Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 56 Gnoll

Chapter 56 Gnoll

Chapter 56 Jackal
After a group of four all went up to the pit, they began to camp.While the other three were busy setting up camp, why did they stand on the edge and look into the swamp.

Sure enough, less than 200 meters away from them, a tribe camp of wolf men appeared there. What caught Wayne's attention the most was that these wolf men not only held weapons and shields in their hands, but also wore armor on their bodies.Most of the dozens of vehicles have been dismantled into pieces, many of which were used as dry firewood.On the ground, a large amount of silk cloth imported from Quel'Thalas, which is extremely expensive in human society, was casually thrown aside.

On the bonfire in the center of the camp, what appears to be a human being is grilling.On the ground not far away, there are still some human corpses that have been stripped naked, waiting to be strung up and set on fire.

Wayne looked further away. There was nothing there. It was not clear whether it was the gnolls who attacked the caravan or something else. After the attack on the caravan, the gnolls came and took advantage, but no matter How to put it, the blame has been completely pinned on the wolf man.It's just that the jackals don't care.

Although the jackals are more intelligent than the murlocs, they are still living in a primitive tribal state. Anything they can catch will become their food, regardless of whether the opponent is a smart creature or not.So even if there is no such thing, generally speaking, as long as they encounter a tribe of gnolls, they will wipe out the tribe of gnolls.

"Boy Wayne, what are you looking at?" After setting up camp, Walker saw Wayne standing on the edge looking into the distance, so he walked up to Wayne's side, picked up the rocks on the edge, and looked in the direction Wayne was looking at. Go, and then he saw the situation of the gnoll tribe, so he roared loudly: "I knew it was these damn gnolls. But I didn't expect them to camp so close to this road. It seems that we must Just wipe out this gnoll tribe."

"Yes, but we have to find a way to kill them safely. There are close to thirty of them, and our combat power is obviously not enough." Wayne listened to Walker's words and nodded in agreement.As for these gnolls, whether high elves or dwarves, including humans, no race will leave them alone. As long as they are discovered, they will definitely be cleared away if they have the ability.

The reason why all races are like this is because of the racial habit of jackals who eat everything.In the world of Azeroth, gnolls and trolls are, in fact, a treat.

"Well, thirty is indeed a lot. It would be easier to deal with four or five." Walker scratched his head, not having any good ideas in mind. After looking at it for a while, Walker suddenly said to Wayne: "How about we Wait, there will always be caravans coming, and then we will join forces with those caravans to clean up these damned gnolls."

"This is also a way, but let's wait until I go to have a look at night." Wayne thought for a while after hearing what Walker said.

"You want to go there at night? You know, the swamp is very dangerous at night." Walker persuaded immediately after hearing what Wayne said.

"Don't worry, there won't be any creatures running away from those Gnoll camps to seek death." Wayne shook his head and explained.

"How about I go with you?" Walker suggested when he saw that Wayne was determined to go and have a look.

"No, myself." Wayne shook his head and rejected Walker's proposal, and then explained: "A person's words are quiet and not easy to be discovered."

"Well, you're always right. Then we'll wait for you here. If you haven't come back for too long, I'll go find you." Walker said to Wayne with a sigh.

The inspections that should be carried out have been completed, and Wayne returned to the tent to rest. Before entering, he said to the other three: "You can just eat the food we brought today. It is a bit dangerous to go out to find food now. I will take a rest first." .”

After speaking, Wayne lay down on the made bed, closed his eyes and canceled a few spells he had memorized, and replaced them with the spells he needed to use at night.After the construction of the spell model was completed, Wayne, who had consumed a lot of mental energy, lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

At night, due to their location, Walker and the three of them did not arrange a vigil.The light from the bonfire was blocked by the four sides of the depression, and there was only one gap facing the mountain where light leaked out. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.So it doesn't matter much not to arrange a vigil.

After Wayne woke up, he looked at his spell slot and found that all spells had been recovered.So he crawled out of the tent lightly, then removed the burden on his body, and then took the things he should bring.He quietly got down on the mountain wall and sneaked towards the camp of the wolf man who had checked during the day.

When they arrived at the Gnoll camp, these Gnolls were already in a deep sleep state, and only a few of them walked back and forth in the camp. Whenever they found something abnormal, they would directly call out to wake up all the Gnolls in the camp.

Wayne went around in a big circle, sneaked into the grass not far from these gnolls, and carefully looked at the positions of the waking gnolls.The jackal's sense of smell is very sensitive. If Wayne wants to find an opportunity nearby, he must go to the downwind, otherwise the smell on his body will be smelled by the jackal's nose.It will be dead by then.

Looking at the sleeping gnolls in the camp, Wayne found that some leftover human corpses were being placed more than ten meters in front of him. Perhaps he could use the poison he bought when he bought chili powder to kill him. If these colorless and odorless poisons were sprinkled on the corpses left by the wolf men, it would be easy to get rid of the wolf men.

But even though he was only more than ten meters away from Wayne, he couldn't get any closer. If he dared to go any further, he would definitely be discovered. By then, it would be Wayne himself who became food.But it doesn't matter, although he can't get close, but Wayne has magic, doesn't he?As early as the day, Wayne had already prepared all the spells that might be used at night.

For example, Wayne was able to get so close without being detected because he used a spell to eliminate the sound he produced.This spell, Wayne, is named: Wayne's Silence.It is a simple trick developed by Wayne based on the two tricks of phantom sound and silent portal.

Now, what Wayne wants to use is the famous spell Mage Hand.He first took out a small package from his chest, and then opened it to reveal a crystal clear white powder.Wayne used the mage's hand to gently squeeze a little bit, and then under the control of Wayne, spread it evenly all over the human corpses in the distance. In order to ensure that the amount of poison was large enough, Wayne used half of it. , an amount capable of poisoning at least a hundred Jackals.

After doing all this, Wayne returned to the mountain wall lightly and silently, and the rest was to wait until dawn to check the situation here.

(End of this chapter)

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