Chapter 64
After the orangutan wedding, the third master stayed in the house for a while, and the sword skills couldn't break through, which made the third master very anxious now... Think about it, why don't you go out for a walk?Taking Yinsang and Kagura with me, I walked towards a dessert shop...

Kagura held an umbrella and asked the third master, "Why do you suddenly want to take us to eat dessert, Aru! Are you going to let me change from a girl to a woman in just one night after eating?"

The third master cast aside Kagura's flat figure, sighed and said, "Stop making trouble, even if you have thoughts about you, you can't take Yinsang with you! I'm in a good mood!"

Kagura slapped the third master on the head with a fist, and said in a hateful voice, "What kind of eyes do you have, Alu!"

Yinsang clasped her hands behind her head, looked at the bright sky boredly, and yawned. This brat didn't know what bad idea he had, but his strength improved really fast!I can't suppress it if I don't take it seriously...

At this moment, a handsome boy with brown hair rushed out of a dessert shop, quickly grabbed the third master Yinsang and dragged him into the shop!
Kagura shouted: "Is it human trafficking in broad daylight? Go to hell, Aru!"

After saying a flying kick and kicking the person who came, the third master grabbed Kagura's leg and shouted: "What are you doing, kid, Captain Sougo wants to treat us to dessert, right Sougo?"

The person who came was Okita Sougo...

Zongwu nodded and said, "Help me deal with it first, and I'll give you a reward when I'm done!"

A few people followed Sougo into the store and sat down on a seat with only one girl. The girl looked a bit like Sougo, but was more mature, her face was a little sickly pale, and she coughed a few times. This girl is seriously ill!
The third master instantly understood, the Sanye chapter!The chapter in Gintama that impressed him most was the indescribable unwillingness to deal with Mitsuha's death. But fortunately, he is here now and has brought a panacea to reverse this tragedy!Of course, this is not the end, you have to let Tufang face up to your feelings. In just a few seconds, countless wonderful ideas flashed through the mind of the third master...

Sougo introduced: "My lord, these are my friends, this is Sakata Gintoki, this is Li San, this is Kagura! Please take a seat..."

Kagura naturally sat next to Sanye, and shouted, "Give me something to eat, or I'll kill you, Aru!"

Ginsang slapped Sougo's head on the plate and whispered to him: "Hey, when did I become your friend?"

Sougo called directly to the waiter: "Boss, six chocolate sundaes and six strawberry sundaes!"

Sanye likes to eat strawberry sundaes, and Yinsang likes to eat chocolate sundaes. Kagura will always come and have a bigger appetite, so Kagura puts six servings in front of Kagura, and Sanye and Yinsang each put three servings in front of them.

The third master smiled at Sanye sister: "Well, we have been friends a long time ago, and it is a proper "friend of life and death!" ", Souwu, this kid is very good, sitting next to you is Souwu's girlfriend!"

Kagura grabbed the third master by the collar, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, when did I become his girlfriend, brat, believe it or not, I will let you sleep with Dingchun in your arms at night!"

The third master also whispered to Kagura: "This sister's life is coming to an end, let's make her happy for a few days, ten boxes of vinegar kombu! Plus ten special steaks!"

Kagura sat back and said to Mitsuba Momo: "I'm that idiot's girlfriend, please take care of Alu!"

Sougo and Yinsang had black lines all over their heads, and looked at the third master with resentment on their faces...

Sanye said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to make so many good friends, but isn't this girl too young?"

The third master rushed to answer: "Emotions are only interesting if you cultivate your childhood sweethearts since childhood! Besides, your family is not very enlightened!"

Seemingly talking about Sanye's sad things, Sanye lowered her head and coughed twice, and said with a smile: "Well, it's not bad, but as a sister, I didn't prepare any greetings, so I'll teach you a new way to eat! Yes, I never imagined that Sougo only liked to make friends with older people before, but now he has people of the same age! Mr. Xiao used to be surrounded by adults..."

Sougo hurriedly pointed at Gin-san and said: "No problem, his head is still stuck in the summer of the second grade of junior high school." Then he pointed at Kagura and said: "Well, sister, actually Kagura and I are not..."

Sanye picked up the chili sauce and poured it on the three leftover ice creams that Yinsang Sanye Kagura had eaten... Hearing Sougo's words, he held his chest and coughed violently!Laughing: "What do you say you are not?"

Sougo was startled, and quickly changed his words: "Actually, the age gap between us is not very big...only four years old!"

Mitsuha smiled and said: "So that's the case, then I'm relieved! Excuse me, do you like spicy food?" After saying that, a black aura rose from Mitsuha's body, which was the same trembling aura as Sougo. The third master and others were instantly shocked!

Yin Sang said cutely: "'s not a question of whether it's spicy or not, it's not spicy in the first place!"

Sanye coughed again, and said sadly, "Sure enough... you don't... like it very much! Obviously... you are Xiao Boss' friend! Cough cough!"

Sougo instantly drew the knife and put it on Yinsang's neck!Facing Yinsang, he said calmly, "You like it very much, right? Boss!"

Yinsang laughed twice and said, "I like it very much, but I'm full, and that kid over there really likes it!" Taking a seat, Yinsang and Kagura opened the third master's mouth, one left and one right, and poured three bowls of ice cream with chili sauce into the third master's mouth...

"You bastards, how dare you Yinben uncle!"

The third master was completely unable to resist against two opponents who were not that far behind him!I swallowed three bowls of chili ice cream directly, and my mouth was about to burst into flames!Hastily swept away the desserts on the table, but still couldn't hide the fire-breathing desire...

Sanye smiled and said: "You guys have a really good relationship. If you like it, I'm relieved. Now let's continue!"

After eating, the third master said to Sou Wu: "Well, Sou Wu, I think I should go to the hospital. Kagura Yinsang, Sou Wu and Sister Sanye will be handed over to you!"

After finishing speaking, he covered his mouth and flew away as if he had to run away. Kagura shouted: "Obviously it's just for a meal, come back to me, Aru!"

The third master escaped even faster... God knows what will happen after the two shaking S!
Kagura spread her hands helplessly and said, "Is he really a child who can't grow up? What are we going to do now? Sister."

Sanye patted Kagura's head dotingly and said, "It's hard to come to Edo, so let's go shopping around, just so you want to tell me how you managed to catch such a cute girl!"

Yinsang also said: "Well, I will take my leave first..."

Before he finished speaking, Sougo's sword and Kagura's umbrella were placed around Yinsang's neck. Sougo and Kagura are not that good at making up stories. Yinsang wants to run?dream!
Zongwu said in a low voice, "You want to go shopping too, boss?"

Kagura said with a broken smile: "Yin-sang, aren't you Sougo's friend? Go shopping with us honestly! It's been a long time since I haven't had public funds to eat and drink, Aru!"

Yinsang smiled dryly: "Of course, of course I want to take a good stroll with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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