Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 376 Speech

Chapter 376 Speech
Chapter 376 Speech

Following Kane's explanation, Wayne has understood the process of the development of the matter.

"Then why are you waiting for me..." Wayne looked at Kane with questioning eyes.

"Of course I need your spells. You know, your spells will definitely do great damage to the demons of the Burning Legion." Kane didn't seem to see Wayne's doubts and said to Wayne with a smile.

"Well, it seems that it is indeed an important matter, I have to go back and prepare immediately." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.Kane did not keep Wayne, after all, it is an urgent moment.He also didn't know what kind of preparation Wayne's spell required.

Wayne felt that things were a little too tight at this time. If he had thought about it earlier, he would not be in such a hurry.Just now, Wayne suddenly thought of something, that is, there seemed to be a good solution to the problem that had been troubling his soul.Wouldn't the souls of those Burning Legion demons be just right?Thinking of this, Wayne couldn't sit still immediately.He had to reach Mount Hyjal, find a hidden place to dig a cave, and then set up the original magic circle again.

As for whether the magic circle needs to be modified, there is no need to worry. Even Sargeras was able to trap Sargeras for a period of time last time. This time Archimonde is not trivial.

As he said, Wayne hurriedly returned to the floating city, told Kaliya, Valeera and Onyxia, and prohibited Kaliya and Valeera from following them to Mount Hyjal. As for Onyxia, if she went, she would probably be killed by the night elves and other giant dragons as soon as she arrived.After notifying the three of them, Wayne hurriedly left the floating city and flew towards Mount Hyjal.

Here in Stormwind City, after deliberation, the Kul Tiras navy will find a way to delay the progress of the demons, buying time for the dwarves, gnomes, and the human army of the Kingdom of Azeroth.The dwarves, dwarves, and the human army of the Kingdom of Azeroth immediately set off for Mount Hyjal in ships, trying to arrive before the Burning Legion arrived and set up defenses.

In the following period of time, Archimonde found that there was a group of ants and ships constantly harassing and hindering their march.After a little thought, I knew what these ants were planning.Therefore, Archimonde personally ordered that no one is allowed to destroy the ships of these ants.Since the ants want to gather together, Archimonde doesn't mind killing them all in the process of obtaining the World Tree.

In this way, when it comes time to destroy the entire Azeroth, they can be more relaxed. After all, if the remaining ants are running around and hiding, it will still be a troublesome task to find them all and eliminate them. .For this reason, the arrogant Archimonde also specially slowed down the speed of the march, so that the ants could gather as much as possible.

Wayne can't predict Archimonde's movements through prophecy spells, but by predicting some other surrounding things, he can also roughly know where Archimonde is now.He found that Archimonde's speed of action seemed to have slowed down a lot. According to the current marching speed of Archimonde, it was about a month later than Venn's original estimate. In other words, Venn had more It takes a month to arrange the magic circle.

In this case, Wayne naturally gave up his original idea of ​​finding a similar place, and instead spent a lot of time carefully examining the terrain and mountains of Mount Hyjal.

By the time Wayne arranged everything, more than a month had passed, and it was only a few days before Archimonde arrived.

"Hey, Wayne. I didn't expect to see you here again. I'm so happy. How are you doing now?" Wayne had just followed Kane Bloodhoof to the gathering place when he saw a man in the distance. The dwarf who ordered the troops to build defense facilities, this dwarf shouted loudly when he saw Wayne.

"Ah, not bad. Walker, why are you here?" Wayne looked at Walker strangely. He didn't know that humans, dwarves and dwarfs had also come to Mount Hyjal.

"How could something as big as the invasion of the Burning Legion lack the power of our dwarves?" Walker raised his arms and shouted.

"Okay, okay. Don't get excited. I'm just wondering why you guys came here ahead of the Burning Legion. There's no other meaning." Seeing Walker's excited look, Wayne knew that Walker might be thinking too much, so Quickly explained to Walker.

"Speaking of this, I would also like to thank the humans in Kul Tiras for delaying the progress of the Burning Legion at sea. Otherwise, the day lily would be cold by the time we arrived." Walker heard Wei After En's explanation, he immediately realized that he was thinking too much, so he calmed down and said in a low voice: "Those human sailors are very heroic. They used their extraordinary courage and great sacrifice to buy us a month's time."

"However." Walker's voice suddenly became louder, startling Wayne, and he continued to shout: "We will not disappoint their sacrifices. Beat all these invading demons to death here .”

Walker's shouting attracted some dwarves, humans, and tauren to watch. Seeing that he, Venn, and the tauren who brought Venn were being watched, Walker turned his head and whispered to Venn. : "Wayne, with so many people watching now, why don't you say a few words."

"Me?" Upon hearing Walker's words, Wayne pointed to his nose and looked at Walker.

Walker nodded and said, "That's right, it's you. There are so many people watching, so you can also say a few words to them."

After speaking, Walker turned to the surrounding people and said: "Now, Archmage Wayne will say a few words to you, everyone applauds."

The applause started immediately after Walker finished speaking.

"But, what am I going to say?" After hearing Walker's words, Wayne knew that it would be impossible for him not to say a few words now, so he was a little worried. He had never given a speech in his two lifetimes combined.

"Anything will do, as long as it can encourage them." Walker whispered to Wayne.

After listening to Walker's words, Wayne thought for a while, raised his head and said to the people around him: "Warriors of Azeroth, we are once again standing at the crossroads of destiny. Because in a few days, we will face the Burning Legion's demonic battle, the outcome of this battle is related to the ultimate fate of our world. Survival or destruction, this is an obvious question. Unite as one, even if we use everything we have, we must defeat the invading Burning Legion, otherwise the world will face destruction. Whether it is for ourselves, our relatives, our descendants, or even a flower or a grass, no matter what it is for, we must win, even if It is worth sacrificing everything for this. Because there are some things worth fighting for. If we unite as one, victory will belong to us."

"Oh, victory, victory..." After Wayne's voice fell, the surrounding warriors of all races began to shout...

(End of this chapter)

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