huge problem has arisen.That is, as long as they do not know the information, they cannot be effectively prepared.

When the orc troops began to approach the coalition positions, the artillery's firepower projection did not pull back, but under Walker's instructions, they continued to pour firepower in the direction with a large number of orcs.When the orc infantry approached to a distance of [-] meters from the coalition position, following Walker's order on the position, the machine gun defense arrays deployed everywhere began to fire violently.

In just a split second, the orc infantry were swept across a large area, and the rest were prostrate on the ground and could not raise their heads at all.

Seeing this situation, the orcs naturally wanted to come up with a solution, so the orc warlocks had to crawl out of their hiding places and risk being shot by machine guns to release meteors and fire rain to the coalition positions ahead of time.The orc infantry took the opportunity to crawl forward quickly and quickly approached the front of the coalition position.

"Hmph, these damned orcs still seem to have some skills." Looking at the orc soldiers who quickly approached the front of the position while taking advantage of the meteor rain to suppress them, Walker curled his lips and gave a compliment, then turned his head to the messenger The soldier ordered: "Let the dwarf puppet troops go up and clean up those orc infantry."

So, when the orc infantry approached the coalition's position within 20 meters, behind the coalition's position, dwarf mechanical puppets entered the battlefield with steady steps.

As soon as these dwarf mechanical puppets that looked like spiders entered the battlefield, they immediately used their six sharp mechanical legs to slam down on the orc infantry lying on the ground, piercing their bodies in one fell swoop.

Seeing their companions being pierced by these mechanical puppets, the orc infantrymen who were still alive immediately jumped up from the ground and attacked the mechanical puppets in front of them at the risk of being smashed into a sieve by the machine gun array behind the mechanical puppets.There are also some who charge towards the coalition positions more than ten meters away.

However, the mechanical puppets of the gnomes are also equipped with machine guns. Although the amount of ammunition is limited and cannot continue to attack, it is completely sufficient to deal with emergencies.Therefore, there is no need for the machine guns at the rear to provide fire support. Those orcs who rushed towards the mechanical puppets were shot and killed by the mechanical puppets before they touched the mechanical puppets.

Those orc infantry who wanted to jump over the mechanical puppets were suppressed by the machine gun array and were unable to move forward more than ten meters away.

Behind the orc position, Gul'dan stared at everything on the battlefield with his evil dark red eyes, his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.He didn't expect that the human country on the opposite side would be so difficult to deal with, and what frightened him even more was that judging from the current situation of the orcs, they might have no hope of winning at all.At this time, Gul'dan didn't care what to do, and he immediately started casting spells on the coalition positions.

The fierce battlefield has attracted everyone's attention, and no one noticed that a meteorite burning with green flames suddenly appeared in the sky and smashed down towards the artillery positions of the coalition forces.

In Gul'dan's understanding, destroying the coalition's artillery is the first priority. As long as those artillery with a long range are destroyed, other things will be easy to talk about.

After all, for the orc army that is currently on the defensive, as long as they don't show up, there is no way for those machine guns to take them.If humans rushed up, in order to prevent accidental injury, the machine guns of the coalition forces would not be able to fire.In view of this, Gul'dan's first target was naturally the coalition artillery.

Of course, although Gul'dan had already planned to use his full strength, he still arranged for himself a retreat.This area is connected to the sea, so Gul'dan secretly ordered his warlocks to go to the seaside, make some rafts, and escape to the sea if necessary.

The green flame-burning meteorite summoned by Gul'dan was only tens of meters away from the ground when it was noticed, and it was too late to avoid it at this time.

Just listen to the sound of 'boom'.A large pit appeared in the center of the artillery position.The shock wave directly blew away all the dwarven gunners around the pit, and fell to the ground motionless.Of course, this is not the scariest thing yet. The scariest thing is that the so-called meteorite is actually not a real meteorite, but a man-made demon Hellfire summoned by Gul'dan.

(End of this chapter)

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