Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 393 Illidan's Action

Chapter 393 Illidan's Action
Chapter 393 Illidan's Action

Among the elite rangers of the high elves, apart from their three sisters, only Barka and more than a hundred rangers who participated in the undead war remained.Even the number of soldiers who have been trained as rangers is less than a thousand.Although the loa god of the troll has been resisted by Balka's contracted giant bear, and the high-level priests have also been blocked by Kael'thas and a group of high-level mages, the soldiers below have given some simple instructions The method of using bows and arrows, or directly choose the high elves who have good fire spells, live in the Beiyongge forest, and have been hollowed out by years of extravagant life.Moreover, the entire family of high elves is still plagued by magic addiction. How can such a defense line resist the troll army on the opposite side?
There is not only a gap in the quality of the troops between the two sides, but also a huge gap in quantity.And trolls are not those brainless cannon fodder undead, they also have a variety of tactical applications, making Aurelia and the others overwhelmed.At this moment, the high elves have reached the brink of genocide.

However, this is not the thing that bothers Alleria the most. In fact, even at this time, most of the so-called new members of the council who are with Kael'thas are still trying their best to intrigue and find ways to obtain rights and interests. wealth.Windwalker, as an old aristocratic family, has been the target of suppression by this so-called new parliament during this period of time.However, Kael'thas trusted these guys very much, and in turn restricted Cirvanas, who was the highest military commander, everywhere.

"What should we do now?" Anna was at Cirvanas' side right now and asked her the question Vereesa asked Alleria.

"What else can we do? Let's just leave here. If these idiots want to die, let them die. Why stop them from being bad people. In the end, they are still suspicious and repelled. Isn't it uncomfortable?" Silva Before Nas could speak, the fast-talking Balka spoke first.

Since the beginning of the troll war, the command of the army has been carried out by Kael'thas. As a man who has never commanded the army, he only forcibly received his general power because he was afraid that the Windrunner family would become bigger. As expected, Kael'thas in his hands has been losing consecutive battles, losing all the way until now. In this way, those new members of the council not only failed to point out Kael'thas' mistakes, but instead targeted Cirvanas everywhere. The soldiers didn't follow orders, and why Cirvanas interfered with it, and so on.As a result, Kael'thas didn't even realize where he was wrong, and even drove the three of them out of the headquarters.

"Hey." Cirvanas sighed, and said with a dejected expression, "I just want to repel the trolls now, and leave the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas after the crisis of the high elves is over. I don’t want to care about things here anymore.”

Originally, the power they possessed was able to withstand the attack of trolls, but as a young commander, Kael'thas wanted to show himself everywhere, so the laymen in the council proposed all kinds of weird tactics that seemed reasonable Come out as the times require, and then just keep retreating, retreating and retreating.

The military arcane puppets that existed as a melee defense were thrown into the hands of the trolls by Kael'thas's whimsical cavalry. Since all the military arcane puppets were sent away by Kael'thas, they have never seen them again. to any chance of a comeback.

This is not the most irritating part, the most irritating part is that the responsibility for the defeat in the battle has been dumped on her head by those council members, which really makes her disheartened.

Cirvanas was depressed, and Kael'thas was also depressed.Kael'thas, who had lost half of his land in a big defeat, finally paid his tuition fees, and he could see that Quel'Thalas was in a bad situation.But so what, as a novice, he still couldn't figure out where his mistakes were. After being touted by the members of the new council all day long, he couldn't see the root cause of his failure at all.

"Hey, what should we do?" Kael'thas also lamented.

"If you follow me, I can help you solve your predicament." Kael'thas had just lamented when a steady voice appeared in his room.

"Who?" Kael'thas immediately alerted.

"Your vigilance is not bad, but not enough." As soon as the words fell, a night elf with demon horns on his head and a pair of bat wings on his back appeared in the room. This was Illidan.

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Illidan was driven away from the night elves by Tyrande and Malfurion. At this time, only Maiev Shadowsong was still relentlessly chasing Illidan, trying to imprison him again. in prison.

And Illidan ignored Maiev behind him at all. He first summoned the Naga at the beach. Vaschi, who was once Azshara's maid and always loved Illidan, responded to Illidan, and brought the Naga under his command. Some Naga followed Illidan.

Then Illidan ran to the Tomb of Sargeras raised by Archimonde from the bottom of the sea, wanting to check the situation there.At this time, before entering the Tomb of Sargeras, he discovered the big magic circle in Suramar City.The Nightborne live in it.After Illidan gained the allegiance of the Nightborne, he took a bottle of water from the Well of Eternity and poured it into a huge Nightwell, thus creating a new and huge energy source.

At this moment, Kil'jaeden was furious because Ner'zhul contacted and surrendered to the death world of Azeroth. At this time, Kil'jaeden didn't know that Archimonde was in the hands of Wayne Suffering, after contacting Archimonde to no avail, he contacted Illidan.Ask him to kill Ner'zhul.

Although Kil'jaeden did not trust Illidan, he was not worried that Illidan would not do what he asked, as long as Illidan knew that Ner'zhul was a pawn of the Burning Legion.

Sure enough, after Illidan knew that Ner'zhul was the pawn of the Burning Legion, he immediately ran into the Tomb of Sargeras and dug out the Eye of Sargeras, and then used the Eye of Sargeras to instantly severely damage Ner'zhul.

At the same time, when he found the Eye of Sargeras, Illidan found that the space here was extremely unstable, and from time to time, demons would enter Azeroth from here, so he decided to stay here, guard this place, and prevent it from burning The Legion relied on this place to plan conspiracies and tricks and make some small moves.

In view of Wayne's eye-catching performance on Mount Hyjal, Illidan thought it would be more secure to recruit the high elves to stay here, and that's why he went to Quel'Thalas to find Kael'thas.

(End of this chapter)

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