Chapter 19 Unexpected!

And at this moment...

Xu Piao silently turned off the phone and threw it aside.

Then he exhaled heavily...


"Heh... so tired, I knew I wouldn't take this match..."

That's right, this much-anticipated game had exhausted all his energy, until the moment after the game was over and he exited the game, his brain was still buzzing...


As for the result of this game...

Xu Piao finally narrowly won the fifth tiebreaker, winning is thrilling!
After all, he didn't expect his opponent to be so good at using low-level ninjas in advance.

Both sides did not make any mistakes in the last two rounds, and the outcome of each game was determined by fighting for position, consciousness, and hand speed.

If we really want to talk about the result, Ba Tianxia did not really lose the game. After all, Xu Piao failed to suppress the opponent all the way, and it was only at the last moment that Ba Tianxia regretted losing... It was a loss, but he did not lose performance of the process.

At this moment, Xu Piao, who won the game, actually didn't have too many emotions in his heart, nor did he feel too excited or excited.

Instead, there is a feeling of emptiness...

This kind of feeling, savoring carefully but can't tell what it's like... But what he can be sure of is that it's not the feeling of being empty, lonely and cold like a master...



"Hey, hey, hey, look at this noodle, it's long and wide, just like this bowl, it's big and round..."

A burst of festive bells rang suddenly, startling Xu Piao jumping off the bed at this moment! !

"Who's calling me at this hour?"

"Could it be that someone in the organization saw that he didn't show up, so he called directly to congratulate him?"

"There's no need to be so affectionate, is there?"

While muttering, Xu Piao grabbed the phone and took a closer look, but it turned out to be an unfamiliar number, which belonged to Shenzhen City.

With doubts, Xu Piao connected the call.

"Hello? Who is it?"


The phone hesitated for two seconds...

"Hello, I am Ba Tianxia."



"A woman's voice?"

"Overlord the world?"


"Ba Tianxia is a woman?"

"Women are domineering?"

Xu Piao was startled at this moment, he had never expected that the opponent he had fought fiercely with all night... was actually a woman?
And... the voice is still so nice?

Could it be that she is still a beauty?

what happened?



"Are you still listening? Why aren't you talking?"

At this moment, Ba Tianxia's elegant and pleasant voice came from the other side of the phone.

Moreover, the voice seemed to be electrified, pulling Xu Piao's racing thoughts back forcibly, at the same time, it seemed to be scratching his ears through the phone, Xu Piao only felt that his ears were itchy at this moment...


"Hey hey... I'm here! However, I never thought that you are a woman? Why do you sound so manly when chatting on WeChat?"

Xu Piao asked quickly, completely unaware that his tone of voice had revealed his excitement.

It's not Xu Piao's fault, it can only be blamed for being single for too long, sometimes looking at a bitch Xu Piao can feel that it looks pretty...


The person on the other side seemed to have a premonition that Xu Piao would ask such a question, and after a moment of silence, he responded: "There is a reason for me to pretend like this. In fact, so far, you are the only one who knows my gender in this game."


"Then you still call directly, aren't you afraid that I will reveal your gender?"

Xu Piao responded with a bit of "joking" meaning, this feeling... It's like grabbing her pigtails, it's hard to put it down...


"I believe you won't. Although I haven't met, I can feel that you should be a man of courage."


"Hmm...hehehe...I'm a little embarrassed when you say that, but when it comes to courage...I still have to admit that I have a little bit of it, you should be able to feel this from the competition, right? Haha Ha ha……"


"Don't laugh, I called you because I have something to find you."

"Oh? What's the matter?" At this moment Xu Piao put away his smile, and forcibly put away his desire to tease her.


"You first promise that you will not disclose the conversation between us tonight."


"Is it so mysterious? It's no wonder you didn't find me directly on WeChat. Are you worried that I will spread the screenshot of the chat?" Xu Piaoping asked in a calm tone.


"Almost, after all, I'm not sure whether you can accept my invitation, so before we become colleagues or friends, I still have to have reservations about you."


"Colleague? Invitation? What the hell?" Xu Piao was puzzled.

"I'll explain it clearly to you. Before that, you have to agree to my request just now, okay?"


"Don't worry, I won't reveal anything to others. After all, I'm a very low-key person no matter in the game or in life, so I have no reason to gossip."


"That's good. I'm relieved when you say that. What I'm going to say next may be a bit sudden to you, but don't be afraid or nervous. After all, I have no malice towards you."


"Tell me, I'm mentally prepared."

Xu Piao took a deep breath. At this moment, his curiosity was completely aroused by the other party, eager to know what she was going to say to him.


It seems that at this moment, the other party is also taking a deep breath and preparing mentally...

After a few seconds of silence, the other party seemed to have made up his mind, and finally said:
"I'm the planner and marketing planner of Mill Game Studio."



"You are the planner? What do you mean?" Xu Piao asked, at this moment he was really shocked!
It's okay to say that the No.15 Ba Tianxia in the full server combat power list is a woman, but she is also a game planner?


Xu Piao suddenly felt that his world view had been subverted, and he couldn't help but start to wonder if the people in his organization group were also hiding the insiders of a certain game studio?


"Don't be nervous, in fact, I'm not a formal marketing planner yet, I'm still in the internship stage."


After quickly analyzing her words, Xu Piao responded immediately:
"Impossible, right? Your game account ranks at the top of the server's power list. You just said that you are a planner, and I thought of the word [Tuo] in a flash... This account will take at least a few years and A lot of gold coins can be cultivated, right? Have you always been an intern?"


"I didn't expect your thoughts to be quite delicate... You are right, I have been an internal staff member of the game since a long time ago, and I have indeed maintained this account for more than three years, but it is definitely not what you said [Tuo] That sounds ugly, we have our own task indicators, and I have only recently come into contact with the marketing planning department, and I am indeed in the internship period now."


"Okay, then what do you want me for? You don't want me to make games [Tuo]?" Xu Piao asked casually.

(End of this chapter)

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