Chapter 24
"Yo, mother-in-law Dengshi, hello!"

Li San went straight into Granny Dengshi's bar, poured himself a glass of wine and poured it into his mouth as if he was familiar with it!

Deng Shi and Catherine in the room looked at the boy who came in inexplicably. After searching in their minds for a long time, they didn't know who it was!
Catherine couldn't help it anymore: "You little brat, are you the illegitimate son of Grandma Dengshi? Are you here to receive a pension?"

Dengshi squinted at Catherine, his domineering side leaked!He directly choked back what Catherine said later... and asked, "I don't remember knowing you, little brat, or is it that the child of some old friend of mine grew up?"

If she was a reincarnated person, she might use the donkey to get in touch with her. Although Dengshi's mother-in-law is not a strong person, she is one of the serious four heavenly kings. She has helped countless people and her energy is amazing!

But the third master didn't take the usual way, turned his head and gave Dengshi a weird look, and replied: "Of course you don't know me, this is my first time here, and I'm here for a drink!"

Dengshi and Catherine immediately had black lines on their heads, and their faces were gloomy!
Xiaoyu ran away first, went up and kicked at the third master, and shouted as he kicked: "You are so weak, how dare you come to drink! Minors are not allowed to drink!"

The third master separated one hand and put up the hot sun to block Catherine's feet, and the other hand quickly drank the rest of the wine, otherwise he would not be able to drink it in a while!
Deng Shi took a deep breath and asked, "Did you run into any trouble?"

Although the third master's sword is very strange, and his kung fu is not bad, but who is Dengshi's mother-in-law?What kind of strong man have you never seen?I didn't pay attention to it at all, just regarded him as a young man who lost his footing.

The third master became energetic after hearing the words, pushed Catherine aside, and said with a smile: "I really want to ask my mother-in-law for help. As for me, I actually came to learn from my teacher!"

Deng Shi narrowed his eyes, and realized that he couldn't figure out what the young man was thinking. A drinking underage would find an old woman as a teacher when he came in, and he didn't want to pay for drinking!
The third master was inexplicably overwhelmed by Dengshi's mother-in-law!What a scary feeling!It's more stressful than being with Jeff, but luckily the third master is a muscle, shook his head and shook off his inexplicable thoughts, and explained: "I want to worship Yinshi as a teacher, but I don't know if my mother-in-law can help me Would you recommend me?"

So it is!Before Denshi could think of what to say, Catherine intervened first: "You should find a better reason to drink wine, but you idiot, you also said to go find that unreliable Curly Hair? Do you think we will believe it?"

The third master smiled and said: "Okay, okay! I saw that the battle between Gintoki and the leader of Xinghaibo was too strong! That's why I wanted to become a disciple!"

Dengshi took another puff of cigarette, and said calmly, "Then why do you think I will help you? I'm just a bar owner, a useless old woman."

The third master stood up, looked at Dengshi strangely, and replied, "Aren't you his landlord? How dare he not listen to what you say?"

This reason is too damn impeccable!This matter is not a secret. After all, the Everything Room is upstairs. The mother-in-law has almost awakened the soul of complaining in her state of mind for so many years. She thought he knew something, but the result seems... It is completely defensible!

Dengshi turned around and left, saying as he walked, "Then I'll recommend it for you. As for whether he accepts you as a child, it's beyond my control."

Seeing that the third master was in a daze, Catherine hurriedly pushed him, and said, "Little devil, you are lucky, why don't you hurry up and wait to go to the real election group?"

It's just that this force was a little too strong, the third master flew directly over Dengshi, and lay down on the street!It must be revenge, it must be!The third master patted his buttocks and stood up, and went upstairs like a normal person!I didn't realize it before, but this mother-in-law is so easy to talk, even more kind than the one portrayed in Gintama.

Mother-in-law Dengshi didn't bother to knock on the door, so she pulled the door aside and walked in with the third master.

The third master saw the furnishings in the house, well, they are all cheap goods, there is no air conditioner, and the three goods are piled up next to the TV whether they are sitting or lying.

Shinpachi saw Denshi approaching and immediately pretended to be dead. Kagura was also listless. Sadharu just raised his head and continued reading. He is indeed the most educated creature in Wanshiwu!

