Naruto mobile game touch head kill

Chapter 63: Sword, Light, Sword and Shadow!

Chapter 63: Sword, Light, Sword and Shadow!

Taking advantage of the gap of exiting the interface, Xu Piao took another deep drag on the cigarette.

In a bloodless round, although he lost a psychic, at least his HP is still healthy. As long as he doesn't make mistakes, he has a great chance to continue the victory.

After returning to the matching interface, Xu Piao glanced twice, and found that the account with the id named Tassel had also just withdrawn from the battle at this time, and ran to the matching area again with Xu Piao.

This tassel was exactly the number that Lu Ling was operating. Xu Piao paused for two seconds in front of the matching area, clicked on the points ranking in the organization, and found that Tassel had also accumulated 9 points at this time, tied for first place with Xu Piao.

As for the overall ranking, at this time [He Tianxia] had accumulated 56 points, while the rival organization [Giyo] was temporarily ahead with 62 points.

Come to think of it... Maybe this is due to the advantage in the number of people. After all, there are 30 people on the opposite side, and there seem to be only 22 people on my side.

After staying for two seconds, Xu Piao immediately matched again. Although judging from the current situation, the opponent organization may increase the score, but the only thing he can do at this time is to help the Lu Ling organization to score points like crazy Yes, just do your best.



Within three seconds, the interface showed that the match was successful again. Xu Piao took a closer look and found that this time the match was a four-star Raikage.

Come to think of it... This guy should also be carrying the Chakram scroll, right?

Xu Piao was judging in his heart while thinking about his next opening operation.

"Shandou Hey Xi!"

The call is sounding!Xu Piao immediately manipulated Madara to run towards the midfield!

He judged... If the opponent is indeed carrying the Chakra secret scroll, then his opening operation must be to retreat to release the secret scroll, and he quickly presses down to the midfield to release a wave of skills, and he will definitely gain the upper hand!


As soon as he ran near the midfield, Madara jumped up!At the same time, Xu Piao slid his fingers, ready to release the wind escape energy to control the field. His movements were very fast, almost in one go!
Because he knows in his heart that once the opponent fills up the esoteric points and adjusts his body position, his first-hand wind escape skill will lose its field control effect. !




"What the hell?"

The situation on the field changed rapidly, and the picture effect Xu Piao imagined did not appear. The opponent didn't seem to release the secret scroll to fill up the chakra, but at the moment when Madara was about to unleash his ninjutsu, he aimed and released a skill punch directly. Come here!
next moment!Lei Ying grabbed Xu Piao's spot directly, and smashed it hard on the ground!

Xu Piao, who had lost the opportunity, reacted immediately, and quickly handed over the substitute before the opponent continued to send the chakra hand knife!

"Suona suona!"

After flashing, Madara quickly adjusted the x-axis distance with Raikage, and quickly released a skill!
In an instant, Madara summoned Xu Zuo's man, brandished Xu Zuo's sword, and slammed it at Raikage fiercely!
This wave of backhand skills... Can you swap substitutes with Raikage?


In the next second, the opponent broke Xu Piao's plan and fantasy. The moment Xu Zuo's sword hit Lei Ying, the opponent turned around and released the psychic!





The old ape demon that exploded from the ground flashed!And immediately started a fight with Xu Zuo's man!
Although the second knife hit Lei Ying accurately and knocked him into the air, Xu Piao's Madara had lost the protection of the diamond body at this moment, and even though he was controlled by the old ape demon's combined fist, he was Hit to a floating state!

This wave just now...Xu Piao did not choose to throw psychics to fight each other, because his current psychic order is slugs, and he does not have the field control ability like the old ape demon. Even if he smashes his opponent into the air again, he cannot avoid After being lifted up by Raikage, he got up and took control of his own destiny!

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

After getting up, Raikage quickly took up the basic attack. Judging from the damage analysis, the opponent's combat power should be more than 1300 million!
At this time, Madara's substitute has 5 seconds to cool down, so he has to bear this wave of Raikage's attack!

