Chapter 159 Chapter 212

"Tsk tsk, newcomers are so powerful now, thinking about it now, we were also very powerful when we were possessed, but it's not so perverted." Liang Fuxiang smiled wryly

Liang Fuxiang retreated behind Shouhe
"Puff, spray"

The tailed beast shoots towards the group of monsters in the center

Just when everyone thought the place was about to be emptied, a large purple shield net appeared above the group of monsters
As a result, this tailed beast bomb was blocked, and it was a bad start!
However, it seems that because of this tailed beast bomb, among these monsters, those powerful monsters also appeared one by one, and the real hard battle has just begun

At this time, three huge bows and arrows shot at Shouhe, and Shouhe shot the three arrows with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Shukaku, a monster about the same height appeared and punched Shukaku on the head
Shouhe couldn't help but took a step back inertially.

"Damn! Fortunately, it was sucked by Chakra, or it would have fallen. By the way, how did this monster appear? Why is there no sound at all?" Gao Jiayu frowned and asked
"I don't know either," Li Tianxing said
"Shouhe, do you know?" Gao Jiayu asked
"No, I was taken aback too!" Shouhe said, it didn't expect that it had already used the difficulty of the beast, and its defense power should be very high!Unexpectedly, he was punched back by this monster, isn't this too perverted?
Shouhe, who had reacted, immediately released the empty ammunition in an attempt to repel the monster
But I didn't expect that this monster was very flexible and escaped the practice of empty bullets.

Shouhe had no choice but to summon the two artifacts of Tianxing Susano, the eight-foot mirror and the ten-fist sword. This should be the highest battle of the beasts!

The ten-fist sword slashed at the monster, and the eight-foot mirror stood in front of it.

the monster was hit
it roared angrily

Then, a weapon appeared in its hand, a weapon that looked like a death sickle, but it seemed to be made of bones
I saw that the monster began to spin at a high speed, and the huge scythe also began to dance

Shouhe used the eight-foot mirror to block, and his body began to slowly retreat
So, Shuhe hit the monster with ten fists of sword, but was bounced back, and Shuhe found that its hands were shaking

Shuhe is scared!Therefore, it can't hold on for a few minutes, and it exits the mode of the difficulty of the beast
And it also disappeared and returned to Gao Jiayu's body
After Li Tianxing saw all this, he reacted quickly, directly opened the Susanoo, caught Gao Jiayu, then quickly used the eight-foot mirror to block the spinning sickle, and then spread the wings on his back and flew up

"Huh, it's really dangerous. How can there be such a strong monster? It can't even withstand the difficulties of wild beasts. Fortunately, I can fly." Li Tianxing said with lingering fear

"Ha! Huh, brother, what should I do?" Gao Jiayu has lost too much Chakra now, and he is connected with the Chakra of Shouhe. He is like this now, which means that there is not much Chakra left for Shouhe.
Originally, Chakra was enough, but it is the first time for Shouhe to use the difficulty of the beast, and he is not very familiar with it, so the consumption of Chakra is quite large, and when it faces this monster, it has already developed fear , now it bows its head like a child in front of Gao Jiayusha's avatar, although it was about to bow its head
"I'm sorry, Jiayu, I was scared just now! I'm sorry," Shouhe whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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