Naruto mobile game touch head kill

Chapter 80 Zhi Nai vs Bai Jun!

Chapter 80 Zhi Nai vs Bai Jun!


The moment the chrysanthemum jade exploded, the scene of the mysterious killing also appeared instantly!

"You really don't understand the horror of parasites..."

"Hehe... Do you think this is over?"

Having made up his mind, Xu Piao decided to send a wave of head-touching kills to his opponent after the mysterious kill!

So in the next second, before the interface was reloaded, Xu Piao quickly clicked on the emoticon system, and clicked on the touch head to kill!

Xu Piao couldn't help laughing out this murderous expression.

The popularity of this game's duel field seems to be supported by this expression, right?

In fact, at the beginning of the story, everyone agreed that this facial expression was very cute, and basically no one disliked it, but after a long time was spoiled by some boring people, this facial expression was firmly labeled as a mockery.

And Xu Piao didn't really like posting this emoji at first, but if he wanted to blame it, he would have to blame some people for trying to kill him. He kept posting the emoji of touching his head despite being pierced three times. After a long time, Xu Piao also bottomed out and rebounded. From now on In the future, when you meet someone in a duel, you will be patted to kill, and you will be patted at the beginning of the game!When he is in good condition, he can even touch his head all the way to wear three!Proper murder and death!
Of course, at this moment, he made this expression of touching his head and killing his opponent, but it didn't mean to mock his opponent. After all, under the premise of knowing each other, some expressions during the duel were nothing more than to enliven the atmosphere.


The progress bar of the second round of the battle was loaded, and before the duel started, the opponent actually responded with an expression, which was a blushing and angry expression that was very suitable for the situation.


Xu Piaoxiao let out a complete pig cry, and then decided on this round... touching his head the whole time!
"Shandou Hey Xi!"

The second round, the battle begins!On the opposite side is Mr. Bai!Mr. Bai with the Lightning Scroll!
Without further ado, Xu Piao immediately maneuvered Zhi Nai forward, moved to the top lane near the midfield, and released the ten-mile flying skill!
"Ikuzi... Aunt Luxi!"

The next moment, Zhi Nai's flying fly slowly floated to the other end of the screen, and it moved straight down the road, so Xu Piao immediately predicted the current position of his opponent Bai Jun.

So Xu Piao immediately adjusted Zhi Nai's body position, and continued to release a skill at the center of the y-axis!
"Send Kai 囧..."

This operation of predicting the opponent's running position uses flying as a bait, and the opponent Bai Jun will definitely move up the road. At that time, the skill he released in advance is bound to be able to successfully attack him!

The moment Zhi Nao clapped his hands on the ground to guide the parasite to create an attack range, the flying he released also successfully entangled Bai Jun!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi..."

The sound effect of the skill hit sounds!Flying and the parasite attacked back and forth, taking away one-fifth of Bai Jun's blood volume in an instant with the momentum of two ghosts knocking on the door!
But... due to the backswing of the first skill and the distance of the body, Zhi Nai didn't have the opportunity to go forward to continue the basic attack after the successful attack, so...


Xu Piao pressed the secret volume button, and then manipulated Zhi Nai to retreat, distanced himself from Bai Jun, and was ready to look for opportunities to release the second wave of skills!
At this time, Bai Jun has already been marked with two worm jade marks, if the next flying trick hits, he will be able to successfully deduct one of his profound meaning points!At that time, the initiative on the battlefield will be firmly in your hands!

At the other end of the screen, Bai Jun has also fallen to the ground and got up at this moment, quickly moving on the x-axis, trying to shorten the distance with Zhi Nao, he knows very well that against Zhi Nao... only close combat can be used!

"Ikuzi... Aunt Luxi!"

When he was about to be forced into Bai Jun's starting range, Xu Piao slid his fingers and immediately sent another carefully prepared ten-mile flight!

At this moment, Bai Jun had just run near the midfield, and before he had time to release a lightning bolt to suppress Zhi Nai's rhythm, he retreated back the same way in the next second!The funny scene made Xu Piao laugh out loud again!

Then he manipulated Zhi Nai to catch up immediately, and he was sure in his heart... This flying plan would definitely hit the opponent, and now catch up and try to catch up with another skill, maybe he can cheat his substitute!


really!This Ji Feixiang hit Bai Jun again without any accident, and the timing was just right, Zhi Nao just caught up, immediately took a step forward, and continued to release a skill!
"Send Kai 囧..."



Bai Jun chose a stand-in the moment Zhi Nai released the first skill, and immediately used the displacement of the second skill to make a surprise attack!

Although the opponent's move was within Xu Piao's expectation, but at the moment he has no way to defend against it, after all, Zhi Nai's big back swing is flawed!


After Bai Jun succeeded in the attack, he immediately connected the lightning scroll, and hit Xu Piao's Zhi Nai to a floating state again!
Immediately after that, he immediately stepped forward two steps, pulled out two bone blades from his body, and gave Shino a solid flying cross cut!

I have to say...Junma Lu, who has a bone vein, has a recovery speed in the Naruto mobile game... Really high!Especially his sense of attack is very rhythmic, and... so fucking handsome!

At this moment, Xu Piao gave up the seconds, but quietly watched Bai Jun dance in the picture.

It's not that he entrusted him to play tricks on his opponent, but because both of Zhi Nai's skills have just entered the cooldown, especially Shili Flying, which is the only skill that Zhi Nai has a starting advantage in!

Bai Jun's basic attack is divided into six stages, which are very stable. If he does not receive skills to deal damage during the period, he can at least connect five or six sets.

But at this time, Zhi Nao's floating effect has been significantly weakened, and he has just been hurt by Bai Jun's two skills, and he is about to trigger the state of falling protection.

At this time, Bai Jun also seemed to speed up the rhythm of the general attack, trying to take away Shino's health bar as much as possible before the protection!


After waiting quietly for three seconds, Zhi Nai's second skill finally cooled down, so Xu Piao didn't wait for the protection to be triggered at the next moment, but chose a substitute without any scruples, and flashed behind Bai Jun!
But...he didn't immediately give him a backhand gift, because he had concerns!

If he directly chooses to operate with a backhand...the opponent is likely to release a psychic to attack him!At that time, even if I use the ten-mile flying skill in advance, if Bai Jun's next psychic is a control psychic, Xu Piao's Zhi Nai is likely to be killed by a wave!

So Xu Piao wisely chose to retreat back, as expected, just as Zhi Nai withdrew two positions back, the opponent handed over his second psychic in anticipation, Xu Piao took a closer look, and it turned out to be the old ape magic?
"Ikuzi... Aunt Luxi!"

Without further ado, Xu Piao immediately adjusted Zhi Nai's y-axis, and after perfectly avoiding the attack range of the old ape demon, he quickly pressed the second skill button!
If there is no accident, this flying flying with field control nature released on the top road will definitely be able to attack Bai Jun again!
(End of this chapter)

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