Anime Plane Adventures

Chapter 85 The Last Mission

Chapter 85 The Last Mission
After the Dragon Palace incident, several people returned to their daily lives. The third master sold the photos he took on the deserted island as he wished, and was hunted down by Hao Dun. The most powerful ones were Sister A Miao and Shinbachi. Shit, anyway, Yinsang Wig Festival is already a passer-by, and she doesn't care at all, and she wants to ask the third master for a dividend, and the third master will send 200 yuan each, but what about Dongchengbu?I took out all my small coffers, and bought nearly [-] million yuan. The cute scene of his beloved young master, and the appearance of getting wet after being hit by the waves... Xinbaji is because he was photographed by the third master What she said was completely ****, and the frank side of A Miao who sold it to the orangutan was also the scene that A Miao didn't want people to see...

So basically the third master spent a month being hunted down...

As for strength, Sanye's combat power has also stagnated at Tier [-] and Tier [-]. Swordsmanship is not something that happens overnight. After a long period of explosion and various messy breakthrough methods, Sanye suddenly found that he seemed to have some foundations. Unsteady?

It's a pity that this is not something I can control. I can only do daily exercises every day, and strive to match my combat power with my rank. Fortunately, the third master of swordsmanship has laid the foundation for seven years, otherwise it will be over. What is lacking now is more Let magic power and swordsmanship cooperate perfectly, although the third master's control power is already very strong, but it is only the control of magic power or swordsmanship, not the control of both at the same time!
No one can teach the third master this, after all, no one in this world knows how to use magic power except the third master...

The days of training always go by quickly. After several months of training, the third master finally saw the dawn of hope and found a way to practice, that is: go to the Arad continent, find GSD or the four great sword masters... okay , simply put, the thighs in this world are not thick enough!

One sunny afternoon, the third master was going to Dengshi House for a drink or two after finishing his training. After all, the Smiling Tavern only opened at night... Was it a bit boring to find myself going alone?I said hello to Sister Sanye and planned to let Sister Sanye go with her, but Sanye didn’t refuse, anyway, she was idle anyway, besides, Sanye’s body is now in the healthiest state of human beings, if she doesn’t eat spicy food It is estimated that there is one other than the third master of Wanshiwu who is not as healthy as her for such excessive things...

When we got downstairs, as soon as we entered the door, we heard Grandma Dengshi laughing arrogantly.

"A brat wants to marry Yoshihara's number one oiran?"

Then Catherine's voice came over: "Don't be in heat, kid, go home and drink milk!"

Xinbaji happened to be downstairs too, looking at a kid sitting among them, he said to everyone: "Is it really okay to say so much?"

Kagura is also there, it seems that the third child in the Wanshiwu has acted together?I guess I didn't find myself when I was practicing swords by the river just now, and Sanye is a house girl, otherwise I should be sitting here together now. It doesn't seem too late now, the interesting things have just begun!
Kagura said to Shinpachi: "Why do you care about such a small matter, are you worried about being preempted by a child, Aru!"

Xinbaji blushed, looked at Kagura's weird smiling face, and argued, "Who are you in a hurry!" His words were all confused...

"Hey, we're all having dinner here, who pays the bill today? Why didn't you order a bottle of wine on the table, do you still want Granny Dengshi to do business?"

You don't need to look at Wanshiwu and Dengshiwu to know who is coming...

The third master directly found a stool and sat down, pointed to the side and said, "Sister Sanye, sit here." Then he said to Granny Dengshi: "Grandma, bring two barrels of beer and five bottles of shochu, and one for Sister Sanye." King of Champagne, I pay the bill!"

After speaking, he slapped [-] yen on the table like an upstart!

Dengshi's mother-in-law was used to it, so she put away the money and asked Catherine to get the wine, and said to the third master: "You stinky brat, you love drinking so much at a young age, what will you do when you grow up? Don't be like your master." Be a loser, you can't even pay the rent!"

The third master wondered: "I paid him back 5 yuan a while ago, has the rent increased now?"

Yinsang just wanted to complain about being a bad dog, but her prestige was directly wiped out by a rent...

Dengshi's mother-in-law suddenly became imposing, looking at Yinsang like a king, and said solemnly: "What about the rent?"

Yinsang smiled awkwardly and said: "Well, a two-year grace period and a two-year grace period... I wanted to go to the casino to try my luck before, to see if I could pay them all together, who knows..."

Granny Dengshi snorted and ignored Yinsang, anyway, she knew exactly what Yinsang was like...

Sanye also smiled and said: "Well, Yinsang is like this, if you work seriously and pay back the money, you won't be used to it!"

Only then did the third master notice that there was an extra person, a dirty little ghost, and the third master wondered, "Who is this little ghost?"

Yinsang passed a bottle of shochu, poured himself a glass, drank it all in one gulp, and lazily said: "My name is Qingta, a toad who wants to eat swan meat, actually fell in love with Yoshihara's sun wheel, isn't it funny?"

The third master just drank half of it, and sprayed it out in one gulp, directly spraying Xiaoyu's face...

Xiaoyu said calmly: "Master Li San, you are so unhygienic!"

A strong aura burst out from the third master's body, he rushed straight at Yinsang, and said solemnly to Yinsang, "Jiyuan?"

Ah Yin didn't know why the third master was so excited, but he would not be affected by the third master's aura, nodded, and asked curiously: "Do you have enmity with that place?"

The third master also knew that he had lost his composure, so he quickly put away his momentum, straightened his mind, and replied: "No, that place is a gold-selling cave, I don't have the financial resources to go there a few times, I'm just a little excited to hear its name. "

This time the third master didn't tell the truth, he didn't expect to encounter the last task so suddenly. To be honest, the third master is used to it in the Gintama world, and he is a little bit reluctant when he knows that he has to leave. It seems that he has to make good arrangements for the funeral. , No, is it the same as saying that you are about to die?

Dengshi's mother-in-law also looked at the third master strangely, she didn't expect this little devil to become so strong in less than a year, even if the aura just now was not aimed at her, she obviously felt strong!I hope I will walk the right path in the future, maybe I can see the existence of the second White Yaksha in the future?

Xinbaji complained: "Speaking of which, can't you come down and do something good?"

The third master replied: "Isn't it a good thing to invite you to drink?"

Being taken by the third master, Kagura and Xinbaji also started to like drinking. Anyway, the degree of shochu is not high, and the two of them will have a drink if they have nothing to do...

Sanye smiled and said, "It's a pity that you don't like chili, otherwise it would be very interesting to add chili to the wine!"

Yinsang complained: "Hey, wine shouldn't be stuffed with chili!"

Ignoring the two who complained, the third master looked at Qingtai and said seriously: "Little ghost, have you encountered any trouble?"

 Ask for a recommendation! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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