Chapter 58 Exciting!
"Later, we didn't release water in the semi-finals and won them easily. After the game, people from the two organizations in the world also scolded each other for a long time, which angered us and completely intensified the conflict. We have been fighting against them. Originally, we only occupied fire, earth, and a c fortress. In the past few weeks, we gave up c, and gave the soil to the third organization, and directly snatched the water and wind from the second organization, c The fortress didn't let them fill up..."

"It went on like this until last week, when the world scolded them too much, it completely hooked their vengeance, and let the world talk to us about this week's Fire Fortress. We didn't pay attention to this at the time, thinking they It's just for a moment of quick talk..."

"However, I learned by chance from the gossip in the past two days that the leader on the opposite side spent a lot of money and invited a power training team to come to help, and they plan to open more than three floors per person. In addition to the incident we organized last night, today There was an explosion in our group early in the morning, and tonight is the fortress. The No. [-] organization is still provoking us in the world, so after discussion, everyone unanimously decided that, except for a few people with better skills, everyone else I also invited the power training team to come over to challenge... I said so much in one breath because the more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and I said it in such detail, you should understand, can you understand my mood now?"




"You mean... let me help you fight this power leveling battle?"

Xu Piao was dumbfounded, but he quickly grasped the point and asked the question.

"That's right! That's what it means, because both sides hired power leveling, the gap in skill competition is not big, and the overall combat power of these high-level battles we organized was basically on par with them after the account reshuffle, so in order to organize Yixue this Shame, we can only prepare as much as possible in terms of personnel arrangements, with your strength, if you go online to kill more than one, it will definitely disrupt their mentality and rhythm! I believe it!"


"The more you talk, the more excited you seem to be. I doesn't fit your identity as a planner..." Xu Piao changed his tone and said with emotion.


"My feelings for this game are not shallower than yours, okay? At the beginning, they probably valued my love for this game, so they pulled me into the team... In fact, in the end, I did these things to make the Naruto mobile game more brilliant. , On the one hand, I am just experiencing the joy brought by daily games as an old player, do you understand? I am also a high-level member of the organization, and over the past few years, I am no worse than you in terms of collective honor Bar……"


"You said that your feelings are deeper than mine... This may have yet to be verified, but the story you told is quite attractive. It feels like you can write a novel or shoot a TV series. Naruto: Impossible? Naruto Infernal Affairs ?” Xu Piao continued jokingly with a smile.


"Don't laugh, okay. The reason why I told you so clearly is to let you blend into this atmosphere. You shoulder the responsibility for the future survival of Muye Village in District 36!"

"I haven't agreed yet, okay? You gave me a shot in the arm in such a hurry? Besides, your strength is about the same as mine. Wouldn't your organization be stable with you?"


"Maybe you still didn't listen to what I said just now. The opponent is full of power leveling, and the per capita situation is three levels... Even if I don't miss, I can only get 200 points at most. If you join, we can get more points." Do you know if you have a chance of winning?"


"It's really quite detailed... You should tell me first, how did you deal with the power leveling account washing? I'm more interested in this, because I also want to know what happened after the account was washed. How would these people feel..."

"How else can we deal with it? Although he admits to washing his account, he also admits it from the side. Due to the collection of evidence in many details, we can't take legal channels to sue him, and we can't organize a group of people to find him himself. Let’s have a fight? After the incident happened, we immediately contacted the official channel and applied for a file back. However, this process will take several days. Although I am an insider, I can’t directly intervene. ?”


"I understand...but it's really interesting to think about it carefully. In case your identity is accidentally exposed in the future, the people in your organization probably wouldn't even think of it if you killed a spy. An official plan, hahaha..."

"Don't laugh! Are you going to help me?"

At this moment, Lu Ling withdrew his excited tone and asked in a pleading tone.



"Because you are also a sentimental mobile game fan, I can promise you, but... I think there seems to be some loopholes in the story you just told... I'm afraid it wasn't a story you deliberately made up to trick me into helping me?"


"What loophole? I've said it so carefully, but you still doubt me?"

"Hehe..." Xu Piao smiled lightly and continued.

"First, if the power leveling agent for this account wash has always been a member of the No. 30 organization, why didn't he wash his account after gaining your trust from the very beginning? Do he have to wait a few years, until now? Second, ios WeChat Are there so many power leveling? There is a power leveling team across the street with 20 people, and you still need to invite more than [-] people, and you can invite so many power leveling at the same time... Is this going to be a catastrophe? No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible!"


"Why are you so mean? Let's talk about power leveling first. Just like Didi drivers accepting orders, there are also groups for power leveling, okay? And there are not only ios and WeChat power leveling in the group, as far as I know There are two Naruto mobile game power leveling groups that I know of!"

Let's talk about your first question again. Since the integration of the No. 36 organization, there have been no major conflicts in the fortresses in our district. The resources are allocated on a fixed basis every week. Serving this event... It's only been more than a year if you calculate it, it's mainly because of this reason, okay?Since there was not much conflict at the beginning, and we usually get along very well with this power leveling, how could he suddenly do these things, right?Of course, this is just our speculation. If he really had such bad intentions from the beginning, maybe the situation in our [-]th district would have been different?This person's heart is too sinister..."


"Okay... Your explanation is quite reasonable. If this is the case... I still think it's quite interesting. The power leveling team fights the power leveling team, and you still see me as the one who disrupted the situation. I understand that right?"

"Well, that's what it means, you and I join forces, fight together, and defeat them!"


"How did you arrange it?" Xu Piao continued to ask.

"I'll pull you into the group first, maybe everyone will become friends in the future, and then the specific arrangement is that you join my account and I join other people's accounts."


"Sure, you can arrange it, but you have to remember that after this matter is over, you not only miss two things from me, but also owe me a favor, you know?" Xu Piao continued jokingly with a smile.


"You... are you too fussy?" Lu Ling replied somewhat dissatisfied.

"Hehe... I like it." Xu Piao continued to be cheeky.


"Okay, I owe you this favor, okay?"

Lu Ling seemed to have no choice but to give in at this moment.

"That's right, hehehe..."


The half-hour call finally came to an end.

Xu Piao's ears were showing some signs of burning. After thinking about it... I have such a thick skin, so I can't be ashamed, right?After taking the phone down, I found out... because the call time is too long, and the background of the game has not been turned off, the battery of the phone has been used up by half at this moment!Burning so much power in such a short period of time... you're lucky that your phone didn't blow up!
"It looks like... I need to change my phone..."


After sighing, Xu Piao exited the backstage of the game, turned off the phone screen, and gently placed it on the stone table.

Taking two steps forward, Xu Piao wiped his face with his hands while leaning against the fence of the balcony. Facing the increasingly white mist in front of him, he took a deep breath...


" should be exciting, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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