Chapter 117 Kewan Mine
"Hey, how can you fly?"

In the mine, Alice looked at the two transparent wings behind Ye Xi in disbelief.

"Flying is not your patent." Ye Xi replied.

"No wonder you refuse to trade invisibility with my flying technique, so you already knew it!"

Ye Xi's mouth twitched, not wanting to speak.

Even if he can't fly, it's impossible to teach her invisibility, let alone he doesn't know how to teach invisibility at all.

Invisibility is dark magic, that is to say, you must have dark elements in your body to learn dark magic. As for Alice, how can she learn it with the power of light in her body?
So Ye Xi's statement that he will teach her as long as he helps him find the dungeon must be unreliable.

When the time comes, just throw her aside, who cares about her?
Ye Xi had already made a small calculation in her heart.

The two fell to the ground, and Ye Xi looked around. This mining area is very large, much larger than the ant nest in the volcano. If it is the size of a basketball court, it should be the size of two or three football fields. .

Mining tools are everywhere, many drill-like magic devices are fixed on the ground and walls, and small trucks are filled with mined ore.

This mining area does not only have such a layer, there are even rarer ores tens of meters down, or even hundreds of meters down.

Ye Xi was a little doubtful that if the digging continued like this, the ground would subside due to the hollowing out of the ground.

He used the exploration technique on the minerals on the truck, trying to find the rare ore inside to strengthen his sword.Unfortunately, no.

"Hey, there doesn't seem to be much fun here, why don't we look down?" Alice glanced casually and said impatiently.

But at this time, Ye Xi had disappeared, and it seemed that he flew to the bottom floor alone without even saying hello.

"Damn! Who ran away by himself? Huh! I'm playing alone!" Alice flew to the next floor angrily.

Ye Xi didn't know how deep the mine was and how many layers it had, but as the mine got deeper, Ye Xi found a monster.

The body of the monster here is similar to a reptile like a lizard, but its head is huge, a bit like a dinosaur's head, and its mouth occupies one-third of its head. The two eyes are so small that they are really peas. chant.It can be seen that the meaning of this guy's birth is to eat.

It was currently pawing on a rock, using its steel teeth to continuously crush the ore beneath it, absorbing the energy inside.

But Ye Xi didn't bother it, the ore in its mouth was not what Ye Xi wanted.

The deeper you go into the mine, the lower the temperature, but it doesn't matter to Ye Xi, he can adjust the temperature.

However, there is no lighting underneath, and those lightings are limited to the first three floors, and Ye Xi needs to use the lighting technique himself.Perhaps the mining has not been carried out below, so the equipment and the like have not appeared, even if there is not even a lift.

Of course, there is also a possibility that most of the elevators were originally made of wood, which may have been rotted or attacked by monsters, which made these elevators unable to be placed normally, because Ye Xi could still see some machine wreckage on them.

Gradually, he reached the bottom.

It doesn't look like there are traces of being mined here, there is frost everywhere, and the air is very humid. It seems that there is an underground lake not far from here.

The magic element is abundant and contains a large amount of ice element, but this ice element is not so pure, and instead carries some impurities.

With such abundant magic essence, very few monsters can survive. They may explode and die due to absorbing too much magic essence, but those who can survive are undoubtedly some super powerful kings.


At this time, the first monster appeared. Its huge body was a bit like a tiger, but its tail was not. It was longer, thicker and more powerful than tigers.The two fangs are extremely sharp, about half a meter long.

Muscular, but a little thin, it seems that the food is not very good.The dark brown stripes on his body were clearly visible under lighting, and his tiger eyes were staring at Ye Xi, seemingly treating him as food.

But Ye Xi was a little strange, why would such a carnivorous monster exist in such a place?
This kind of monster usually sees the sun more or less, right?But why can it live here normally?

Meat can rely on other monsters living here, and water resources can be solved in an unknown underground lake somewhere, but what about the others?
No matter how big the space underneath is, it won't be enough for multiple species to survive together, right?

