Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 368 The Movement of the Undead

Chapter 368 The Movement of the Undead

Chapter 368 The Movement of the Undead
On the other side, the camp of Amani trolls who also live in a corner of Eversong Forest.

"Report." The troll scout came to the big house of the Amani Warlord to report the situation.

"Come in." Zul'kin's deep voice came from the house.

Entering the house, the troll scout lowered his head and reported: "Just after nightfall, an army composed entirely of high-level undead bypassed the high elves from the road opened by the high elf noble named Darkan on the edge of our territory. The frontal defense line sneaked into the interior of the high elves."

"Oh? You haven't been discovered, have you?" Zuljin asked.

"No, we are far away and have not been noticed by them." The troll scout replied immediately.

Amani Warlord Zul'jin is not a good-tempered guy, if he is dissatisfied, he will probably be killed.

"Very good. You must remember that the reason why I did not launch an attack on the high elves immediately after I came back was to wait until both the undead and the high elves were harmed. That would be the best time for us to take action. The Amani Empire will once again Brilliant." Zul'jin said: "If anyone ruins my major event, I will not let him go easily."

"Yes." The troll scout replied immediately.

"Well, go down." Zul'jin ordered after receiving the response from the troll scouts.

The Undead had consumed millions upon the High Elves' defenses, and Zul'jin wondered how many more the Undead had to consume.But there is one thing, that is, the army of the undead must not be able to discover the Amani trolls, otherwise, whether it is to replenish the number of undead or to hate and anger the living, they will also be attacked by the army of the undead.

Undead defense, two resting rooms for Wayne and Kalia.Early in the morning, Vereesa came to Wayne and Kalia's room, and it was time for Wayne and Kalia to have breakfast.

"Oh, I came just in time." After Vereesa said, she sat next to Kalia and Wayne and picked up the breakfast on the table and ate it.

"Why did you come back to our place today? Didn't you all go to Barka's before?" Wayne turned his head and asked Vereesa, who was sitting in Valeera's place for a meal.

"I came to you today to tell you about that stinky girl Valeera." Vereesa turned her head and said to Kalia while eating the breakfast made by Kalia, "You did a good job, Bibalka That kid cooks much better food."

"Then you can eat a little more." After being praised by Vereesa, Kalia smiled and took some and put it in front of Vereesa.

"Okay, tell me about Valeera's situation." After Kalia brought more breakfast to Vereesa, Wayne asked Vereesa.

"Well, the defense of the undead seemed to have been somewhat relaxed last night, so that little girl Valeera went and lit all the corpse dumpers and burned them." Vereesa said to Wayne while chewing.

"And then?" Wayne asked after hearing Vereesa's news.

"What then?" Vereesa asked curiously.

"Then when will she come back?" Wayne asked again: "Or does she have a new mission?"

"Oh, you said this." Vereesa swallowed the food in her mouth and said: "Her mission has been completed, and the other scouts can also complete the mission of reconnaissance, so she will be back soon."

"That's it, then we also have a piece of information to tell you." Wayne nodded after hearing this, and then said to Vereesa.

"You guys? What information?" Vereesa asked curiously after hearing this.

Wayne and Kalia are both on the front line, one is in the treatment room and the other is on the top of the city.As for the so-called intelligence of the two of them, Vereesa just listened casually.

"We know the reason for the collapse of the Great Magic Circle and who did it." Wayne saw that Vereesa didn't care, and didn't mind, and said directly.

"Oh." Vereesa replied without even thinking about it, and then slammed all the juice out of her mouth and said loudly: "What did you say?"

Wayne, who had expected this scene, dodged the juice sprayed out by Vereesa, and said calmly: "We already know the reason for the collapse of the magic circle and who is the culprit for all these consequences."

"Who is it?" Vereesa no longer had the relaxed expression she had just now, and now she has put on a gritted expression and stared at Wayne, waiting for his answer.

"It's Irkila and his followers." Kaliya said with a calm expression on the side: "Ilkira and his followers are..."

Kalia told Vereesa all the information she knew.After listening to Kalia's words, Vereesa gritted her teeth and said: "Because of these two guys, our defense line almost collapsed, and the whole of Quel'Thalas will be threatened by then, and the high elves are likely to be killed by those undead. die……"

"Okay, I know you're very angry. But aren't you going to tell your sisters the news now?" Wayne said, seeing that Vereesa had gnashed her teeth, but she didn't intend to leave her seat.

"Don't worry, the matter is irreparable anyway. As for the matter of finding these two pieces of garbage, we will wait until we have finished defending against the invasion of the undead." After Vereesa finished speaking, the expression on her face changed and she returned to a calm state and picked it up. The water glasses on the table began to carry out breakfast in an orderly manner again.

While eating, he asked, "How do you know about this? If I remember correctly, Kalia should be in the medical room at that time, and you were on the top of the city."

"It's a spell. Brother Wayne obtained this information through spells." Hearing Vereesa's question, Kaliya replied with a smile.

"Spell?" Vereesa thought about the huge Holy Light spell that Venn released yesterday, then nodded and did not continue to ask. After all, Vene can use that extremely powerful Holy Light spell as a priest and has special spells. It is still very credible to obtain information.

"Then what are you going to do? The Great Magic Circle collapsed, and Silvermoon City should be in a hurry, right?" Seeing Vereesa's unhurried look, Wayne asked again.

"So what. It's not that we have a problem here. And my second sister has already sent someone to report the situation here to Silvermoon City. She hopes that Silvermoon City can order more troops to stop the invasion of the undead army " Vereesa said after drinking all the juice in the water glass, putting down the glass in her hand.

"Then how likely do you think Silvermoon City will issue a call-up order?" Wayne continued to ask.

"Who knows about this kind of thing, the minds of those old guys, except for themselves, who can know what they are thinking." Shaking her head, Vereesa turned and left Wayne and Kalia's room and said: "I You should tell my second sister about the big magic circle, since you two are already up, go to work quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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