The glory of the king: the pirate Naruto

Chapter 155 Beauty's Ruthless Whip

Chapter 155 Beauty's Ruthless Whip

Seeing that one of her partners was defeated, Li Ren also made a move immediately.She never expected that Asba was really killed by these people.

"It seems that you do have some strength, no wonder he will lose to you. But I am different, I will not be careless. I will try my best to kill you from the beginning." Liren flicked her right hand, and a whip appeared in her palm .

This whip is all made of blue vines, it looks very beautiful, with a mysterious color.But obviously the beauty will not use it to do good things.

"Whip gun!" Liren suddenly threw out the whip, and the air was filled with a blasting sound. This was the sound of her waving the whip, and it would resonate with the air.This whip directly hit Huahua's skin, making her originally white and jade-like skin instantly red and swollen.

After being whipped like this, Huahua's flesh was almost rotten, it was really painful.

Liren, a cruel woman, must have exerted some special spiritual power on the whip, just like adding salt to a person's wound.Huahua is obviously in pain, but she is very stubborn.Just don't cry out the pain, and don't make a sound.

He just stared at the beauty fiercely. "Huahua!" Seeing this, Ye Buchen yelled.

At this time, Ye Buchen and Huahua are still a little far away. When fighting against Asba just now, he and Guan Yu both used long-range attacks.Only Huahua has the courage to rush to the enemy and give him two knives.

So when Beauty counterattacked, the first thing she aimed at was Huahua.Seeing his partner being abused, Ye Buchen couldn't bear it any longer, his body turned into a beam of light, and blasted away.

"I told you to stop!" Ye Buchen was furious, he couldn't bear it.Because at the other end of the universe, he saw the beautiful woman beating Hua Hua with a whip.And Huahua couldn't resist at all.

Because Huahua's spiritual power has basically been exhausted, and she used up all her spiritual power when she killed Asba just now.Otherwise, where do you think such destructive power comes from?

"Don't meddle in your own business, brat, I'll deal with you later!" Seeing a ray of light burst towards her in the distance, the beauty waved a whip again, and Ye Buchen was blown away.

The flight path of the light beam changed instantly that day, boom!His body hit a planet.Cause a huge explosion.

In fact, ordinary people will never survive in the universe, but Ye Buchen and Guan Yu are both natural ability users, so it can be so.As for Huahua, although she is not a natural ability user, she is already at the peak of the Earth Sovereign. It is not surprising that this realm can survive in the universe.

"But what can you do, you can't beat me. Now it's just because my spiritual power is exhausted, so you can temporarily suppress me." Huahua sneered, her eyes were cold, and she looked at the beauty.

Being looked at by other women with such eyes makes Liren feel uncomfortable. She hates this feeling. She is usually superior. Who would dare to look at her like this?
"you wanna die!"

Snapped!Beauty whipped the whip mercilessly again, hitting Huahua's body, and Huahua's back was red and swollen again. At this time, she was already covered with cuts and bruises, and she looked very painful.

This is a pain in the flesh, Huahua can only grunt at most, she will never cry out in pain, let alone beg for mercy.

"Tell me quickly, as long as you admit that you are a bitch, I will let you go." Li Ren kept slapping Hua Hua, her face was stern, which did not match her beauty at all.She is very jealous of Huahua, she is obviously just a woman from the lower world, why is she so powerful, why can she look down on her so much?

Therefore, the beauty will never allow the existence of Huahua.She felt that her noble dignity had been insulted.

"If you want to kill, kill!" Huahua has very tough bones, and she is more resolute than most men.Never bow your head and admit defeat.

"You're going to be crazy!" Guan Yu came riding on horseback, brandishing a big knife in his hand.But he also didn't have much spiritual power left, and he had already consumed too much when he activated Chaos God before.

Whoosh!Guan Yu suddenly appeared next to Li Ren and slashed at her with his last spiritual power, but it was useless at all.This beauty seemed to be even more difficult than Asba. She was very agile, and she dodged Guan Yu's attack. Then she turned around 180 degrees and kicked Guan Yu's head fiercely with her right foot, kicking him off the horse.

Then another whip hit Bingpo Shenma's buttocks, making it howl in pain.

"Hahahahaha, you bunch of jumping clowns, Asba will lose to you. This is simply a joke." She was proud and laughed loudly.

But Ye Buchen, Guan Yu, and Huahua were not convinced.Absolutely she took advantage of it.If everyone is at their peak, fighting against each other, they will definitely not end up in this situation.

"You are a woman who can only engage in sneak attacks, what is there to be proud of. If I hadn't exhausted my spiritual power, how could I allow you to be presumptuous!" Guan Yu scolded angrily.

When Liren heard this, she was in a bad mood and whipped him again. "Hehe. Do you know that even on the Ancient Universe Road, people of our family are divided into levels, and Asba is just the lowest level. In fact, my level is higher than Asba, so you lose to I'm not wronged at all."

She explained that she wanted to tell everyone that her beauties also won by strength.

"So, are you second to last?" Huahua asked back.

Upon hearing this, the beauty instantly became angry, and her face changed dramatically. "

You woman is really looking for a draw! "Swish, Swish, and slapped her with a few more whips, with the sound of breaking wind, the skin of Hua Hua was ripped apart.

In fact, Huahua was talking about the beauty in her heart. On the ancient road, the clansmen were indeed divided into levels. Asba was the lowest level, and the beauty was one level higher than him, the second to last.

Even though this is the case, when Huahua said it like this, the taste changed completely.

"Don't be afraid, Huahua, I'm here to save you." Ye Buchen stomped his feet on the ground, and flew out like a cannonball with a bang.

He is approaching beauty.Ye Buchen was also very angry, she absolutely believed that the other party trampled on the dignity of her subordinates.Ye Buchen was very disgusted to see the beauty so arrogant.

"You are the most annoying woman I have ever seen." Ye Buchen said to her.

"You're looking for death, bastard. Well, you two don't want to live anymore, right? Well, today I will fulfill you." Beauty gritted her teeth, her complexion changed drastically.

She ignored the flowers this time, but aimed at Ye Buchen. First, she shifted her body and suddenly disappeared into the universe. When she appeared next time, she was already behind Ye Buchen.

"How is it possible!" Ye Buchen panicked.He felt that the opponent's speed was terrible.Because Ye Buchen was in the laser state of the natural system at this time, the speed was very fast, but she unexpectedly grabbed the entity, and then pressed down ruthlessly.

Bang bang bang!This directly crashed several planets.These planets are not as big as the three thousand worlds, and belong to small spheres.

(End of this chapter)

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