Alliance commentary system

Chapter 127 Unfavorable start, YM is in a hurry

Chapter 127 Unfavorable start, YM is in a hurry
YM chose Jess in the first hand, instead of continuing the BP of the first two rounds, he chose Kenan.

"In the first two rounds, LGD banned Jess, but this round was released, so YM won decisively!" Chen Xian said slowly.

Sister Yiyi nodded and said: "On the contrary, YM took out Kenan with one hand. Here I think, LGD banned Ike. He wanted to get Syndra for Wei Shen, and gave Ike's Kante away. , released a Jess, Chen Xian, do you think this Jess will play in the middle or in the middle?"

Chen Xian smiled slightly, "I think 90.00% of them are hits. I also checked Clowz's data before. He has never won a game of Jayce, so it should be grabbed by his left hand."

Sure enough, this wave was just as the commentator said, LGD locked Kenan and Syndra.

Then YM locked the male gun and Rambo.

"In this case, just lock Rambo directly, and it is already confirmed that Jess will play in the middle. But this system has very little control. The three locked heroes have high output, but there is almost no control."

"That's right, let's see LGD's choices in the future!"

I saw that LGD locked the blind monk in the third hand and started the second round of ban selection.

"Since the top and middle field on both sides appear, the next BP will most likely be aimed at support. For AD, it doesn't feel necessary, because there are many heroes to choose from."

Sure enough, after Chen Xian finished speaking, the next ban selection for both sides was completed.

YMban dropped Malzaha and Karma, while LGD banned Thresh and Lulu.

"If you ban the four-handed support, it will be difficult to choose the next support."

"Nami, Zyra? These two should be the only choices, or Feng Nv is also good. If supported by both sides, Pyl Feng Nv is very strong. I wonder how Killua's Feng Nv is!"

"But now Zyra has been cut into a bad shape, and the flowers planted can no longer actively attack heroes, so Zyra is not a good choice for a hero."

After Chen Xian finished speaking, LGD chose Nami in the fourth hand.

"Nami...not bad, at least a bit better than Zyra, but if YM is really uncomfortable, either choose Zyra, or choose Fengnv."

"We saw that YM chose Jhin and Zyra. This combination was very strong in s6, but now it is taken out, it has become much weaker." Yiyi explained.

"After all, there are no heroes to choose from, and these two are more suitable heroes."

Seeing this, Chen Xian already knew that LGD had set a trap for YM.

In the second round of BP, LGD has the right to choose first. If YM releases either Malzaha or Karma, LGD will definitely grab it.

But if you don't let go, you will face the current ending.

So YM knew he was being tricked, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Karma and Malzahar also felt their power in the first two games. After pyl got it, they suppressed it like crazy in the bottom lane and imp.

Although Bvoy and Killua are the top bot lane combination in LSPL, they are still much weaker in the face of a world-class bot lane like LGD.

BP was completed quickly, and in the last move, LGD got the wheel mother for imp.

Blue Fang YM: top laner Rambo, jungler Jace, mid laner Jhin, bottom laner Jhin, support Zyra.

Red side LGD: top laner Kennen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner, and assistant Nami.

Looking at the lineups of both sides, YM's banpick is lacking a lot.

In YM's lineup, only Zyra has hard control, and the rest of Jess, Rambo, and Jhin are slowed down, which is commonly known as soft control.

The majority of the group is soft-controllers, and it is impossible to retain people in a group fight.

This is the disadvantage of more soft controls.

Although Lambert Jess, including Jhin and Zyra, have high output, it is easy to see that the choices of these five heroes are similar to rank.

I play what I want to play, there is no lineup at all.

The coach is like a decoration on it.

Compared with the previous two rounds, the BP of this round is much worse.

Chen Xian shook his head and continued to explain.

Originally, he thought that YM would have some different BPs in this round.

However, it does not.

He roughly already knew the outcome of the game.

The game started, and there was a lot of cheering before the game.

As if to declare the importance of this game.

Just came up, the camera came to the middle.

Knight came up very fiercely, and when the level was only three, he directly beat Wei Shen home!

Syndra teleported back, and Jace continued to suppress.

There are frequent firefights in the middle.

The time came to 6 minutes.

The male gun was crouching Wei Shen in the grass on the upper river, and Eimy was also squatting in the grass below.

And in this wave, the support on both sides, Killua and pyl also wandered to the middle.

Seeing the opportunity, Wei Shen directly knocked Jess out with the E skill, leveled A to receive the energy pour, and then followed up with the general attack, and directly dropped Jess under the blue square tower in seconds!

Meanwhile, the blind monk and Nami discover Zyra.

The blind monk kicked Zyra, Nami connected her own hypnotic bubbles, and dropped the crispy Zyra instantly!
On the other side, Ning also dared to come over, and the blind monk carrying the tower flashed in seconds!
In this wave, LGD one for two ended the gank of both sides!

"In this wave, Wei Shen first single-handedly killed Knight, then Zyra assisted, and also confessed himself here. Although the blind monk died, I think LGD still made a lot of money."

Sister Yiyi answered, "Knight was fierce in the early stage (a Yiyi)..."

Sister Bibi didn't stop the car, and she was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Because she often said a pen and a pen, she was ridiculed by netizens after the game.

So she decided to get rid of such problems.

But in the middle of the game, it's easy to forget about it, so halfway through, I was a little overwhelmed.

Chen Xian reacted quickly, and said, "It's a mess!"

" it's quite surprising that Wei Shendan killed Jess just now." Yiyi patted her chest and gave Chen Xian a grateful look.

Chen Xian nodded and continued to explain.


At the same time as this wave, there was also a battle on the road.

Jinno's Kenan forcibly forced Rambo under the tower, suppressing some blood volume.

Although he didn't kill Rambo solo, Rambo was forced to use his big move to clear the line, and lost a lot of combat power in the early stage.

On both sides, the middle and lower fields have been fighting frequently.

Ning was brushing his own red buff, but unexpectedly, he was caught by LGD's Nakano.

Blind Monk QRQ, followed by Syndra's QE, Ning was instantly caught!

Then in the process of fighting in the bottom lane, Jhin was controlled by Nami, and because Zyra was only level [-], she couldn't use her big move to limit the output of Wheel Mom.

Ember is also death.

A series of bad news made YM very anxious.

On the way back to the middle lane, Syndra happened to meet Knight's Jess, and knocked out her flash with a hammer.

Jess still wants to continue chasing and expand some advantages.

But Syndra suddenly refused to give up, and turned around to fight back!

Use the W skill to grab the ball under your feet, slow down Jess, and keep leveling with A.

When Jace realized something was wrong, he hurriedly retreated!

Syndra pinpointed Jace's flash, and during the process of Jace's flash, energy poured out!

The huge amount of damage directly killed Jess!

ps: It was recommended by a friend. The data of the new book is very important. If you have time, please help to vote for him.

The title of the book is "I Can Live Better Than Ah P", it's written about G2 in the LEC division, and it's really well written. If you have a ticket, just give it to him. I'm useless...

(End of this chapter)

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