Chapter 68
In an empty valley, the grass is green and the surrounding rocks stand tall.Yuhabach wants to teach Ye Buchen the fire escape and fireball skills.

The present Ninja Continent is different from the past Five Great Ninja Nations. Although each of the Five Great Ninja Nations has its shadow, they all obey Konoha's Uzumaki Naruto.

Note that it is not the order of Hokage, but the order of Uzumaki Naruto.

If someone else is Hokage, the other four countries will definitely not be convinced.

Before coming to the Three Thousand Worlds, four wars broke out in the ninja world, and they paid a heavy price for it.

So now there is an unprecedented unity. After learning that Tsunade was captured by the people from Xuanling Continent, Naruto sent Jiraiya to lurk there first to inquire about information.A few months ago, Zilai also had a fight with Doflamingo in Beiming Sea, but now he doesn't know what happened.

Closer to home, at this time Youha is about to show Ye Buchen a show of fire escape.This is also his first time using ninjutsu.

Yuha has never been exposed to ninjutsu in the past, but he has omniscience and omnipotence. For low-level ninjutsu such as fireball, Yuhabach can comprehend it at once.

"Pay attention, you need to form the mudra with both hands first. If the mudra is not correct, you will not be able to try it out, so you have to remember this gesture and sequence."

Juhabach moved his hands a few times quickly like a cramp, and finally pinched the thumb and index finger of his right hand in a circle in front of his mouth, which made Ye Buchen burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, Uncle Youha, you are so cute."

Ye Buchen's stomach ached from laughing, and Yuhabach looked embarrassed.He completely forgot his identity, a generation of emperors, to make such a shameful move.

"Be serious! It's your turn."

Yuhabach asked Ye Buchen to do it.But Ye Buchen's mind was full of Youha's funny action just now, and he couldn't concentrate at all.

After a while, Juhabach threw stones at him, and he recovered.

"Is that right?"

He has a super domineering sense of knowledge, and his perception is very strong.So all the seals formed by Yuhabach just came to mind at this time.

He remembered it perfectly.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A loud male voice echoed in the valley.Ye Buchen really used the powerful fireball technique.

It's just that he misremembered the last action. Youha squeezed two fingers into a circle, sprayed it out from his mouth, and sprayed out through the circle.

And he actually covered his mouth with his hands. . . . . .


There was a bang, and a huge fireball was supposed to be sprayed out of his mouth, but he covered his mouth, and the fireball exploded directly in his mouth.

His entire upper body was shattered by the blast, but fortunately he is a laser fruit capable person and recovered quickly.

"Fortunately. I was scared to death." After recovering, Ye Buchen patted his chest.

The blow just now seemed random, but it was actually dangerous.Youhabach didn't expect Ye Buchen's learning talent to be so strong.

I just demonstrated it to him once, and this kid actually learned it completely.

And judging from the scale of the explosion just now, it should have reached the middle level of Huo Dun.

"Okay, you can perform it again, this time be more serious." Yuhabach reminded him.

"Okay." Ye Buchen nodded, this time he became serious, he knew he couldn't play any more, time was urgent, and he had to hurry to find Uzumaki Nagato.

He squatted slightly, swishing.

The hands quickly formed ten seals in two seconds.The last burst of spiritual power suddenly condensed in his mouth and gushed out!

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

With a loud shout, he spewed out a ball-shaped giant fire from his mouth, which was as big as a house.

The fireball rushed towards the small hill in front, and with a bang, it actually blasted the hill to pieces.

"Congratulations, you have learned this ninjutsu. I will teach you the others later. Remember, you must use restraint when fighting with others, and don't use the martial arts of Xuanling Continent, otherwise you will expose your identity." Halbach reminded him again.

"I know."

Just as Ye Buchen finished speaking, he suddenly sensed a life 200 meters away in the woods to the east, and it belonged to humans, and immediately shouted, "Someone!"

The first time he heard Ye Buchen's reminder, Yuhabach used his spiritual power to form a circle of light within a radius of 500 meters to prevent the enemy from escaping.

He can't let people go back to report now, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

This valley has dense jungle, and the field of view is very limited.If it was an ordinary person, they might not even be able to see anything ten meters away, but today it was the two of them.

Ye Buchen opened his clairvoyant eyes and saw the other party at a glance, "Here!"

He immediately turned into a laser beam and shot towards the man.And the person hiding on the branch immediately turned and ran away, but how could he be as fast as Ye Buchen.

In just an instant, Ye Buchen came to him, stretched out his palm, and grabbed the man's shoulder directly.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." The cold and fierce voice came from Ye Buchen's mouth, which frightened the man's body.

When the distance got close, Ye Buchen realized that this guy should be a ninja.But his cultivation base was relatively low, and Ye Buchen hadn't done anything yet, and just released his spiritual power, which shocked the opponent.

With a punch, the man fell from the tree, Ye Buchen questioned him: "Tell me, what did you hear?"

"I...I didn't hear anything." Seeing Ye Buchen's fierce look, the man backed away in fright.

Just when Ye Buchen wanted to continue asking some questions, Yuhabach suddenly flew out and knocked the man unconscious with his palm.

"Sweat." Ye Buchen was stunned, and at the same time felt a little sad for that man.

He didn't even know the names of Ye Buchen and Yuhabach, but he happened to pass by here and found someone talking.In fact, he didn't hear a word. . . . . .He was beaten violently by Ye Buchen who suddenly appeared, and now he was beaten unconscious by Yuhabach.

If there is an award for the unlucky king, it must belong to him.

"Uncle Yoha, why did you knock him out, I was about to ask him something."

"I think you are too wordy, I can directly read the memory in his mind." Youha said calmly.

"Khan." Ye Buchen was speechless, this uncle is really omnipotent, he knows everything and can do anything.

"You are really strong." Ye Buchen gave You Habach a thumbs up.

Yuhabach came over, stretched out his right hand and touched the man's forehead, his memory was all read by Yuha.

It turns out that this person is a ninja from Muye Village, and he will also participate in the upcoming battle between Ninja Continent and Xuanling Continent.A lot of information is not important, and Juhabach has ignored it.

After a while, he only told Ye Buchen one piece of information, "Uzumaki Nagato will also participate in the upcoming battle. As a vanguard, he left earlier than the Ninja Alliance, and now he has left the Ninja Continent."

"What!" Ye Buchen became a little anxious when he heard this.I managed to come here with great difficulty, but that person actually left again.

"Where did he go? How long has he been away."

"On the way to the Xuanling Continent, we have already set off for two days. It is very likely that we met him on the way to the Ninja Continent, but we didn't pay attention." Yuhabach said.

"No matter where he is, I will find him. Uncle Yoha, let's go."

"Well, the time is urgent, let's leave as soon as possible."

Both of them nodded, and in the next second, Youha's feet moved into the sky with steam, and Ye Buchen also jumped, turning into a laser and flying out.

(End of this chapter)

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