Chapter 45
With half a month left before the start of school, Ye Xi lived in Yuna's rental house and fully felt the daily boredom.

No flower pickers, no assassins, no arsonists, none of them.

Are they hiding one by one, not ready to assassinate?
This is unlikely. After all, the goal is right in front of us, so we shouldn't give up.

Doing nothing all day, brushing up proficiency in the study space during the day, and reading novels in the living room at night.

If it wasn't too troublesome, Ye Xi would have moved the novels from the original world based on the impressions in his mind.

Maybe it could be a fire.

In the study space, Ye Xi was sleeping on Feng Qi's body.

He used the wind element to create a little breeze in this space.

At this time, Ayano appeared here: "Brother, what are you doing today?"

Ayano has already clearly known that Ye Xi has this mysterious space, and can enter here with a single thought.

During this period of time, Ye Xi taught Ayano how to use magic elements correctly. Within a month, Ayano's elemental riot was calmed down.

There is no reference book for space magic, and it all depends on the imagination of the two of them, and they continue to experiment.

Now Ayano can grasp the following:

Space exchange (exchange with the position of the character within a hundred miles)
Space transfer (transfer the position of the selected object within five hundred miles)

Teleportation (random location movement within one kilometer, with a maximum of one person at a time)
Ye Xi threw a silver needle to Ayano: "You can try using this to attack."

The silver needle is originally a hidden weapon, but if used by Reina, it can be used as a big killer!
If you insert a silver needle into the enemy's internal organs, you will be seriously injured!
Ayano took the silver needle, a little hesitant, she already understood what Ye Xi meant:
"But. If so, then they must be very painful."

Sure enough, Ayano was like a kind little angel. He stroked Ayano's hair and said softly:

"How about if you make decisions when your life is in danger?"

Ayano opened her beautiful eyes and laughed happily: "Yeah!"

Then he trotted all the way to a boulder to practice aiming at the silver needle.

Because the silver needle is small, sometimes it can be ignored by the naked eye, so you need to concentrate when controlling it and moving it in space.

Ayano put a silver needle between the cat's paws, and after using the space ability, the silver needle disappeared.

At the same time, a silver needle appeared on the boulder, but it was not firmly inserted into it, but fell off when the wind blew it.

"Practice a lot, first imagine the structure of the boulder, because you are not shooting out the silver needle, but transferring the space."

"Just imagine there is a person in front of the boulder, and all you have to do is seal the person's movements."

Ayano nodded and practiced again and again.

The time in the study space is the same as that of the outside world. It seems that the time is almost up. Ye Xi and Ayano left here, taking advantage of the good weather today, to go outside to get some fresh air.

Originally, he wanted to call Shang Liuxia and Yuna, but he didn't expect that these two were tinkering with some novel magic props.

Helpless, Ye Xi took Ayano to some lively places.

After all, Ayano hasn't had a good stroll since arriving here. She has been worried about assassins all day long.

Since it has not appeared for such a long time, it should not come for a long time.

"This little girl, do you want to take a look at the clothes? Maybe it will be very suitable~"

The two passed by a clothing store, and the lady clerk in a bright red kimono was greeting them.

For demi-humans, most ordinary people are acceptable, only those nobles who think they are superior will not give demi-humans good looks.

With her cute appearance, Ayano attracted the attention of the shop assistant. She looked at Ye Xi's eyes, her eyes full of longing.

"Okay, let's go in and choose a few items?"

"Well! I like my brother the most!"

The two walked into the store, and there was a pair of eyes watching them from a certain corner.

Ayano put on a pink T-shirt and tied a bow on her head. She seemed to have her own brilliance, and she was even cuter and full of vitality after changing clothes.

The white stockings wrap the slender calves, the socks are tied with red strings, and the pink pleated skirt forms a perfect and absolute realm.

The paws of the two kittens rested restlessly on their backs, their tails swayed, and Ayano lowered her head, blushing in embarrassment, waiting for Ye Xi's comment.

Ye Xi was dumbfounded: "Yyano, you can't be any more cute, or the world will be in danger!"

When Ayano heard it, steam seemed to come out of her head: "Thank you brother!"

"That's it." After Ye Xi paid the money, she left the clothing store under the welcome of the lady clerk for her next visit.

Ayano didn't change into her own clothes, but kept them on, her face was still as red as a ripe apple.

This cuteness makes pedestrians can't help but take a look.

It felt like I was dating my brother.
Suddenly, Ayano seemed to feel like she was being watched by someone, and she had an indescribable feeling.

It was as if his throat was tightly grasped, and it was very difficult to breathe.

There is a pair of blue eyes in his mind, which seem to emit golden light, and Ayano feels that his every move is being watched.

Cold sweat broke out in her hand held by Ye Xi, and her slight trembling caught Ye Xi's attention:

"What's wrong?"

Ayano's eyes widened, and her words were trembling in fear: "Brother, brother, someone is watching me."

Ye Xi smiled wryly: "Ayano is so cute, there are too many people watching you!"

"But... this feels very wrong." Ayano's voice became lower and lower, like a mosquito humming.

Ye Xi squatted down and hugged her, Ayano was startled, her flushed face was about to bleed!

"How is it like this?"

Ye Xi's embrace gave Ayano a sense of security, but for some reason, that cold feeling became a bit heavier.

"Well, I'm better, brother."

She turned her head and carefully looked around, except for some ordinary people, she did not see any other suspicious characters.

What the hell does this happen?

Gritting her teeth, Ayano left Ye Xi's embrace, her gaze seemed to fade a bit.

Weird person?Who on earth is it?
This time, Ayano did not continue to hold Ye Xi's hand. Although this was much better than before, she could still feel that the person who observed her hadn't left.

This man is absolutely hostile!
A petite figure stepped out from a dark corner, the golden light in the blue eyes faded, and he punched the wall beside him.

Cracks instantly appeared on the wall, spreading out like spider webs.

The temperature around her plummeted, and passers-by felt inexplicably cold.


(End of this chapter)

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