Anime Plane Adventures

Chapter 32 The red cherry is so weak

Chapter 32 The red cherry is so weak

Standing at the door was a blue-haired girl with a strange hairstyle. She was actually the sister of the blacksmith shop owner!
The third master asked strangely: "What's the matter? Are you here to express your love to me? But I'm sorry, you are not my type. See you again when we are destined!"

After finishing speaking, the door was about to close, and Kagura was more direct, saying that we don't want newspapers!
It was A Miao who stopped Third Master from closing the door, pushed Third Master aside and let him play with Kagura, and asked quietly: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Those who don’t know A Miao must regard her as a noble lady. Only those who know her will understand that her level of violence is at least as high as Sougo’s...

The girl was stunned at first, there are such shameless people in the world?Fortunately, the later girl seemed very understanding, and stammered: ""

Ah Miao thought it was a business visit, and said, "Well, Ah Yin is now..."

Ah Yin stood up and tore off the bandage, and walked to the living room. The medicine was amazing, no one knew how badly he was injured yesterday better than himself!But after drinking the wine, it's all over, it's just that the wound hasn't healed, but it doesn't affect it anymore!He posed towards the door and said, "I'm here, come in and sit down! I knew you would come..."

Snapped!Gintoki was kicked away...

"Don't pose for the limelight in front of handsome guys!"

quack quack!

A Miao squeezed her fists and looked at the dead third master: "How dare you attack the wounded number!"


After a while, A Miao Yinsang Kagura finally felt comfortable after finishing the exercise, and quickly invited the girl into the house. The girl once wondered whether she had boarded a pirate ship... Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it, so I followed the original idea Bar!
The girl sat on the sofa and looked at the four people sitting side by side across from her. Kagura took out vinegar kelp, and the third master picked up the popcorn. They were ready to listen to the story...

There is no way, but fortunately, Yinshi still looks very reliable, and at this time, I can't ask others for help, so I can only start her story to Yinsang: "Red Sakura is a red cherry made by my father. It is a mechanical mobile weapon created for prototypes to deal with battleships! It is equipped with an artificial intelligence called electric soul, which will parasitize the user and control its body! It can also digitize the combat experience, continuously accumulate learning and The ability to improve oneself is like a living knife! There is only one person in Edo who can make this kind of thing, please, please stop my brother..."

After saying this, he bowed down and continued: "Those guys... Takasugi and he plan to use Benizakura to plunge Edo into a sea of ​​fire!"

"Cut, you're so weak! Is this the truth about the so-called Hongying? This thing is not worthy of being a knife!"

A discordant voice broke in, and the third master sat there idly, completely oblivious to how amazing the girl said before!

The girl looked at the third master, this unreliable look seemed contrary to harmony, she frowned and said, "Please take it seriously!"

Yinsang didn't speak, just looked at the third master quietly with Kagura and A Miao. They knew that the third master would give a reasonable explanation. After all, the origin of the third master is too mysterious. He even saw the third master when he was in JUMP Zhongyin , that's Fairy Tail ZERO. Looking at the adventures of the third master, Mebis and others, and the swordsmanship appearance of the third master, which is exactly the same as in JUMP, of course, I wouldn't naively think that this is a COS obsession, but that the third master is really like What he said came from other planes!Even his claim that he is an S-rank mage from Fairy Tail has been confirmed!
It's a pity that the main story of Fairy Tail Zero, which existed in this world, has not yet been released. What Ah Yin doesn't know is that the third master is based on his own experience and the system will automatically generate the world that the third master has experienced and make it into a comic. Then it is released to the world that San Ye is experiencing, which is also an erosion of the will of the world...

And the author, more like a mysterious existence, just disappeared after drawing, submitting and getting paid...

Of course, there are other possibilities. Kagura thinks this is nonsense. Maybe someone saw the third master practicing swords with Yinshi and then made it up based on the third master's swordsmanship and appearance. After all, the third master has already passed on Fairy Tail. Yes, this is also the version that most people agree with. Only Yinshi has his own opinion. The items that do not seem to be in this world, and the third master has never had any history, which shows that what he said is true. Unfortunately, wise men will always are few...

Seeing that A Miao had no objection, the Third Master immediately took a sip of wine and expressed his opinion: "Hongying just used the chip to make weapons. Don't say anything else. Apart from you and me, everyone in this room has the ability." Defeat Hongying, they will definitely grow faster than Hongying! In addition, how can weapons made with so-called chips be spiritual? Kalua, a famous blacksmith in the Arad continent, is the real master of sword making. , corresponding to all professions, he forged a weapon belonging to that profession. In addition to legendary weapons and epic weapons, the artifacts he forged far surpassed all blacksmiths! At his peak, he could even inject his own courage into the sword and make it. At that time, the only weapon second only to a few sacred weapons was a giant sword named Kalua's Teaching Terudo! It's a pity that he died too early, otherwise he would not have been able to create an epic weapon. , My current sword is Kaluya's teaching, disappearing!"