Yin Sang, on the other hand, saw Denshi's mother-in-law, looking at her dead eyes, and said helplessly: "The rent will be extended for two more years, business has been sluggish recently!"

Deng Shi looked at the three people in Wanshiwu, and the anger accumulated before broke out in an instant, and he punched Ah Yin on the head, and shouted: "Then hurry up and make money! You little devils, what does it look like to eat and die all day long? "

The third master looked at this most unreliable and most reliable man, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed, and said loudly: "Master, I will be worshipped by my apprentice!"

At this time, everyone in Wanshiwu discovered the third master, but they were full of black lines, wondering who this inexplicable young man was!

Dengshi also remembered that he was not here to collect debts. He took a puff of cigarette, took a sip and turned around to leave. When he walked to the door, his voice drifted over: "I leave this lost boy to you. I don't know much about him."

Yinshi was still not in the mood, and asked: "Why do you want to be a teacher? Bushido is no longer practiced, and your strength is not weak. Besides, my master house has already raised two idlers and a pet. I can't raise it." Take the third."

Shinpachi thought someone was robbing him of his wages, even though he had never received any, so he hurriedly shouted, "Yes, our Wanshiwu doesn't accept idlers! Besides, your origins are too suspicious!"

Kagura also felt that if there is one more person, he would be less jealous of Kumbu, so he said while eating: "Well, you can't just enter the Wanshiwuwu if you want to!"

Without saying a word, the third master took out 100 million yen from the package and handed it over, saying, "This is my apprenticeship fee! There is also a monthly teaching fee of 10 yuan. There are 1000 million!"

Gintoki jumped up with a whoosh and held the money in his arms. He didn't care how he took it out. Anyway, there are all kinds of inexplicable things in this world... He also said: "Well, filial piety is commendable, you will be mine from now on." You are now the founding disciple, don’t worry, my master will definitely work hard to teach you!”

Yinshi has his unique ability to observe people, and he can tell at a glance that the third master is simple-minded and not a bad person, so he naturally accepts the third master. Of course, the most important thing is the tuition fee, which is too considerable!Earn much more than Wanshiwu!
The third master smiled all over his face and stood up. It's really fucking smooth, and it's good to have money!

Shinpachi also jumped up and pointed at the third master and said: "My family is the one who runs a serious gym, why don't you go to my family to learn? Ah Yin, my sister wants to challenge you! The bet is this wallet... Oh no, student!"

And Kagura was more direct, hanging directly on the third master, coquettishly said: "I want to be jealous of Kelp! Jealous of Kelp!"

Gintoki ignored Kagura at all and said to Shinpachi: "He is obviously a swordsman. Everyone knows the swordsmanship of my master, Gin. The tuition fee is just to support the younger generation, so as not to make him feel bad, so I don't want to Bet with you!"

Well, it seems that Ah Yin knows that when his normal state meets the explosive A Miao, it is not 01:30 that suffers...

The third master shrugged indifferently, turned around and walked out of the master room, and said, "I'm going to buy you gifts, a glasses cloth for Xinba, the teacher's latest and some collector's edition JUMP, a few books for Dingchun, and a box of vinegar for Kagura Kumbu, move another air conditioner!"

When Kagura heard that there was something to eat, she jumped off the third master, but there was really not much difference in height between the two...

The three people in Wanshiwu burst into tears, this is too sensible!Shinpachi secretly decided that he must ask his elder sister to come forward and accept this wallet!Oh no, disciple!

Kagura waved his hands and said goodbye: "I'm waiting for you to come back! If you don't come back, you're dead! If you go out, mention my name. Whoever makes trouble with you is going to make trouble with my jealous kombu!"

Gintoki also said goodbye with tears: "I will definitely teach you well!"

After the third master left, Wanshiwu got together, Xinba first asked: "This person's origin is unknown, is it really okay to let him into Wanshiwu like this? Besides, why did you give me glasses cloth?"

Kagura directly grabbed Shinpachi and slammed his back: "How dare you go against my jealous Konbu! Do we have any good plans? I think he is very good, and he can tell at a glance that Shinpachi is glasses! "

Ah Yin thought about it, Deng Shi introduced him, he himself didn't think the third master looked like a bad guy, and besides, the three of them really didn't have anything good to do except Yin Sang's swordsmanship, this had to be said to be a perfect reason, Ah Silver himself felt sad, sad!
(End of this chapter)

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