Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 77 The Whimsical Balka

Chapter 77 The Whimsical Balka
Chapter 77 Whimsical Balka
After a while, after walking around the hall, Balka came to Wayne with Teddy in his arms.Seeing that Wayne was chatting with a dwarf, Balka sat next to Wayne and asked: "Is it easy for a dwarf to become a priest? Why didn't I sense the holy light for a long time?"

"It's okay. When we dwarves became priests, there was a ritual to help new priests sense the holy light. You high elves don't seem to have this tradition." The resting dwarf next to him replied.

"Ah, that's great. I couldn't sense the holy light after using it for a long time." Barka curled his lips and said in envy.

"By the way, Balka. I've always wanted to ask, why did you want to sense the Holy Light in the first place? Didn't you always aim to become a ranger?" Wayne asked curiously.

"Of course it is to heal my injuries during the battle." Balka explained to Wayne as a matter of course: "At the beginning, I saw that Father Victor used the holy light to easily break the leg of the guy who fell from the tree. It was cured, so I want to sense the holy light, and it can also be used to treat injuries after being injured in battle."

Wayne felt happy when he heard it, but he didn't speak yet.The dwarf next to him said: "Arcane and holy light cannot coexist, don't you know? Once you dare to respond to the holy light, then if you use arcane in the future, it will become a holy light spell."

"What? Is this true? Why didn't I know?" Balka was stunned when he heard that, and then he was a little suspicious: "Kaliya is also using holy light, how can she still use arcane magic?"

"Did he really use arcane magic?" the dwarf said with a smile: "When the high elf girl comes over later, ask her what kind of power she uses to use magic."

"Huh?" Balka was a little puzzled when he heard this, "Isn't it arcane energy?"

The dwarf smiled and did not answer, but said, "Can't you just ask that high elf girl later?"

"Okay, then I'll ask Kalia after she finishes her work." Balka nodded seeing that the dwarf kept silent.

"I'm quite interested in your ceremony. Can we watch the ceremony?" Wayne asked after Balka finished speaking.Since the dwarf knew about these rituals, he probably also worked in the secret magic hall.

"Oh, there is no problem with this. Every time the ceremony is performed, there are many onlookers." The dwarf listened to Wayne's words and nodded to show that there is no problem.

"Wait a minute, Wayne. Aren't we only here for one day? We're leaving tomorrow. How can you watch that ceremony?" Balka said impatiently as soon as the dwarf finished speaking.He was really afraid that Wayne would have to stay here for a while for this ceremony.You must know that he is really not used to being here in Ironforge.

Wayne didn't answer Balka's words. He just waved his hand at him and continued to ask the dwarf, "So when is the next ceremony?"

"There's about a month left. This ceremony happens once a year. Even if you miss it, it doesn't matter. Just come back next year." The dwarf didn't pay attention to Balka's words and told Wayne directly.

"What are you talking about?" While several people were chatting, Kalia asked when she had come to them.

"It's nothing, have you finished your work? Do you want to go back and rest?" Wayne turned his head and saw that Kalia was exhausted.

"Well, I'm done. You don't need to rest. You'll be fine in a while. The reason why there are so many injured people today seems to be because there seems to be some accident in the melting furnace. All the injured people have been treated just now." It’s over, so there’s nothing else to do for the time being.” Kalia shook her head and said.

After listening to Kalia's words, Wayne looked up, and there were not many people in the hall.Even the pastors were leaving in twos and threes.

Kalia had just finished answering Wayne's words, and Balka couldn't wait to ask: "Kaliya, what kind of energy do you use when you use tricks?"

"Stupid Balka, of course it's Holy Light. Why do you ask this question?" Kalia looked at Balka and said.

After hearing this, Balka muttered to himself, "It's really impossible to coexist."

"What's wrong with Balka?" Kalia saw Balka muttering softly there, unable to hear what Balka was saying.So he turned to Wayne and asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that a dream has been shattered." Wayne looked at Balka and shook his head and replied.

"Oh." Kalia nodded in confusion.

At this time, Balka had come back to his senses and asked Kalia, "Kaliya, is there any difference between Holy Light and Arcane?"

"Hmm." Kalia raised her head and looked at the ceiling, pointed a finger at her chin and thought for a moment: "Some spells have changed, and some cannot be used."

Upon hearing this, Balka asked anxiously, "What spells can't be used?"

"For example, after the use of tricks such as flame control, it will become a flame form composed of holy light. There are also some evocation-type tricks that can't be used. I haven't tested it specifically, so it's not very clear which ones can't be used. Clear." Kalia replied.

Wayne frowned a little at this time. He was the same as Balka before, and he didn't know these things.All he knew was that both High Elf mages and High Elf priests could use tricks.But they don't know that Arcane and Holy Light can't actually coexist.Because his spells Leo and Holy Light are practical.That's why I always thought that the power system in this world was not enough to work part-time.I didn't expect it to be like this because of his particularity.

"I see." Balka replied listlessly after hearing Kalia's answer.

At this time, Kalia looked at Balka's dejected look and asked a little strangely: "Balka, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Balka shook his head and said.

"Brother Wayne, what's wrong with Barka?" Although Barka said it was okay, Kaliya was still a little worried and turned to Wayne and asked.

"I think he thinks that Holy Light can heal and can be used like arcane art, so he wants to learn Holy Light. It's just that after asking you, he found that's not the case." Balka's idea is very good Guess, if Kalia has been listening to their chat, Kalia can also guess why Balka is like this.

"It turns out to be like this." Kalia suddenly realized, and then she turned to Balka and said, "You are so stupid, Balka. If Holy Light can really be used like arcane magic, our Quel'Thalas Don’t priests also use various arcane spells? Since priests in Quel’Thalas don’t have the ability of mages, it means that Holy Light and arcane are different.”

After hearing this, Balka suddenly realized: "You are right, I thought I was the only one who discovered the great secret. Hey~."

After hearing Balka's words, Wayne shook his head with a smile, and said to himself: Balka really has the heart of a child.He reached out and pulled Balka and Kalia, the two of them left the secret magic hall, and walked towards other areas...

PS: This is different from the original world, slightly modified, forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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