Chapter 21
In the process of returning to the city, Xu Lei opened the details of the game. It was his habit to judge the situation and combat strategy according to the order of the opponent's equipment in the details of the game.

At this time, Tachibana Ukyo quickly reached the fourth level because he took the red on his own side and the blue on the opposite side, but because of his 0-1 record and the fact that he didn't get the blue before, Lan is only at the second level now.

In addition, everyone has generally reached level three.

The opening situation is good, so we must control the situation well. This round can be played a little more arrogantly.

He first typed and told Tachibana Ukyo, "Leave Lan to the jungler, and then I will accompany you to the opposite side to control Lan."

Then the voice and Arao said, "Sun Shangxiang, wait for the signal, and go to the opposite side with us to get the mana later. Remember to stop the crab on the bottom lane. You are an explosive hero, if you can play an advantage, go directly to it."

Arao is the best shooter. She has been playing Luban since she came into contact with this game. Later, Luban became a big hit. She listened to the recommendation of fans and started to practice Sun Shangxiang again. Support, even if there is no way to take the head, it is completely possible to press the enemy line on the opposite side.

This general's accuracy is obvious to all, so his commander did not reject him, but cooperated very tacitly.

Within 8 minutes of the start, Ganjiang, Sun Shangxiang, and Tachibana Ukyo went to the opposite side to fight against the blue twice. Almost as soon as the wild area was refreshed, the three of them arrived on time.

Even Tachibana Ukyo himself began to suspect cleanliness, did he have a timer on his body?The calculation time can be so accurate, basically every time the wild area is still empty, he will mark the assembly signal of the opposite blue area, and when the three people are approaching, the wild area will be refreshed.

Arao couldn't help but praise the general, "Little brother, the timing is well controlled! It's amazing."

Xu Lei didn't answer her words, but reminded her, "Be careful of the river, the shooter from the opposite side is coming."

Xu Lei is not afraid that the three of them can't beat one shooter, but because the main output is here now, and the tyrant has been refreshed. If the three of them are held back by one shooter and his support, they will lose the opportunity. Let Lan have a chance to take the tyrant.

Lan is a hero who can't live without blue. This wave controlled his two blues, and took his first blood at the beginning. In this round, this blue is basically useless, but if he takes away the tyrant, the situation may be There will be a little change.

The best player on the opposite side should be Sun Ce who is on the road.

Although Yang Jian took first blood, he was slightly higher than Sun Ce financially by [-] gold coins.But Sun Ce was completely crushed in the next few minutes, and kept beating Yang Jian.

Sun Ce was originally an early-stage hero. In addition, he knew how to operate, had good skills, and was conscious. He pressed Yang Jian step by step.

Fortunately, Xu Lei always goes to the road to catch a wave after clearing the army line.

But Sun Ce is not stupid. Once the general loses his vision, he immediately becomes vigilant, so he has only captured Sun Ce's head once after being arrested so many times.

At that time, Sun Ce was under the tower, and he had already retreated.But the general went around into the grass under the opposite tower, and released his big move, stabbing four swords straight at Sun Ce, taking his head.

Sun Ce was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Damn, is this general so accurate?"

Lan played black with him and sat next to him.

"I said earlier that his accuracy is very accurate, but you still don't believe it. This girl's card is so deadly on my blue card, could it be a cheat?"

"It's possible, otherwise how could it be so accurate! I backed away so much that I was almost out of his attack range."

"Get out and report him!"

At this time Xu Lei had already gone down the road, and at the same time sent a signal to Arao.

"Luring a wave of Luban, Xiao Qiao on the other side is also gone, and he may have come down."

"it is good."

Arao saw that the general had already hid in the grass. At this time, the lines of the two armies were fighting, and she went out to clear the soldiers.

Lu Ban had already seen Xiao Qiao coming down and thought that Sun Shangxiang was worried about support, so he backed off.Lu Ban suddenly became arrogant when he thought about it.

It has been suppressed by Sun Shangxiang before, and the economy has lagged far behind.But fortunately, Sun Shangxiang is not very good at playing. He only suppresses the troops every time and does not pursue them fiercely. Otherwise, he would not be able to defeat Sun Shangxiang because of his poor economy.

Now that Sun Shangxiang has retreated, the river crab must fall into his own hands.

But what Lu Ban never expected was that when he was happily cleaning up the crabs, a general's flying sword suddenly appeared in the grass, and Sun Shangxiang also rushed over immediately.

Donghuang was just empty-handed and didn't start fighting immediately, because he also noticed that Xiao Qiao was coming. If Xiao Qiao revealed his vision, he could immediately control Xiao Qiao.

Zhang Fei's reaction was not unpleasant. As soon as he saw Lu Ban being beaten, he immediately opened up and doubled his size in an instant.

Taking advantage of Sun Shangxiang being stunned, Xiao Qiao put two moves at Sun Shangxiang's feet, and then clicked the big move.

Xu Lei originally wanted to dodge her big move, but he suddenly saw the shark's horn protruding from the river, no good, here comes Lan.

This is where the benefits of changing the fragments are properly revealed.

It is worth mentioning that the price of selling the equipment after using the replacement fragments is the same as the gold coins required to buy it, that is to say, selling the equipment will not make you economically backward.

Xu Lei immediately opened the equipment bar. There are eight slots on the right side of the equipment bar. In each of the eight difficulties, there are equipments that have been pre-selected in sequence. If you have a replacement piece, click on this equipment and it will be automatically selected. page, and then purchase, so as to achieve the purpose of quick change.

Xu Lei immediately sold the staff and bought Huiyue.

At this time Lan had already appeared, and if nothing else happened, the first thing he did when he jumped out of the water was to hit himself.

Xu Lei calculated the timing and activated the invincible golden body when he was still a few steps away from him.

Lan's attacks were all ineffective, and at the same time, Xu Lei's invincible golden body also carried Xiao Qiao's three beams.

"I'll go, when did this go-getter buy the golden body?"

Xu Lei sneered.

Are you done?It's up to me when I'm done.

Ah, hunting time.

Xu Lei threw out the sword mound, jumped back, and opened the distance between Yu Lan.

Then came Luban.

Just now Zhang Fei zoomed in. Although Lu Ban was saved, Sun Shangxiang was not a vegetarian. Once he came out of the dizzy state, he immediately chased after him.

After turning over almost a few times, Lu Ban was beaten to death.

Lu Ban saw the situation and quickly flashed.

What he didn't expect was that the go-getters had already approached and harvested him under the tower.

"I'll go, this go-getter!"

Then Donghuang flashed and zoomed in, controlling Xiao Qiao.

Zhang Fei originally wanted to sell Xiao Qiao and run away by himself, but Tachibana Ukyo appeared out of nowhere and blocked his way of retreating.

And this Tachibana Ukyo has Papa Hong on him, his movement speed immediately slowed down after he hit him, there is no hope of winning this wave.

Four hit four and no one was kept.

In the remaining few minutes, Ganjiang seemed to be red-eyed, and the broadcast sounded from time to time that Ganjiang was killed.

Double kill!
Trible kill!


(End of this chapter)

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