Chapter 73 Marco 1v1
"Mid-year dinner? What is it?" Xu Lei was puzzled.

Avatar looked at the alien, "No way, brother, you don't know about the mid-year dinner? The notice on the first floor has been posted for many days."

Xu Lei scratched his head to hide his embarrassment, "I haven't paid much attention to it."

"This time, Hutou and Pisces cooperated and negotiated, and invited a few good companies in Wangwang Live to co-organize it. At that time, the top streamers of each company, as well as Hutou and Pisces' million-dollar anchors will participate."

The steak may be overcooked, so it is not easy to cut. Avatar is very laborious. It took a long time to cut a piece, and then continued.

"But you don't need to be nervous. Those top streamers are at most about the same as the five miles you connected to the mic together last night. What you really have to worry about is Pisces. There are more than a dozen anchors in their company between 50 and [-] million. , if they all come at that time, the aura will be enough to crush the tiger's head to death."

Avatar is still concentrating on competing with the steak, as if he doesn't care about the company's honor and disgrace at all, and only regards it as a chat after dinner.

"You don't seem to care about Tiger Head or Pisces at this dinner party, who is more imposing?"

"I care about it, why don't I care about it, but what's the use of caring. My current number of fans is gone, but it's completely useless to fill my head. The key point still depends on you. Look, this Manager Li will come to please me soon. You, when you become the company's key training target, he will definitely point at you and say good things to him."

Xu Lei knew in his heart that Manager Li would definitely not say anything.After all, what happened that day, he definitely knew in his heart that he would not let it go, he could only blame him for being domineering for too long, and he had become a habit of seeing people and doing things, so he completely cut off his back road.

Xu Lei is a person who will take revenge. He thought it would take a long time to deal with him, but after hearing Avatar's words today, it seems that Manager Li will be dealt with soon.

When the live broadcast started at night, Xu Lei added Yi Zheng's account, and then directly opened the 1v1 invitation.

Yi Zheng has training today, but now it's just a gap in training, and it's just a 10-minute rest, it's not enough to complete the round.But since the appointment has already been made, Yi Zheng doesn't want to miss the appointment, and even Yi Zheng himself is curious, who will win?
Then he typed on the screen, "There is still training later, so it's better to decide the outcome in one round. Whoever gets the first blood wins."

This point Xu Lei can fully understand, after all, the training of this professional player is very tiring every day.

"Okay, do you want to choose a different hero?"

"No, we all hit Marco."

"it is good."

It may be because there is only one chance of a blow, so the two tacitly did not fight at the beginning, but cleared the development of troops without interfering with each other.

For them, this game is no longer a tower pushing game, but a real contest between skills.

Almost exactly the same outfit, almost the same economy, four and a half minutes later, the two finally fought.

Because both of them have famous knives, they must first play the passive of the famous knives.

The two put a move on each other almost tacitly.

But by coincidence, Yi Zheng's damage did not trigger even a critical strike, but Xu Lei's damage was a critical strike every time.

"No way, hands are so smelly." Yi Zheng couldn't believe it.

Then he used his most familiar routine.

First, I shifted to Xu Lei's side. I did this to deceive his big move, and I brought flash. As long as he released his big move, moved around, and then used flash, I would have the advantage at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as he approached, Xu Lei immediately opened fire, shooting back and forth in the circle, Xu Lei felt that the fight could basically be over.

But what he didn't expect was that Yi Zheng flashed in an instant, jumped out of the attack range, and his space was completely empty.

Yi Zheng saw the right timing, and just when Xu Lei was in a daze, he opened the door again and jumped into his side. At this time, Xu Lei's blood volume was already in danger.

The barrage has already been discussed, "As expected of a professional player, this wave of manipulation shows!"

"I already guessed that Yi Zheng would win, so I'm here to help Yi Zheng make the list."

Xu Lei was not in a hurry, but smiled triumphantly.

How could he not have guessed Yi Zheng's operation? A professional player rushing forward must not be impulsive, but premeditated.

He was just doing his tricks and using his big move to deceive his opponent.

When the opponent also used ult, his advantage was just revealed.

Seeing Xu Lei facing Yi Zheng, he paused.The blood volume is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Why do I go to the inscription to suck blood so strong!"

Not only the fans in the live broadcast room were amazed, but even Yi Zheng himself was amazed at the speed of blood recovery, and at the same time, he suffered critical damage on his body, and his blood volume dropped at a terrifying speed.

No, if he continues to play like this, he will really die.

Yi Zheng aimed at Xu Lei and gave him a shuttle, and then the two of them drew level with each other.

In the end, almost at the same time, the two killed each other.

The audience was silent. For nearly ten seconds, no one sent barrage.

Then it exploded suddenly, even the rockets followed one another, and the screen suddenly went blank.

Yi Zheng looked at the gray screen and couldn't react for a moment. He was still thinking carefully about what happened just now.

Even though his blood-sucking inscription is indeed very powerful, but his own damage is not low, how could he not be able to hit critical strikes, but he keeps striking critical strikes.

In fact, he often encountered situations where he couldn't hit a critical strike, but at this time, he was somewhat unwilling.

In the next scene, Xu Lei sent all the chat boxes, "Admit it, we have a chance to fight together."

Then Xu Lei ordered to surrender.

It was a draw.

Xu Lei did not continue the live broadcast, but explained the situation to the fans and then played it down. From the beginning of the broadcast to the next broadcast, it took only 10 minutes before and after.

How proud Yi Zheng was, this ending made him a little hard to accept.He admitted that although he felt that Xu Lei's operation was very powerful, he somewhat underestimated the enemy, but even if he underestimated the enemy, the result of the draw still made him unable to let go. He stared at the screen for a long time until his teammates came to ask him to train. Only then turned off the phone in a sense of loss.

By the end of the training, his teammates had already gone back, and he kept practicing with his mobile phone alone. He must be proficient enough!He believed that he would meet Xu Lei again in the future, and the next time it would not be a draw, but a winner!
Also in a daze was Xu Lei who ended the game.

He was not in a daze for the result of the game, but for the thoughts in his mind at that moment when the two of them were fighting.

Maybe the emotional intelligence fragments played a role, maybe it was his own reasons.

At the end, he was not hitting the attack button, so he could have won it all.

At that time, what he thought was, this was a live broadcast, if he beat Yi Zheng in the live broadcast room, would it be too much?
Seeing Xu Lei suddenly downcast, Wang Zi asked him, "Why did you suddenly downcast?"

Xu Lei said casually. "I'm tired and want to rest."

Then he stood up and put the phone away.

"I'll go back first, and you guys should leave early too, remember to send the girl home."

Wang Zi felt that Xu Lei had something on his mind, so he didn't argue with him anymore and let him go first.

(End of this chapter)

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