"Ray! Me! Explosion!"

The opponent also seemed to have estimated the time of Madara's stand-in CD, and immediately connected to the skills that had just been cooled down after another set of basic attacks, to take away as much of Madara's blood as possible!

This thunderous bomb took away nearly one-fifth of Madara's blood volume. At this moment, at a glance, Madara's blood volume is only about half. It should not be too late, Xu Piao gritted his teeth, A moment of cooling...


After the flash, Xu Piao immediately gave the opponent a backhand gift!

Madara, who turned over, smashed the unprepared Raikage to the ground in an instant, but...


Raikage also immediately replaced, flashing behind Madara, as if he wanted to catch the back of Madara's skill!


There was a flash of cold light, and in an instant, Lei Ying waved the Chakra hand knife and attacked, and at the same time Xu Piao also immediately made a contingency choice!


A slug hit the ground at the right time, and Madara withstood Raikage's attack by using the psychic hardware state!
Although he failed to smash Raikage backhand into the air, Madara immediately caught Raikage's back swing, and directly waved the fan to make Raikage A stiff!

The opportunity is coming!

Xu Piao immediately manipulated Madara to connect with a full set of basic attacks. At the moment when the last A released the fire, Xu Piao slipped his finger and released another skill to match the damage!
"Suona suona!"

Immediately after...

"Q Ratio!!!"

Xu Piao slid his finger, and manipulated the spot to release all the chakras and used the mysterious skill ___ Chaowei Blue Cat!


"Desperate... This is the power after charging money!"

With nearly half of the health bar, Lei Ying was beheaded without any suspense at the moment when the damage from the ultimate move was not complete!


After the battle statistics are completed, Xu Piao, who has won three consecutive victories, has 6 points in the account!
Returning to the matching interface, when Xu Piao was about to run to match again, he suddenly found a group of players with different id names pouring into the entrance of the fortress!

Xu Piao's heart suddenly had a premonition... Just like the time he organized it, the other side also played a small trick to score points?
Could it be...the other party noticed that [He Tianxia] only has 22 people online?If not... how dare they let the trumpet in?

And a simple analysis... [He Tianxia] There are only so few people, it is impossible to take the initiative to put a trumpet in to give points to the opponent... Only the opposite organization has the possibility of letting a trumpet in!

"Forget it, it's important to continue scoring points."

At this moment, Xu Piao stopped staying on the interface and immediately ran to the matching area.


Three minutes later, under the premise of exhausting the psychic and blood volume, Xu Piao has successfully won a wave of five consecutive kills after counting the previous three victories.

If it weren't for the fact that the opposite side is full of power leveling operations, Xu Piao will definitely be able to brush more easily.

At this moment, under the premise of running out of blood, Xu Piao didn't dare to continue matching rashly. He took the initiative to end his winning streak, exited the Fire Fortress and re-entered, instantly resurrected with full blood.

Thinking that these few points seemed a bit slow, Xu Piao immediately replaced the ninja with a more violent masked man.

After the adjustment, when he was about to go to the matching area, there was a movement from the organization's speech, which caught his attention again.

[He Tie Tou]: "Fuck it, a trumpet came in from the opposite side, the second group hastened to come back, backfire the fortress!"


"It happened a few minutes ago, and I just realized..."

Xu Piao sighed in his heart, maybe they thought it was just a simple firefight, and his side was the weaker side in terms of numbers, probably they didn't expect the opposing organization to play such a dirty trick. ?
Click on the organization ranking, at this time [Girl] is already ahead of [He Tianxia] by nearly 100 points, the gap has been widened, and there are only 22 minutes left, the situation is not good...

But after all, this is someone else's organization, so Xu Piao couldn't rush to make a suggestion. After hesitating for two seconds, he hurried into the matching area to concentrate on scoring points!

And his task tonight is to score points!
(End of this chapter)

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