Chapter 66 New Enemy ⑦
"In the first match, Liang Fuxiang won the representative team of country Z"

"Second round, let's start, number two, please come on stage." The giant player was carried down

"It's my turn, Lin Ye," said Ouyang Li
"Well! Be careful" Lin Ye said softly
On the stage with Ouyang Li is the captain of the US imperial team, Mike


When Ouyang Li and Mike came to the stage, the audience cheered. They didn't know whether it was Ouyang Li's beauty or Mike's popularity.
"Competition, start"

"Boss, tell me, will sister-in-law win?" Cheng Cheng came to Lin Ye and asked
"I don't know, I should win! Hmm!" Lin Ye touched his chin and responded
"I think I will win. My sister-in-law is very good. It should be said, Xiao Nan." Cheng Cheng also imitated Lin Ye, touching his chin

"Hmm! What you said makes sense, but we haven't seen Mike's real skills yet? How do you know that others will lose? Also, can you stop imitating me?" Lin Ye said calmly
"Hey! Didn't I get motivated by you? What you said is also reasonable. I really don't know. When I was fighting with Sun Wu, I didn't see what kind of ability he used. It seems that he is very strong!" Cheng Cheng After finishing speaking, look at the top of Wutai

"Miss Ouyang, I'm sorry." After Mike finished speaking, he stepped forward and came to Ouyang Li

It was the first time for Ouyang Li to fight against an enemy. She used to be with Lin Ye, so she was a little nervous
However, she recovered quickly

When Mike gets close to her, the body has launched a change

After Mike approached Ouyang Li, he punched him. The appearance of the fist carried a faint repulsion

It hit Ouyang Li, but what Mike didn't expect was that Ouyang Li in front of him turned into paper, floated behind Mike, quickly formed a human shape, slapped Mike on the back, and then quickly separated from Mike. distance, come to the edge of Wutai

After Ouyang Li came to the edge of the martial arts stage, paper began to float out from behind her body, forming a pair of huge wings
So Ouyang Li flew up
Xiaonan's ability is good at long-range attacks, but he is a bit weak in close combat

Mike frowned when he saw Ouyang Li flying, he knew that Ouyang Li could fly, so he already had countermeasures
The gravitational force of Mike's ability, yes, it is the fruit ability of Fujitora Yixiao in One Piece, but here it is a super power

Mike raised his hand high and pulled it back. Everyone in the field felt a pressure, as if they were about to kneel down.
Lin Ye frowned, and the pressure around him dissipated.
Ouyang Li on the stage felt a suction force pulling her, preventing her from going up to the sky, and the height began to drop
After Mike saw this, he continued to release his ability, his body emitted a purple circle of light, and flew into the sky

After a while, something was about to come down from the sky, and everyone looked up

After a while, they finally saw what it was
Meteorite, these two words, appear in people's hearts
It's not very big, it's a little smaller than Sun Tzu's Earth Explosion Star

After seeing this, the people in the field opened their eyes wide, and they can summon meteorites!

Mike smiled when he saw this, this is one of his more powerful tricks
After seeing this, Ouyang Li was also shocked. She didn't expect that there were others who could summon meteorites. She thought only Sun Wu could!
However, Ouyang Li is not too worried
Ouyang Li's body began to separate paper, which contained some detonating symbols. She planned to wrap the meteorite first, explode inside, and then destroy it with the God-devouring spear

(End of this chapter)

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