Over time, there will always be a population that will be wiped out by predators. Once the food chain is destroyed, won't all the creatures here be affected?
Ye Xi doesn't know how long this mine has existed, at least tens of millions of years. After all, it is impossible for human beings to get through such a deep mine, right?
It must be when humans excavated that they discovered a habitat for monsters here.

Ye Xi pulled out the sword from his waist and pointed at the tiger monster ten times his size.


The monster opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Ye Xi. The huge tiger claws seemed to be able to tear him apart in an instant. He didn't think his sword could cut off the guy's claws, so he could only quickly roll to the side and let it jump null.

But this did not hinder the normal attack of the monster.

The thick, long and big tail swung over with a snap. Ye Xi was careless and did not dodge. The tail was whipped away and hit the rock hard, causing the rock to shatter instantly.

"Pfft—cough cough!"

Ye Xi suddenly felt that her internal organs had been shifted, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and got up from the ground.

Good guy, he doesn't talk about Wude at all!
How dare you hit me with your tail?Have the ability to face it positively!
"The decision is yours! Lin!!!"

With a wave of Ye Xi's hand, a little emerald green loli flew out of the air.

"Ye Xi!!! What are you doing?! Why did you throw me out without saying hello?!"

Lin suddenly appeared in the dark mine, and the cold temperature penetrated into her body, making her tremble.

"What the hell is this place? It's better to stay in the forest in the other world!" Lin complained.

"What? Do me a favor and cough." Ye Xi covered her chest and coughed up another mouthful of blood.

The blow just now must have broken several of his ribs, and the reason for calling Lin out in a hurry was to help him heal.

"Oh, I knew it!" Lin endured the cold to run the wood element in her body.

"Great Goddess of Life, please give me the power of nature to heal these wounds—Song of the Forest!"

As Lin sang, green balls of light surrounded Ye Xi, constantly healing his wounds.

Warm currents poured into Ye Xi's body, and in an instant, not only did he recover from his injuries, but his physical strength also recovered a lot, and he regained his energy!

"Okay, okay, send me back quickly! It's freezing!" Lin said impatiently. Although she has an elf body, wood elves are still afraid of the cold.

Ye Xi smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work. If there is another accident, I will trouble you again." Then with a big wave of his hand, Lin disappeared into thin air.

The tiger-like monster was just like an audience watching Ye Xi conjuring a green creature and then disappearing.

What's even more exasperating is that this guy's injury has healed!
How can this be tolerated?Certainly can't bear it!

The monster rushed towards him quickly, but this time, Ye Xi would not make any mistakes.

With a snap of his fingers, the frost on the ground instantly turned into water columns, and Ye Xi manipulated them to land on the monster.

It seemed to feel uncomfortable, after all, its hair was wet, but it didn't stop its speed, instead, it became faster and faster.


click -

The water droplets on the monster's body instantly condensed, freezing one of its hind feet.

"Roar!" It roared loudly, if this guy could talk, he must be calling Ye Xi mean.

Although one of its legs was trapped, it didn't seem to affect its movements much.

water column!

Ye Xi quickly constructed a magic array, and water pillars rushed out.

But this monster seemed to know what Ye Xi was going to do, and flexibly used the remaining three legs to avoid it, trying not to splash the water on its hair.

At this moment, the giant lizard rushed out and bit the back of the tiger-shaped monster.

Ye Xi was stunned, good guy, this sneak attack is perfect!
All the tiger-shaped monster's attention was on Ye Xi, and Ye Xi's attention was also on this monster, not paying attention to other creatures at all.

If it weren't for the giant lizard rushing out suddenly, he might have to withstand this blow again, right?
No, that's not possible either.

Originally, Ye Xi was thrown by its tail because of carelessness, the same mistake will not happen a second time!
Ye Xi has already researched its weakness. Although its attack power is very fierce, its claws and teeth are extremely destructive, its speed is also very fast, and its reaction is very sensitive, but its defense power is not so outstanding.

