Chapter 251
In the early morning of the next day, everyone was ready to go. Everyone changed into black clothes, even Mebis was no exception, so that they looked more like a team!

The third master looked at the people who had finished dressing up, and said enthusiastically: "Today's first battle must be a good start, how about I take the lead then?"

Mebis nodded and said: "Okay, if my brother makes a move, he must be the first. I don't know what the expressions of those children are when they see us?"

Mebis is now dressed in a black gothic lolita outfit, just like when he was learning black magic 100 years ago, he looks very cute.

Lagersas said indifferently: "It's all the same, anyway, we will win."

Mira touched her pretty face, smiled softly and said, "Well, everyone is really full of confidence."

Wulu had taken off his shirt at some point and said with a smile, "Yes, it's really time for my name to reappear in this martial arts performance of the Great Demonic Way."

"Well, the Great Demonic Fighting Exercise has begun. I, Chabatirola, will be responsible for the live report, and the special commentator, Mr. Yajima, will be the commentator. Mr. Yajima, please take care of me! Well, the guest on the first day today is honored to be here. Miss Oriel’s Cyan Pegasus’ Miss Janelia Wright!”

A voice spread to everyone's ears. The Great Demonic Demonic Demonstration is held in a huge circular venue. There are three commentators, one of whom is resident. Mr. Yajima is a member of the former Senate and Makarov friend.

The entire venue of the Damo Dao martial arts performance was magnificent, and the cheers of the audience were endless.

"Our guild must win this year!"

The beauty on the commentary stage said happily, this is the newcomer Jenny of Cyan Pegasus, she is a cover girl just like Mira...

Chabati continued: "The contestants are about to enter the arena now. The first is the eighth place in the preliminary selection. Can they regain the glory of the past? Show a wild team that runs counter to their guild name, Fairy Tail!"

Natsu and others appeared one after another, but they were greeted by a burst of boos. There was no way, Fairy Tail's reputation now is too bad, Fiore has been the weakest for seven years...

Chabati said: "Fairy Tail, which ranks last every year, has broken through the qualifiers and has ensured that it is among the top eight. The Sirius team that caused a sensation in the mainland has returned. Can they become the number one in Fiore? "

Yajima raised a thumbs up and said with a smile: "That's really great, congratulations, Fairy Tail!"

"Come on, come on, Fairy Tail!"

Makarov and others who did not participate all cheered outside the arena, reassuring Erza and others.

Chabati continued to shout: "Okay, next is the seventh place in the qualifiers, the four hounds of the Hellhound Legion!"

Then a bunch of wild players who behave like dogs walk in...

"The sixth place is the female guild, the dancing girl of Haiyuan, Mermaid Heel!"

A group of girls came out, causing a tsunami of cheers. There is an all-female guild in this venue, which is very gratifying!
"The fifth is the cyan Pegasus with brilliant cyan wings shining in the darkness!"

An ugly man and three handsome guys appeared in the arena with a guy in a rabbit suit. The blue Pegasus, old friend.

"The fourth is the goddess of love and battle, the divine destroyer, the Scale of the Snake Princess!"

Most of the Snake Princess Scale team that went to Fairy Tail to congratulate them are here, and there is an extra loli, Shirley's sister Shelia, who is no less cute than Wendy, and her bust is far greater than that of Wendy, and even better than Mavis. One level, only eleven or twelve years old...

"Next is the third place in the qualifiers. Oh, what an accident. I won the third place for the first time in the competition. Midnight's Guerrilla Crow's Tail!"

This is the guild of Makarov's son Ivan. It is a dark guild. A group of people are gloomy. They hurt Wendy. If the third master knows, he will definitely teach them how to behave.

"Okay, there are only two guilds left in the qualifiers. No. 2 in the qualifiers is... oh, what a surprise, it turned out to be a tiger bitten by a sword!"

A burst of tsunami-like cheers resounded throughout the arena. The Tiger of Sword Biting was originally the strongest guild, White Dragon Sting, Shadow Dragon Rogge, Miss Minieba of the guild, Memory Modeling Sorcerer Rufus, Celestial mage Yukino, Lei's god-destroying mage Oluga, but this time Minieba did not appear as a substitute. Although the rest of the people were shaking their hands, it was difficult to hide the deep unwillingness in their eyes .

Everyone in Fairy Tail is confused, there is actually a guild that hides its strength?How strong is it to overwhelm these old guilds and become the number one!
Fortunately, the host did not give in and continued to shout: "The following is the number one in this qualifying round. Oh, surprise among surprises, I didn't expect that they can defeat the sword-biting tiger and become the number one!"

Speaking of this burst of lightning and thunder, the third master and others appeared on the field with the help of Lagasus's magic. The effect of the thunder and lightning shocked everyone, such a powerful magic power!

Mebis stood in the middle, the third master and Ulu stood on both sides of Mebis, Lagersas stood behind Ulu, and Mira stood beside the third master with his waist pinched.If it wasn't for the wrong lineup, it would be the same as back then. When Fairy Tail was created, the third master also stayed quietly beside Mebis. On the other side, Zela was replaced by Uru, and Yuri was replaced by Lagosas. Prechto was replaced by Geral, and Volod was replaced by Mira. Unfortunately, he can only stand five, otherwise he must be very handsome.

These people let everyone know, including Naz and others, Fairy Tail has sent another team, and it is the strongest lineup, this is completely foul, if Mila is replaced by Gildas, everyone will be confused Don't even think about playing, just give up the trophy. Of course, everyone can't play now.

Fortunately, no one can clearly see Fairy Tail's current combat power, otherwise they will definitely be desperate. Yiye and Leo are still full of confidence until now, and Leo thinks this is a great opportunity to surpass Ulu.

"Team Fairy Tail B, No.1 in the qualifiers! The rules this time are very strange, no wonder many guilds were surprised, this time they can send one or two teams to participate, which means that Fairy Tail can have two teams reach the finals. Walked to the front of all the teams. Also, I have to introduce the members of Fairy Tail Team B this time, this can be said to be the strongest lineup.”

At this time, Natsu pointed at everyone in Team B and was speechless. Gajeel also had black lines on his head...

Lucy yelled at Makarov who was cheering up above: "What the hell is going on, President?"

Makarov put his hands on his hips and laughed: "You see, this is Fairy Tail! We must return to Fiore's first place. The qualifying round is just the beginning!"

Now they don't even know how to cheer on the stage, this... How should I put it, although I came here with this purpose before, I didn't expect to send out this sweeping lineup?Needless to say, Mebis and Li San teamed up, even if all the guilds joined together, it wouldn't be enough, would it?
However, this lineup is really exciting!
(End of this chapter)

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