Chapter 18 Three Reincarnations
After Dapeng died, Ye Buchen returned to the dark space, and the black-robed youth continued to ask him, "Do you remember your purpose?"

In this life, Ye Buchen has lived for countless tens of thousands of years. After such a long time, it is common sense that the initial obsession should be alleviated, but Ye Buchen still remembered, and said: "Zhan Hui Night, save friends."

The young man in black nodded slightly, as if he understood Ye Buchen's determination.So with a light wave of his right hand, the situation changed, and Ye Buchen came to a new place again. This was the last test for him by the young man in black.

The black-robed youth turned into a gust of wind and disappeared from sight. Before disappearing, he said faintly: "Three generations of reincarnation, ten thousand years of time, can you really not forget your original intention?"

In a snowy winter, in a desolate village.

With a cry of a baby, a little doll was born.

This is Ye Buchen's third life. Ye Buchen came to a poor family and named him Fulai.It can be seen how much the family hopes for him.

The village is located deep in the mountains, with only a few hundred people.Because the terrain here is dangerous and there are often fierce beasts, people's life is very hard.

Fulai's father was a hunter. Originally, his father wanted to teach him martial arts and wanted him to go hunting in the mountains in the future, but Fulai was interested in books.

Fulai's mother loves him very much and gives him everything delicious.You know, in this difficult environment, food is the most precious thing.

Although my father went hunting in the mountains, he often walked by the river and never got his shoes wet. Finally, when Fulai was five years old, his father was killed by a wild beast on the mountain, and his mother cried bitterly for two days and two nights.

Without my father, life is even more difficult, and I can't even eat food.The conditions of those people in the village are also difficult, and there is not much help that can be given.

Sometimes, for a month or two, neither mother nor Fulai could eat a bite of meat.Fulai matured relatively early, and his way of thinking is different from others.

He knows that his mother loves him, and he is reluctant to use anything, leaving it to himself.

During a meal, maybe there was a piece of chicken wing, and my mother gave it to me.But Ye Buchen didn't want it, seeing his mother haggard like this, and usually working so hard, he wanted to give it to her.

The mother didn't want anything, so Fulai threw the piece of chicken wing on the ground, and said angrily, "I don't care about these things. If you don't eat them, throw them away!"

When the mother heard this, she slapped him angrily.But tears immediately flowed from his eyes again, emotions such as chilling, discomfort, and anger poured into his heart, and he sat on the stool and stopped talking, crying alone.

Fulai didn't apologize to his mother either, he threw his chopsticks on the table and turned around to leave.

Seeing Fulai like this, my mother's heart turned cold.How rare is the food here, it takes a few months to eat a piece of meat, and I love him so much, but why is this child so ignorant and say such annoying words.

Mother bent down alone, picked up the dusty chicken wing on the ground, and ate it herself. She would never waste food.

In fact, Fulai didn't leave. He climbed to the window and peeked. He didn't feel relieved until he saw his mother had eaten the chicken wings.Then ran to a corner where there was no one, and cried bitterly by himself.

He knew that his mother loved him and wanted to leave him the delicious food.But Fulai also loved his mother very much. He knew that his mother would never eat that piece of chicken wing by herself.So he can only use this method to let his mother eat something delicious.

Perhaps Fulai is the reason for Ye Buchen's reincarnation, he loves his mother more than others.Many times, he expresses his love through this extreme way.

After losing his father, many of the heavy work in the family was done by his mother.Looking at his mother who was getting haggard day by day, Fulai was very worried about her health.

In a corner where no one was around, Fulai sat on the ground, curled up, and tears kept streaming down his face. He thought to himself: "Mother, I'm sorry. Fulai has made you angry again, but Fulai can't help it."

Ten years later, my mother passed away.Fulai also walked out of the mountain and came outside.

At this time, the princes were fighting for hegemony, and it was a time of war and chaos.Fulai became a big thinker.

He once assisted a king, and that king was quite wise.Once Fulai accompanied the king to the market to inspect the market. The king was a little moved and said, "Well, although I am the king of a country, I don't do anything. I just talk about it and order others to do things. Look at these things in the city. People, they are all hardworking people, they do so many things every day, but their status is still so low. This king is ashamed."

But Fulai said to him: "Those who work hard will rule others, and those who work hard will rule others. Your Majesty doesn't need to be emotional. The society is extremely complicated and has its own division of labor. Your Majesty's task is to lead others to prosperity."

After hearing Fulai's words, the king understood a lot.

In this life, Ye Buchen's philosophy has been enriched a lot.Fulai recruited many disciples, and his reputation spread far and wide.

Once when he was teaching a class, a group of disciples surrounded him.Fulai asked his disciples, what are good deeds?What is evil?Stealing, cheating, and selling people into slavery are evils?
The disciple replied, "Of course that is an evil deed."

But Fulai said: "The two sides are fighting, and you deceive the enemy. Is this an evil deed?"

Student: "This is a good deed."

Fulai asked again: "Then I sold the enemy's captives as slaves. Is this considered an evil deed?"

Student: "This is not an evil deed, but a good deed."

Of course, selling enemy prisoners as slaves was allowed in that war-torn era.Different eras are treated differently.

Fulai added: "What I want to teach you today is that when judging whether something is right or wrong, don't jump to conclusions too early. This society is extremely complex, and specific issues need to be analyzed in detail."

After listening to Fulai's words, the disciples suddenly realized, and bowed their hands one after another.

In this way, Fulai, also Ye Buchen, spent his life.

After Fulai's death, the situation changed, and the world he was in no longer existed, and instead returned to the dark space.

At this time, when the young man in black robe looked at Ye Buchen again, he found that Ye Buchen's eyes were a little different from before.It is more wisdom, more profundity, no longer as pure and immature as before.

When the two met, the black-robed youth asked him again: "Do you remember your purpose?"

But this time, Ye Buchen hesitated and didn't speak for a long time.

The young man in black didn't urge him, but stood quietly beside him, waiting for Ye Buchen's answer.

All that Ye Buchen has experienced is the method used by the youth.This is the reincarnation of the third generation, Ye Buchen has lived for tens of thousands of years, the young man wants to test whether he is really so determined, and still remembers the purpose of thousands of years ago.

However, it can also be seen from this that this mysterious young man in black robe is so powerful. He can control reincarnation and break time and space.

He had only mentioned his title once, the sovereign.

Ye Buchen hesitated for a long time. After living for so long, he seemed to have forgotten his original purpose, his mind was hazy, and he vaguely remembered what he hadn't done yet, but he just couldn't remember.

After a long time, seeing that Ye Buchen hadn't answered yet, the young man in black was a little disappointed, and was about to say that you had failed.

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared in Ye Buchen's mind, they were Huahua, Quhuo, Taiyi, and Poison Bear Boy.

Ye Buchen came to his senses and shouted excitedly: "Zhan Huiye, save my friend."

As the voice fell, a smile appeared on the corner of the black-robed youth's mouth.The figure gradually blurred and then disappeared.

The dark space also burst open, and Ye Buchen returned to the city under the sea with an extremely terrifying aura, facing Hui Ye directly.

At this time, Ye Buchen was still his original appearance, but he was exactly the same as the black-robed youth.The silver hair hangs down the shoulders, the pupils reveal the coldness, and even Huiye's hairs stand on end at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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