Anime Plane Adventures

Chapter 102 The King's Ruins

Chapter 102 The King's Ruins
Early the next morning, the third master and A-Ganzuo Lukexi said goodbye to Linus and set off.

The few people rushed on without stopping, completely ignoring the beautiful scenery in the woods. Some low-level monsters on the road were so frightened that they trembled and dared not move when they saw the sword energy of the third master!It's not that A-Gump and Lukexi lack momentum, but A-Gump has restrained all his strength, unlike the third master who is showing his sharpness like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath!It's the same for Lukexi, who doesn't have to be tortured by Kazan Syndrome, she is in a very good mood, and she won't deliberately show her violent aura to scare those monsters...

So it took only one day to walk to the Afaria camp, and took ninety soul spars as tickets, and the three of them finally stood at the entrance of the king's ruins!The third master is very strange, why does Mao still use things like souls in the real world?It was Uncle Linus who helped prepare it. I later learned that opening the ruins also requires energy. In fact, only [-] are enough, and the extra is to contribute to the Afalia camp...

The third master looked at the magnificent entrance of the ruins. It didn't look like a dark hole in the game at all. It gave people a very solemn and solemn feeling. It was a sense of vicissitudes belonging to history!Borodin's dynasty is also a magnificent epic in the game, but it's a pity that he met the god-like Devil May Cry Giger!One move of Buraschi directly turned Borodin's dream into a bubble...

The third master said to the calm A-Gump: "Do we need to prepare anything else? I think it's a bit weird."

A Ganzuo shook his head calmly and said: "There is no need to prepare anything, I have been here once before, and I am more familiar with this place."

Lukexi followed: "Then let's go in!" Lukexi wanted to finish the matter sooner, so that he would not be so guilty of taking his money...

The third master nodded and said: "Since you all said that, I won't be hypocritical, Uncle A-Gan Zuo, I will leave everything to you!"

A-Gump left didn't speak, Lukexi snorted, obviously dissatisfied with the third master... But who made A-Gump left stronger than the two tied together?
After finishing speaking, the few people stepped into the king's ruins. Although the place was dilapidated, they could still see the glory of the past. A huge iron gate blocked the front of the few people. The current location of the few people was a hall. There is nothing in the hall, only the rustling of the wind!

A-Gump pulled out his giant sword, and looked around vigilantly!Only then did the third master realize that the battle had already begun!There should be a guardian wind of the king around here, right?It's just that the guy is invisible and can't see it!


Forrest Gump drew his sword and slashed, bypassing the two perfectly, and slashing directly on an invisible "person"!

The third master followed A-Gump Zuo's example, avoiding the two of them, and also unleashed the sword to cut!When it was halfway through, it was obvious that something had been cut!
It really is the invisible knight!It is even more difficult to see in reality. You can see the movement in the game, but there are no shadows or footprints in reality!As expected of the King's Guardian Wind!

The third master slowly closed his eyes, observing the surroundings with his mind like GSD, but the third master was not blind and could only use his fur, but he still felt three powerful qi flowing around, the domineering qi on A-Gump left, The berserk aura on Lukexi's body, and the seemingly simple aura of the King's Guardian Wind, is actually as deep as the sea!

When he felt the Qi coming, the third master moved, and rushed towards the king's guardian wind with a dragon slash, directly collided with this invisible guardian knight, and directly smashed this guy He flew up, and then used the phantom sword dance taught by A-Gump Zuo yesterday, and he was still not very proficient in it, quickly cutting the king's guardian wind!It's a pity that A-Gumpzuo is not particularly proficient in the phantom sword dance, he takes a fierce way, and he rarely uses this kind of sword technique that quickly cuts and strikes to form a sword light, so what the third master has learned is even more superficial!But even if it is fur, it is not much different from the phantom sword dance given by the previous system.

When all the sword glows gathered in one place, the third master swung the sword forcefully, and the sword glow directly pushed the king's guardian wind to retreat!
The third master said regretfully: "Cut, this iron sheet is hard. I didn't die after taking my three big moves!"

At this time, a violent figure rushed over, and the red sword directly pierced a blood-colored energy body, which happened to meet the place where the third master's sword light disappeared, and it was Lukexi!Directly use the blade of blood to give an additional boost to the guardian wind of the king who fell to the ground!
A figure flashed in the air, A-Gump jumped into the air like a big bird, and a silver falling blade stepped on it!The momentum of the giant sword is completely different from that of the lightsaber. In the air, Forrest Gump still has the blessing of a domineering body, and he hit the head of the king's guardian wind with one blow!
Although he couldn't see it, the third master could feel that that guy's head was crushed directly by A-Gump's silver falling blade!

The third master murmured: "A-Gump Zuo, do you want to be so domineering, you can use such a small skill so ruthlessly!"

That's right, in Forrest Gump's hands, even a small skill has the same damage as when he zoomed in!The data is only limited to the characters in the game, and it is completely unworkable in this real world!The inability of the third master to do it before can only show that his previous level was too low. The guy in Barn can cut out the same effect as a phantom sword dance with only a short sword. It shows how deep the water is in the real world...

If the third master wants to truly become a sword master, he must learn to fight in his own way, otherwise he will always be an ordinary reincarnation, unable to break through the realm of the sword god!
The power of the sword god is sharper than that of the sword master, otherwise Liang Yue and Soderos wouldn't have appeared in hundreds of years!It is not only two people who can master the extreme sword technique, but it is recognized that only two people can use it well!

