Chapter 196 The Destroyed World
The sky was cloudy, thick smoke billowed everywhere, the suburbs were full of huge pits, the flames of war devoured lawns everywhere, trees were broken, drinking water was polluted, all the houses in the city collapsed, and people were everywhere corpses, occasionally the cries of babies and the desperate cries of adults can be heard.

Ye Xi walked down the street in a daze, self-blame and regret constantly pounding his brain.

It was his fault, it was he who opened the door to the first level of space, and it was he who destroyed his hometown.

Is it too late after all?
Ye Xi's power is still too weak, even if he closes the space together with Jiuxi and Ayano, he still can't stop the demons.

Groups of demons flew out, as well as the remnants of fallen angels and blood races.

They all have wings, and as soon as they arrived in this world, they declared the sovereignty of the sky, forced several planes to crash, and at the same time, quickly began to invade and bombard the world.

After all, they realized that the humans here hold extremely powerful weapons, weapons that can destroy the world!
Missile nuclear bombs and atomic bombs exploded on the invaders, causing them considerable damage.

"Master." Jiu Xi followed Ye Xi with her ears drooping, not knowing what to say.Her delicate little face was already dirty.

When Ayano and Ruka were fighting against the invaders, they were accidentally injured by the human army and were sent to the other world for treatment.

"Jiuxi. Do you think I'm stupid? I should have thought of it a long time ago. Why do I have to open this taboo door?" Ye Xi slumped on the ground with her eyes closed.

Jiuxi immediately retorted: "No way! Master is very smart! Master can't say that! Without master, there would be no peace and happiness in the world! If the master hadn't become the God of Creation, then people in other dimensions wouldn't have I know how much suffering I have to suffer!"

"But... I did the most stupid thing in the world, maybe the other creator gods couldn't do it like me."

"How is it possible! Master, you must think about it! Maybe other previous creation gods opened this door thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years ago!"

Ye Xi sighed, Jiuxi's statement is not unreasonable, after all, there are so many legends and stories circulating in the world, it is very likely that they are real.

But it was his hometown that was destroyed!
It is the hometown where he was born and lived since he was a child! ! !
"Really. Is there no way to change it? What's the use of becoming a creation god?!!!" Ye Xi punched the ground hard.

Jiuxi was very distressed, but she thought of something.

"Master, let's go back to the past? Go back to the past and tell you, don't open the gate of the first floor!"

Ye Xi turned her head in disbelief, looked at Jiuxi's shining eyes, and laughed at herself:

"Time travel. I no longer have magic power to travel through time and space. Even if the law of time is dialyzed, there is no way to implement it now."

"Then use Jiuxi!!! Didn't the master say that traveling through time and space requires a lot of time elements and space elements, so Jiuxi is just right!"

Snapped! ! !
Ye Xi slapped Jiu Xi's face with a slap, and the crisp voice sounded, making Jiu Xi a little stunned.

This was the first time Ye Xi slapped Jiu Xi across the face.

"I won't allow you to say that."

(End of this chapter)

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