Anime Plane Adventures

Chapter 273 Triumph = Marriage Proposal

Chapter 273 Triumph = Marriage Proposal
Another two days passed, and everyone was already on the road. The target was naturally Magnolia, and it was already close at hand.

When I entered the city, I found that everyone lined up on both sides to welcome everyone. Everyone's expressions were very enthusiastic. How long has it been since everyone saw such a grand event?

"They're back."

"Hurry up, everyone, this way, this way!"

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

"Welcome home everyone!"

"Please give the warmest applause to the winning guild of the Great Demon Demonic Demonstration, and welcome the triumphant return of Fairy Tail!"

Naz and Happy took the lead and greeted the crowd enthusiastically, while the third master Mebis Mira walked quietly behind, not wanting to show off the limelight at all.

The two Lucys surprised everyone, they were identical except for the different colors of the badges!Mebis also found her magical path for Lucy. Lucy 2 is not good at physical skills, tactics, or courage. It should be the magic of the study style attribute. It is simple and direct, and it is not that weak in battle, especially Can assist Natsu.

The president carried Asuka on his back, smiling like a chrysanthemum, greeting everyone everywhere.

Ulu was followed by Gray, and both of them had smiles on their faces. Before returning this time, the two met Ulutia. The conversation seemed to be successful?

At this moment, Naz started to take the presents, and even took the crown back without any hassle. Later, he found out that he had taken the wrong one and took out the trophy...

When seeing the trophy, those who stayed behind for seven years burst into tears. I really didn't expect that they, who have always been rated as the weakest in Fiore, would have such a day.

The people cheered even more enthusiastically when they saw the trophy. This is the glory that belongs to everyone in this city.

The third master shrugged helplessly, and said to Mebis behind him: "As expected of Natsu, you can do anything."

Mebis smiled and nodded, but there was a glimmer of gloom in his heart like the third master. Although the third master killed eighteen dragons with one move and everyone was shocked, both of them knew in their hearts that such a move could not To cause a lore to Akuronodia, forget it, let's take a step and see, maybe there will be a way by then.

"Next, Mayor Magnolia will give you souvenirs!"

A voice interrupted the thoughts of the third master and Mebis, and a short middle-aged man in a suit and combing his hair stood in front of everyone in Fairy Tail.

The mayor coughed twice, beckoned and said, "Everyone from Fairy Tail, please look this way, because Fairy Tail has brought great honor to the city, so we decided to repair the guild and give it to you!"

Everyone looked up, and the complete Fairy Tail was as majestic as before!

Makarov burst into tears immediately, but according to the third master's malicious guess, this guy probably couldn't help it because he felt that he had saved a lot of money.

Suddenly, the third master's heart moved, and he looked up, and found the little devil in the crow's tail. Although its injury was not healed, it could move freely, and was observing everyone in Fairy Tail from a distance.

The third master shook his head, and sent a voice transmission to it: "Tell Jeff, it won't be long, thank you for his care in the past seven years, now the power of the dragon has been collected by me, and Akulonordia is the only thing left."

After finishing speaking, the third master didn't care about it anymore. The third master knew that it could understand what he said, and it would also convey it to Jeff. Now is not the time to meet Jeff. The plan of the two is not only to let Jieref Ralph has completely become a white mage, and he is going to be whitewashed!At that time, it depends on whether the gate of Hades is not strong enough. The only thing that is lying is that Gate of Hades also thinks that Jeff is dead, so Jeff has no control over it at all, and can only see the natural development.

When they returned to the guild, they found that everything was the same as before, except that there were not as many people as before!

After everyone returned to the guild, they started working enthusiastically without returning home. Erza and Wendy left, Gray and Uru left, Lagosas and Thors left, Natsu and the two Lucys left Yes, now the third master is a little envious of Naz, the two identical Lucys both have a crush on him, the type that can be pushed at any time, what a blessing!

But today, the third master has a more important task. The third master and Mebis sat casually at the bar, drinking and chatting with Mira. Lisanna temporarily replaced Mira's position as a waiter.

While chatting, the third master suddenly said: "By the way, it seems that we should get married!"

Mebis and Mira were stunned, and Mira's brain couldn't turn around at this moment. When everyone just returned to the guild, they talked about getting married without eating or sleeping?this……

Without giving them any time to think about it, the third master suddenly got off the chair and knelt down on one knee, took out two interspatial rings as if by magic, and said with a smile: "Will you marry me?"

The third master spoke in a low voice, but everyone was attracted by the third master's words.

"They're finally getting married!"

"Marry two at a time, what a man!"

"elder sister……"

"The first generation and Li San? You are finally ready to get married!"

"Promise him, promise him!"

Mebis and Mira's faces turned red like apples in an instant, it was too sudden, there was no sign at all before!The third master didn't say hello in advance, this...

Seeing that the two of them were silent, the third master said calmly: "Speaking of which, if you don't object, I will accept it!"

Mira burst into tears in an instant, but Mebis didn't react much. The relationship between her and the third master has lasted for 100 years. This day is just a matter of time, but the third master promised her to bring Fairy Tail back to its peak Then propose to her.

Mavis smiled and took the ring, quietly placed it on the ring finger of his left hand, gently touched the third master's head with his little hand, and said with a smile: "Brother, I agree!"

Seeing that this quickly grabbed another ring and brought it to her hand, Mira said to Elfman and Lisanna with tears in her eyes, "Sister is getting married!"

"I promised, I promised!"

"Yo, it's time for a wedding!"


The crowd cheered and all surrounded them, throwing them into the air!Fortunately, those saboteurs are not here at this time, otherwise it would be another bloody storm...

The third master laughed loudly in the air, and shouted: "All of you prepare some money for this uncle, this uncle wants to make a fortune!"

The three of them fell directly to the ground, and no one picked them up as soon as the third master finished speaking. All those who made a fuss just now should do what they should do, and only Elfman and Lisanna stayed behind in embarrassment.

The third master Meibi Smila rubbed her buttocks and looked at each other, they all laughed, the previous embarrassment was swept away, now is the date of engagement, as for the location, do you still have to choose?Fairy Tail of course.


New book: Plane Causality System.Ask for attention, for collection, for recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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