Spellcaster of Azeroth

Chapter 91 Ceremony

Chapter 91 Ceremony
Chapter 91 Ceremony

As soon as Wayne and Walker lined up, the senior priest at the door of the secret hall took out the stack of lists in his hand and started reading.Every time a name was read, an underage dwarf waiting below would pass by.Soon it was Walker's turn.But when Walker came to the door of the secret hall, the senior priest said in surprise: "Are you sure you are Walker?"

"Yes. I am Walker." Walker was no exception to the surprise of the senior priest.

"But, you're obviously an adult, right?" the senior priest asked with a weird expression.

At this time, the elder who was not far from Walker hurried over and said, "He wants to integrate the power of the Holy Light into the warrior's skills. That's why he signed up."

After hearing the elder's words, the senior pastor suddenly realized, and then frowned and asked the elder, "Didn't you tell him that many dwarves have tried this before?"

"Of course I told him, it's just that the stubborn character of our dwarves is not so easy to change." The elder shrugged and said to the senior priest.

"Okay, I understand." The senior pastor nodded to the elder, then turned to Walker and said, "Go in."

After Walker entered the secret law hall, Wayne has been waiting in front of the secret law hall.The dwarf's holy light induction ceremony didn't mind people watching, so at this time, a large number of dwarves had gathered in front of the entire secret magic hall to watch the annual holy light induction ceremony.Even the human noble that Wayne had seen in the small town below Ironforge also waited for the ceremony with his entourage.

At ten o'clock, the door to the Secret Art Hall finally opened.Wayne entered the secret hall with the crowd.The shoulder-to-shoulder crowd is very crowded, that is to say, Wayne is powerful enough. If it were replaced by Balka and Kalia, I don't know what it would be like to be squeezed.

After entering the Secret Law Hall, Wayne turned his head and looked around, but found no difference between the Secret Law Hall and the last time he came.

At this time, those underage dwarves who chose to become priests lined up and walked out from the depths of the secret hall.The dwarves who chose to become priests had changed into linen robes by this time, and Wayne could clearly see that Walker was also in the back.If it wasn't for the long enough contact time, Wayne wouldn't be able to tell that it was Walker at all.

Now Walker has taken off his armor, and he is wearing the same linen robe as other minor dwarves, but the linen robe on his body has been torn, and there are several holes in the place Wayne saw. .

After all the dwarves who were going to perform the ceremony came to the center of the secret magic hall and stood still, the dwarf priest who presided over the ceremony began to chant and guide the holy light.Immediately, the entire secret law hall was bathed in holy light, and everything seemed to be exuding a golden halo, even the people watching at the entrance of the secret law hall were the same.The whole scene looks very sacred, mysterious, beautiful and majestic.For a moment, everyone was lost in this beautiful scenery and couldn't extricate themselves. Only Wayne raised his head and looked at the ceiling above his head.

The pattern on the ceiling, which Wayne thought was for decorative purposes, now revealed its true nature.Only part of the pattern began to shine with golden light. Different from the surrounding patterns with a glowing halo, what was hidden inside the pattern and shined with golden light was a Holy Light Magic Array.

After understanding a little bit, Wayne immediately concentrated on observing these shining magic circles.Although these holy light magic circles seem to be on the bright side, the holy light induction ceremony does not prohibit outsiders from visiting.In fact, the magic circle on the ceiling is very far from the ground, and only the high elf Wayne can see it clearly.And if Wayne didn't understand the construction principles and foundations of the spell model, just seeing the dense energy matrix that constitutes the Holy Light Magic Array would make his scalp numb.

The construction of the Holy Light Magic Array is a huge spell model built on the basis of many small spell models. This spell model is too complicated, and no one can build the spell model of the entire magic array with their own strength.In fact, most magic circles are like this. Due to various reasons and various conditions, the spell model that needs to be constructed is too complicated and can only be realized by using the magic circle.

Wayne looked up at the ceiling, and quickly copied the magic circle on the ceiling to the task panel of the system.As I said before, this task panel is actually a record panel, which records important things that will be done after a long time to prevent myself from forgetting.In other words, it is a task that I set for myself. As soon as the conditions are met, it will immediately pop up to remind Wayne.

After Wayne copied the magic circle, he took a rough look.Looking at it, his brows began to frown. The reason is that Wayne found that the magic circle seemed incomplete.This part is still missing. This part is not much, but it is very critical.He turned his eyes to the ground, wanting to see if the missing part of the magic circle was on the ground.However, after careful observation, Wayne found nothing.Not to mention the pattern on the ground, not even a little halo can be seen.

At this time, Wayne's psychology suddenly became clear: "No wonder the dwarves put such an important magic circle on the surface, and they are not afraid of being stolen."It turns out that the most important part has been hidden, and no one can steal this magic circle. '

Since the missing part of the magic circle cannot be seen directly with the naked eye, it means that this part is either hidden inside the building of the secret magic hall, or it is hidden in some special way.So Wayne can only try to analyze it by himself first, to see if he can use his own knowledge to complete this holy light magic circle.If Wayne can do it, then his spell model design and the learning and application of spell energy matrix and runes will be greatly improved.

When Wayne was thinking about the completion of the magic circle, he was suddenly slapped heavily on the shoulder: "Hey, Wayne boy, what are you thinking about standing here?"

After regaining his senses, Wayne realized that the entire ceremony was over, and the entire secret magic hall became the usual situation where basically no one was there.Walker was standing beside him, looking at him, in his armor and holding a linen robe full of holes.

(End of this chapter)

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