After finishing speaking, he put his long crystal sword on the table. Yinshi already knew the strangeness of this sword, and judging from the origin of this sword, he is indeed qualified to be called a divine weapon!
A Miao Kagura girl also looked at it quietly, Kagura slapped her thigh, and exclaimed: "How much vinegar kelp can I exchange for this!"

The third master quickly put away his sword and said: "Can this kind of artifact be measured by vinegar kelp? Just like Fengxian's Night King, it is a weapon that truly belongs to a swordsman. People without the soul of a swordsman can't even let it go." It manifests!"

After finishing speaking, I handed it to A Miao. A Miao didn't know how to use it at all, so I handed it to the girl, who was also confused. As for Kagura, let's play with the umbrella...

But when it was in Yinshi's hand, Yinsang's mind moved, and the sword immediately appeared!Secretly said: This is a peerless sword!Even a slut like Li San is worthy...

The girl quibbled: "Even so, it can't compare to Hongying! Although Hongying lacks spirituality, it is full of magic, and it is very sharp, and the material is also very high-grade..."

The third master waved his hand and said with an arrogant smile: "So you, a country bumpkin, sit in a well and watch the sky! What I'm talking about is just an ordinary artifact made by one of our blacksmiths, but it has such spirituality. As for the magic sword, in front of Apophis Red Sakura is also worthy of being a magic sword? On Arad, there is a magic sword called Apophis. Although it can enhance the user's strength and give the user the ability to attack the source of life! However, it will continue to deteriorate over time as it is used. It consumes the user's life force, and only the Ghost Swordsman can barely control it. It comes from the demon world, and was dug out by several tomb robbers. It can even resurrect the dead. No matter who gets the sword, it will slowly erode their sanity. It does not Any chip, that is a living sword! Moreover, this sword has begun to be eliminated now, not to mention the ancient weapons, even the soul-suppressing sword is stronger than it! It just looks more cool. "

Listening to the legend of the magic sword, several people were silent. Is there a stronger one?Does this make people play?Artifact big release ah!Fortunately, the Arad Continent is in another time and space, otherwise the world would have been in chaos. Listening to the apostle, the demon world, I felt the chrysanthemum tighten...

The third master still thought that the attack was not enough, and continued: "In other words, after a while, maybe another time and space will give me two weapons that are much stronger than this one, but worse than the magic sword. , but they are all swords that have led the entire era!"

Well, everyone is already powerless to complain...

Even Yinsang wanted to go to that world to see the adventurers from all schools of thought, countless people with the soul of a warrior!Of course, I'm talking about NPC, if it's a player, hehe...

Yinshi looked at the girl who looked like she had been spoiled, and said: "So, I seem to be used by your elder brother, right? You entrusted me to find the demon knife, but in fact, you just want the demon knife to suck my blood, right! Or Go and ask Sizang who holds a grudge against me, no, maybe there are both sides? But now you want me to stop your brother, your skin is thicker than JUMPSQ!"

The girl eased her mood, lowered her head and said in a weak voice: "Sorry... I'm speechless! But once the truth is exposed, Big Brother will definitely not let it go!"

Yinsang complained: "You are really a good sister who helps my brother. Obviously my brother is helping others to kill, but you choose to turn a blind eye?"

The third master curled his lips, made a sound, and said, "It's as if you don't care!"

Kagura also ate jealous kombu, and said contemptuously: "Obviously you like to meddle in your own business, Aru!"


Ah Yin punched the two of them on the head with two fists, and said, "Enough is enough for you two! Be careful that I won't pay you wages!"

The third master pushed Ayin's hand away, and complained: "I don't know whose money you spend all of it... I took care of Kagura and Dingchun, and you and Xinbaji, okay?"

A Miao punched down and said with a smile: "What did you say? Mistress?"

The third master immediately knelt down: "Please forgive me..."

Ah Yin sighed, and said, " master really doesn't have any majesty at all."

Kagura added a knife at the right time: "It seems to be dignified..."

Ah Yin was speechless, the words were so reasonable that he was speechless...

At this moment, the girl told the story of the past, and regretted that she didn't stop the elder brother!

Ah Yinqie stood up and said, "I'm the one who doesn't know what to do, okay? I was injured so badly, and my companions were plotted against me. Now my mind is in a mess. I want to pay you back. I don't need the condolence money." !”

After all, he threw back the money that the girl gave when she came to visit!Continued: "You better go back quickly, I don't want to cause trouble anymore..."

Hearing what Ah Yin said, Kagura and Sanye didn't take it seriously at all. He wouldn't ignore this matter. At worst, they would charge for it afterwards!

Moreover, your injury is almost healed. It was okay to wear a bandage before, but now except for the wound, talking and moving show that you have sufficient energy and blood. How can you deceive a girl into giving birth to an orphan!
Both of them ignored Ah Yin, and went straight back to the room, maintaining their weapons and preparing for the battle that might happen at any time!
 Please recommend and collect in the new week...


(End of this chapter)

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