A-Gump stood with his sword left, and said calmly: "In the future, you will naturally be able to achieve this level, but the experience in this kind of place is indeed somewhat dangerous for you now, and it is easy to die."

Luxi nodded and said: "Even I dare not come to this place alone. Unless I am accompanied by a strong person, it will be difficult to pass this first level! I only have sensitive hearing, but there is wind noise all around, don't you Even if I find the enemy, I can’t hit it.”

The third master picked up Taila and said with a smile: "Anyway, we are a team now, right uncle! By the way, should we take a break? Although I didn't feel tired just now, it's not good to be too tense, right?"

Team?Unexpectedly, in just two days, we became so-called partners?What a strange boy. He obviously likes to make jokes that make people angry, but he can't get angry with him at all!
A-Gump left calmly said: "Yes, I don't know why, I feel a little strange here, when I came here before, the energy was not so violent."

The third master also felt this way, but he couldn't say why, so he changed the subject and said, "By the way, Lukexi, where are you and uncle going to take risks in the future?"

Lukexi really thought about it seriously. After all, she will be with A-Gump in the future. Obviously, A-Gump beat her very hard yesterday, but for some reason, following A-Gump gives her an inexplicable sense of security!But this question is not easy to answer, so I had to say vaguely: "Where will he go before the Kazan syndrome is completely cured..."

"Wow!" The third master exaggeratedly yelled, pretending to be a girl who was terrified when she saw a mouse, and said with a smile: "What if it can't be cured in 100 years?"

Luxi looked at the Third Master strangely and said confusedly: "Isn't it only 100 years? What's the need to be anxious? Even if I get Kazan Syndrome, I can live to be 100 years old. In another [-] years, I will continue to live. You’re not even eight hundred years old?”

The third master and A-Gump looked at each other, speechless!This is the elves, a long-lived race second only to dragons, 100 years is like a year for two people... no pressure!
The third master has already begun to mourn for the future of the two of them. Thinking about when A-Gump Zuo was old, Lukexi was still so young. In order to avoid other people’s eyes, they were lovers at first, then father and daughter, and then grandparents. It’s terrible. Bar!Maybe the two of them haven't considered it now, but they must consider this issue in the future!

Lukexi, like Socia, has witnessed the birth and death of countless powerful people. The lifespan of elves is not enviable to human beings, but human beings also have unparalleled learning ability. Didn't you see that sword masters and sword gods are all human beings?If the elves were really strong, they wouldn't let Gran's Forest go down in flames, and Luxy wouldn't be able to beat Forrest Gump after hundreds of years of practice. This is a famous berserker... especially Celia's kind A gentle elf who has lived for so long, her strength is almost nothing. Although there is a powerful wave of magic energy on her body, the third master has a hunch that even if the two are on the same level, he can beat her ten times...

Forrest Gump didn't think too much about it, he just sighed with emotion about the elf's longevity!If you know what the third master is thinking, you must secretly think that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry...

The third master simply didn't want to, stood up directly, patted his buttocks and said: "Let's go! Let's talk after the fight!"

Forrest Gump and Lukexi looked at each other, this guy is too efficient, right?But he didn't say anything and just followed.

The third master opened the door and saw a knight who was sealed by rocks. When he felt someone coming in, the rocks on his body began to fall off!

The third master said calmly: "It seems that the previous one should be like this, but it had already completed its transformation when we came in."

"Who wants to disturb my king's rest!"

A muffled voice came, and it was the stone knight without thinking!
A-Gump frowned and said: "This guy is a bit difficult to deal with. He can bounce back our attacks. Sometimes it's as if he hit himself, and sometimes it feels like after beating him, the attack will become his tonic!"

Fortunately, the third master has read the guide, and also brushed this picture no less than a hundred times, and directly said: "Don't fight this guy when he is in red light, but when he is in blue light! Red is rebound physics, blue is rebound magic How dare you call me king even though you are so ugly? I will teach you how to be a man today!" After a long time, the third master also looked down on the previous victory and defeat with Shenwei, and the catchphrase came out...

Although A Ganzuo wondered how the third master knew, but now is obviously not a good time to ask this, nodded and said: "Okay!"

After the guy transformed, he really rushed towards them with a red light. The third master yelled and dodged, and the three of them started to wander around the room, never slamming that guy!
"Cowardless bandits!"

Several people dared not speak forcefully to the guardian knight. His magical energy of converting and rebounding methods has a time limit. When a certain time comes, he must either switch to another type, or not switch at all!It's a fool's behavior not to switch. It's not for nothing. What if the other party makes a wrong call?Every time he fights, he will leave memories about these adventurers, and every time he is reborn, he will be a little stronger. Later, he slowly figured out the rules. The adventurer will switch quickly, switch about three times, and then switch to the opponent who does not reflect the opponent's damage. When the time is up, the opponent who rebounds the opponent's damage will be hit!

It's a pity that this is a tasteless skill for the third master who has a strategy... and a berserker and a carefree sword soul also look reckless, so the guardian knight is a tragedy!

At this time, it is inevitable that the color of the guardian knight will change, and he will have to spend as much blue time as the red time. After one reincarnation, he can choose whether to fast switch. Invincible...

The third master sneered and said: "Let's go, we will set fire to put out this shameless person!"

(End of this chapter)

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