Chapter 132
In the dim room, Tohsaka Tokiomi sat there gloomyly, shaking the glass containing the deep red wine gently, he was thinking about the countermeasure, the countermeasure that could only let Gilgamesh fight three times and still win!
A golden light flashed in his eyes after hearing what the third master said about the king's banquet, and he immediately knew that the opportunity had come!Oh, this referee is still too young!At that time, how many opponents can any Master control the heroic spirit to kill directly?

Then he said to Kotomine Kirei who looked like a zombie: "Kirei, the day after tomorrow may be the beginning of a turning point. At that time, I will let Gilgamesh cooperate with Assassin to directly disrupt that banquet, and then wipe out all those who went!"

Kotomine Kirei has no expression, but he also knows that Tosaka Tokiomi's brain is broken. No one knows how strong Gilgamesh is, but no one knows how many cards the heroic spirit who went there has!It is estimated that the two heroic spirits will be beheaded directly after the death of the two heroic spirits in such a straight-forward battle!Although he has nothing to love in his life, he is not interested in the way of committing suicide!He said straightly: "Teacher, I'm afraid Gilgamesh can't hold back the situation. When you force him to order him, it may not only make others disgusted, but all the heroic spirits may directly destroy Gilgamesh and the teacher."

Tohsaka Tokiomi regretted the words as soon as he uttered them, but what else can he do?There are only three command spells, and Gilgamesh is also torn apart, and now he can't stop what that guy is doing!You can fight three wars!But... If Gilgamesh can't disturb the reception, it would be great to let Kotomine Kirei to explore the way!

"Then don't let Gilgamesh do anything. There must be a lot of heroic spirits taking advantage of troubled waters. One Rider and Assassin who didn't show up, and two Berserkers and two Casters should also be at a disadvantage! At that time, if anyone of them is smart enough I will definitely find a way to strike at this place where the heroic spirits gather!" At this moment, Tosaka Tokiomi's face was full of confidence, as if the stupid idea before was not his own idea...

Kotomine Kirei thought about it, this is feasible, anyway, Assassin is useless other than snooping information, so it is better to use it here!Most importantly, there are so many people in Assassin!Then he nodded and said, "Good teacher!"

And what about the smart person Tohsaka Tokiomi mentioned?In the living room of a villa, Zhuge Liang has been watching the stars to check the situation!
When the third master finished talking about the king's banquet, Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up, and he said to Zhao Tianqi: "Xiaoqi, you and Zilong find a way to contact the two masters of Berserker. Tokiomi Tosaka is almost cornered this time. We will attack at this time! There is also an Assassin to fight for as much as possible. If we fight well at this time, half of the players may leave the field! At least two to three heroic spirits will be cleared!"

Zhao Yun picked up the wine glass and looked at the Moutai in the glass with a lot of emotion. There was no good wine of this level in the era under the lord's hands!Really addictive!And this war is duel with great heroes from all ages, so I must make a name for myself on the battlefield!No matter how bad it is, we must ensure the safety of the military division!
Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, he was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "What good strategy does the military advisor have?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said his plot!

Zhao Tianqi was stunned for a while, until after hearing Zhuge Liang's narration, his eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh and said: "A wonderful plan! I didn't expect the military division's position to be so strong. Thank you, the military division and the teacher! As long as the strategy is successful, I will retire It's not a loss!"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan, and said calmly: "We were summoned by a power stronger than the Holy Grail. I have already deduced this. I think the so-called fulfillment of wishes can really be done."

Zhao Yun asked curiously: "The military division has been famous for thousands of years, what wish do I have? I don't have any, but it is my duty to protect the military division."

Xiao Qi also looked at Kong Ming seriously, does the famous counselor also have wishes?
Zhuge Liang said dejectedly: "I just want to go back to that battlefield, borrow my life from God for thirty years, and die after I die."

Xiaoqi asked suspiciously: "Are you trying to change history? This seems unrealistic, I have already mentioned the essence of the Holy Grail!"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said with a smile: "Didn't you tell me about your own mission? You can contract heroic spirits after you complete it! And according to the information you told me before, you can exchange for a small world! I can directly generate a world where the three kingdoms stand together, come The moment before my death! It will not affect the history of the Great Thousand World. The lord visited the thatched cottage three times to invite me, and I fell into the world without fulfilling my duty. Since God gave Liang such an opportunity, Liang must do his best!"

After hearing Zhuge Liang's wish, the two were moved!Zhao Yun knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands to Zhuge Liang, and said, "The military master is righteous, Yun admires! Yun is willing to fight with the military master in thousands of worlds, until the military master fulfills his wish!"

Xiaoqi sighed and said, "However, there are too many variables in this war, and there are still many heroic spirits who have not shown up. Can we really win to the end? To tell you the truth, I have already prepared for defeat and escape." I'm ready, I even bought the World Escape Card and the Punishment Mortgage Card before I came here, and I plan to make enough money to retreat..."

Although Zhao Yun didn't like it, this person not only learned marksmanship from him, but also learned his own way of life, so he has a basis for advancing and retreating!In all things, not seeking victory first seeks defeat, this temperament fits very well with me.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you are normal! It is very suitable for this war. I didn't know before the war. The military division is not as magical as you imagined. The most important thing is to grasp the information! Now I have to rely on you to contact A righteous man, I have to prepare and prepare for the formation!"

Xiao Qi and Zhao Yun nodded yes, and walked out directly!

Zhuge Liang secretly said: "It's kind of interesting, I never thought that I could compete with so many strong people, it's worth a trip in the world!"

As soon as Xiaoqi and Zhao Yun walked out the door, they met two unexpected people, Xu Yiming and Chen Yushan!
Chen Yushan used mental power to detect, and Zhuge Liang seemed to guide it intentionally, so the two came to find it!After all, the reincarnators in this team battle are not enemies to each other, so there is a great possibility of cooperation!The two knew that their Heroic Spirits were basically useless to use as a layout, and the two Berserkers would be fine if they didn't fight on their own... Their idea was the same as Xiao Qi's, to earn a good ticket, collect enough fines, and then retreat after making a fortune!Of course, they didn't buy the World Leaving Card and Punishment Mortgage Card beforehand. After all, not everyone thinks so much like Zhao Tianqi!To leave the world directly, each person has to pay [-] points, at least one person must kill two heroic spirits to make a profit... As for killing the referee?The two never thought about it...

Zhao Yun and Xiao Qi were overjoyed when they saw the two of them, and they dragged them into the room, asking them to have a detailed talk with Zhuge Liang, and they also believed in Zhuge Liang's character!

Of course, they somewhat underestimated how bad the wise men of the Three Kingdoms period were. This war is destined to be chess pieces rather than chess players...

 Thank you for the movement of death, half paper love letter reward
(End of this chapter)

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