Its fur is not steel-like, but thicker than ordinary fur, which can resist the cold.

Now this giant lizard that came out of nowhere probably waited for this opportunity to attack him because it took a fancy to this tiger-shaped monster.

But Ye Xi was confused at this point, why did he look down on himself?

Is it because I'm too young to fit someone's teeth?

There is also this possibility, but this timing is not the best timing. The best timing should be the moment when the tiger-shaped monster attacks itself, but now, it just knocked out its momentum of preparing to attack.

Are monsters really monsters?
However, Ye Xi also wanted to thank the giant lizard for helping him, so he sneaked away without disturbing the fight between the two beasts.

Continuing to walk to the depths, Ye Xi knew that he was not far from the underground lake by virtue of his sense of water elements.

At this time, a blue fluorescent stone caught Ye Xi's eyes.

Exploration technique!
Blue-eye stone, an ultra-rare forging material, has its own ice element, and is one of the main materials for the magic weapon - the ice sword.

That's it!

Ye Xi put his hand on the stone, and operated the earth element to remove other useless stones, leaving only the blue-eyed stone the size of a pomegranate.

System, strengthen "Zero".

[Sharpness upgraded to level 2]

【carries frost attribute】

[hardness increased to level 2]

The frost attribute means that the temperature of the target attacked by this sword will drop rapidly.

If the frost attribute is turned on, then inserting the sword into the lake may cause a small area of ​​​​freezing, in addition to causing frostbite to the victim.

If you insert it into your body, even better!
Maybe the blood will be coagulated at that moment!
However, this also has a disadvantage. If the frost attribute is turned on and the high temperature is released, it may cause damage to the blade.

If it is light, it will break, and if it is heavy, it will melt and wear off directly.

Ye Xi inserted it back into the scabbard and walked into an inner hole.


As soon as Ye Xi entered the cave, she heard the sound of water drops.


What is this sound?mouse?

In addition to the ticking of water, Ye Xi could hear other strange sounds.

Kind of like a mouse, but not quite like that.

There are a lot of them, and the sound is very mixed, but it is a little small, and it does not cover the sound of water droplets.

Ye Xi pulled out the sword he had just inserted, and he had an ominous premonition.

The magic here is four times stronger than that place just now. If there are monsters living here, they may not be able to deal with them.

What's more, there are still so many
A pair of bright red eyes appeared in the darkness, and then, densely packed red eyes appeared together.

It was only when Ye Xi found them with the lighting technique that they realized, how could these be mice?This is clearly a group of rabbits!

Eyes so red as to bleed, a small horn on his forehead that looks like a drill bit, and a petite body with snow-white fur, he doesn't look like a dangerous creature at all!
Feeling a little cute?

A slightly larger rabbit opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth that did not belong to this pair of skins.

I rely on!What's this?Destroy my fantasy! ! !
Exploration technique!
Devil Rabbit: A monster that lives in groups, its teeth can tear everything apart, and the targets they stare at will basically be gnawed to the bone.

Nima, the devil rabbit?

Ye Xi has known this kind of creature before!

This creature was mentioned in the legend Yuna gave him back then.

Wherever he went, people were devastated.

The Devil Rabbit lives up to his reputation!Isn't this preparation for doom?

"Senior, what should I do?" Ye Xi rarely asked Mandy in the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge.

"You can't escape, basically you have to wait for death." Mandy replied.

"No! I can't die here, this is not a way, senior, there must be a way to destroy them, right?"

"Devil rabbits have a very strong reproductive ability. Even if one dies, a second one will be produced very quickly, so if you want to destroy them, you can only catch them all. The attribute of devil rabbits is ice, and you can use fire attribute to destroy them , but the humidity here is heavy, and I'm not sure that the flames can exert the best damage. By the way, I remind you, don't be within five meters of them, otherwise you won't be able to escape."

Mandy said a lot in one breath, five meters?
Now the distance is about ten meters, but for some reason, the devil rabbits have not rushed up.

Are you waiting for something?
(End of this chapter)

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