Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 363 Sylvanas and Alleria

Chapter 363 Sylvanas and Alleria
Chapter 363 Sylvanas and Alleria

After crossing the city, Vereesa took Wayne and others to the headquarters of the ranger force.

After pushing the door and entering it, the first thing you see is a female high elf with a serious face and the temperament of a superior sitting on the front seat.Judging from the face, it looks like a human being at the age of 24 or [-].

Seeing her, Wayne immediately felt a bit of a headache. Putting aside his superior temperament, the female high elf in front of him was just like Anna back then.It's all the kind of unsmiling and serious appearance.Thinking about it, their personalities wouldn't be too far apart.

On the side seat next to this female high elf, there is also a female high elf who feels somewhat similar to Kalia in temperament, giving people a sense of elegance, gentleness, grace and luxury.It looks like a 28-nine-year-old human being.The female high elf also carried a bow with a magical aura and a bag of magical arrows on her back.

"Let me introduce you guys, this is my eldest sister, Alleria Windrunner." Vereesa pointed to the side seat, carrying a magic bow and arrow, a female high elf with the appearance of a 28-year-old human. Said.

"Hello." After hearing Vereesa's introduction, Wayne and the others immediately saluted.

"Hello to you, little guys." After hearing the greetings from Wayne and the others, Alleria Windrunner also showed a gentle smile and said to Wayne and the others.

Vereesa waited until Venn and the others had finished greeting Alleria, then she immediately pointed at the female high elf who was sitting on her seat and had the aura of a superior person and looked about 24 to [-] years old. "This is my second child," she said. Sister Sylvanas Windrunner."

"Hello." Wayne and the others saluted Sylvanas again.

This time, the other party didn't answer right away, but looked up and down at Wayne and the others seriously, then nodded and said, "Well, hello."

Immediately afterwards, she said: "Are you guys the ones who keep my sister in my heart? It doesn't look like anything special."

Hearing the other party's tone as if he was commenting on goods, Valeera immediately became angry.But before she could speak, Vereesa pulled her violently, and then Vereesa turned her head and said coquettishly to Cirvanas: "Second sister, they are all my friends. They are not your subordinates."

Hearing Vereesa's answer, Cirvanas paused, and then became a little embarrassed.At this time, Alleria next to him said gently to Wayne and the others: "I'm sorry, my sister didn't react for a while. I apologize to you here, can you forgive her?"

"Of course." Wayne understood that this was not the time to conflict with the other party. At the same time, Alleria's gentle smile like Kalia made it impossible to refuse her request, so Wayne nodded directly. down.

Wayne's answer also made Cirvanas feel a little relieved: "I'm sorry, I didn't change my habit for a while."

"It's okay. I understand." Wayne nodded, and Balka also said beside him: "Yes, Anna used to be like this, but now it's much more..."

Before Balka finished speaking, Anna who was next to him immediately raised her foot and stepped on Balka's foot hard.

"Oh~." Suffering from Anna's sudden attack, Balka suddenly jumped up on the spot with his feet hugged.Anna blushed and lowered her head, not daring to lift it up.

With a "poof", Cirvanas suddenly laughed seeing Balka's funny look and Anna's blushing and shy look.The original serious atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene became more relaxed, Wayne quietly gave Balka a thumbs-up, which made Balka look puzzled and didn't quite understand what Wayne meant.Only Anna seemed to roll her eyes and ignore Wayne.

Seeing the second sister laughing, Vereesa hurriedly pointed to Wayne and continued to introduce: "This little guy is Wayne, he is a..."

When Vereesa said this, she stopped to think. Wayne was a serving priest, and Vereesa knew this, but she had never seen Wayne cast healing spells on others.At the same time, Wayne was wearing plate armor, holding a shield and a warhammer, and engaged in close combat with people, looking more like a paladin.

As for Wayne's use of spells, Vereesa has already denied him.Because every time he saw Wayne cast a spell, he used the spell scroll, so in Vereesa's consciousness, Wayne himself did not know arcane spells, but just used the spell scroll that stored arcane spells.

Seeing Vereesa paused, Cirvanas and Alleria couldn't help feeling a little strange.Although the two of them often heard Vereesa mentioning Wayne and his fellows with outstanding strength, they never heard Vereesa mention the detailed information.Now, when I heard her speak for the first time, I suddenly stopped.

After the two sisters showed curious expressions, Vereesa immediately tugged on Wayne's sleeve and said, "Hey, are you a priest or a paladin?"

Originally wondering why Vereesa stopped suddenly, but now hearing Vereesa's question, Wayne suddenly understood, and he said helplessly, "I'm a pastor."

"Among the dwarves, many dwarves who understand the Holy Light wear plate armor and pick up weapons to become paladins, and put down their weapons and take off the plate armor to become priests. They don't have the difference between paladins and priests. This difference is only among humans. Only then.” Seeing that Vereesa didn’t understand, Kalia softly explained to Vereesa from the side.

"Oh, so that's the case." Vereesa nodded knowingly, and then she had a new question: "Then why do humans separate paladins and priests?"

"It's very simple. This is because of the short lifespan of human beings. They can only choose one aspect to advance in their limited lifespan. Specialize in holy light spells. The advantage of this is that they can specialize in the field of holy light. .Or the melee ability and holy light account for half, but neither can reach the level of specialization. The advantage is that you can not only fight in close quarters but also use some holy light spells. The safety is improved and the combat ability is also greatly improved. .” After Wayne explained his point of view to Vereesa, Vereesa finally understood that everything is due to longevity.

"Okay, Wayne is a priest." Vereesa said to Sylvanas and Alleria.

"We have heard it." Cirvanas said to Vereesa with a black line at this time.

"Don't pay so much attention to these small issues." Vereesa waved her hand, then pointed to Kalia and introduced: "This is Kalia, she is also a priest, and she grew up with Wayne since she was a child."

Then, she glanced at Valeera, curled her lips and said, "This is the annoying little girl I mentioned. Her name is Valeera, and she's a guy who only knows how to sneak around."

"Che" Valeela immediately became unhappy after hearing Vereesa's introduction to her.

Ignoring Valeera, Vereesa pointed at Anna again and said, "This is Anna, an Arcanist with good strength."

After thinking about it, Vereesa asked Anna again: "How many arcane spells can you use now?"

"Four rings." Anna said affirmatively.

Vereesa turned her head to Sylvanas and Alleria and said, "She's already a high-level arcanist, isn't she very powerful?"

After seeing the two sisters nodding, Vereesa began to introduce Balka and said: "This silly boy is Balka, he is different from our rangers here, he followed the path of a dwarf mountain ranger, and contracted a giant bear. In terms of strength, it is still very good.”

(End of this chapter)

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